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Noemi A. Abille
Zedrick A. Baliscao
Kyla R. Fuerte
Honelyn O. Corpuz
Jett Lorencz F. Lopena
Elyza A. Paiste


MAY 2022

Chapter 1

Background of the study

Charcoal has been used since the earliest times for a range of purposes, including art,

medicine, and fuel (Abdollahi & Hosseini, 2014). Charcoal is produced by the incomplete

combustion of plant or animal products (William Utley, 2005). Until now, the primary raw

material for charcoal production has been fuel wood. Charcoal production in tropical regions

of the world is often perceived to have devastating ecological and environmental effects. The

most commonly cited impact is deforestation, i.e., the clearance of forest or woodland. At a

small spatial scale, this may be the case but on a larger area utilized for charcoal production, it

frequently results in forest degradation and has the potential for rapid forest-recovery

(Chidumayo & Gumbo, 2005).

Philippine statistics authority reported in their October 2004 Household Consumption

Energy Survey that 88.1% of the 5.7 million households use charcoal majorly for cooking and

food preparation. With the high demand for charcoal, our forestry might end up being cleared.

Waste paper is the second most-produced solid waste in the Philippines, contributing

nineteen percent (19%) of the total municipal solid waste production. Only 60% of 100 tons

of produced paper in a year is recycled and the rest end up in the landfill (Parayno &

Burmente, n.d.).

Paper has been found as a potential charcoal alternative. Waste papers that would

otherwise end up in landfills are given new use as cooking mediums. This will also help

reduce dependence on forest wood for cooking ([Philippines] Paper Charcoal Making, 2012).

With the high price of charcoal, people can save a lot of money with this paper coal

alternative. The researchers wanted to test the effectiveness of paper as an alternative wood


Statement of the Problem

The goal of this research study is to know if paper charcoal can be an alternative

wood charcoal

The researchers seek to answer all of the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of paper coal?

2. With the same sizes, how long can single paper coal last?

3. Between charcoal and paper coal, which burns faster?



Can paper coal be an alternative wood charcoal?

Null hypothesis

Paper coal cannot be an alternative wood charcoal

Alternative hypothesis

Paper coal can be an alternative wood charcoal

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to:

ENVIRONMENT. This study can help reduce dependence on forest woods for

cooking, and keeping our environment clean as waste papers are given a new use.

LESS FORTUNATE PEOPLE. This study can help very effectively less fortunate

people who use charcoal as a primary source of fuel for cooking because they can save money

on making paper charcoal rather than buying wood charcoal.

OTHER RESEARCHERS. This will serve as a basis for other researchers for them

to know more about this study.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to test the effectiveness of waste paper as a substitute for wood

charcoal. The respondents will be limited to six (6) Grade 9 students who are in the SPSTE

section of La Paz National High School of the District of San Narciso in the Division of


Moreover, the respondents, who are the researchers themselves, will only be using

their non-glossy waste paper as a wood charcoal alternative.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally in the context of this


Charcoal Production. Process of making charcoal.

Coal. It’s a natural mineral used as a fuel.

Fuel Wood. Fuel wood is a wood that’s burned for energy (Safeopedia, 2022).

Household Consumption Energy Survey. A domestic energy consumption survey is the

survey of the total amount of energy used in a house for household work (Wikipedia, 2022).

Landfill. A system of garbage and trash disposal in which waste is buried between layers of

earth (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). It is commonly known as trash or garbage- consists of

everyday items we use and then throw away (EPA Home, 2016).

Paper Waste. Paper discarded as used or not fit for use (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Substitute. To use something instead of another thing (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).

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