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1. Be a good listener - Being able to listen will help you understand other people's intentions and show that you

value them. The more people feel valued, the easier it is for you to build rapport with them. To improve your

communication skills, try listening more than talking. By listening carefully, you can give a good response to the

other person.

2. Understand who you are talking to - One of the main things you need to do to develop your communication

skills is to understand who you are talking to. Different backgrounds definitely make different characters. It affects

the way you communicate with everyone, from the language you speak to what you say. Adapting the way you

communicate to the other person's background will help you build a good relationship with them.

3. Show good body language - Body language describes your emotions and feelings when you speak. In fact,

gestures that appear unintentionally can show emotions that you don't want to show. For example, movements of

discomfort or insecurity. Fortunately, you can practice your own body language. Try to get used to adjusting

sitting and standing to stay upright. This position will make you appear more confident. Don't forget to maintain

eye contact at the right time to show that you are also assertive.

4. Get to the point - People who talk a lot don't necessarily have good communication skills if they always take

too long. Good skills really belong to people who can convey the essence of the conversation in a direct and

effective way. It's not an easy skill, but it's not impossible to hone. Before speaking, try to think about what you

are going to say. Also think about the reason why you are talking to the person you are talking to and what is the

essence of what you are going to say.

5. Know the right time and place to talk - Having a good sense of humor can really help you in establishing

communication. However, remember that humorous communication doesn't always work in the workplace. The

same is true when you want to bring up a topic in the middle of a serious discussion. Know when the right time is

for you to bring up the subject. Also determine if the person you are talking to is the right person to talk to.

6. Start and end the conversation on the topic you discussed - Another no less important aspect of

improving communication skills is being able to convey meaning effectively. The trick is to avoid long

conversations and focus on getting to the heart of the subject. This ability is very important, especially when you

are presenting a topic. Introduce the topic you are going to discuss at the beginning of the presentation so that

the audience has an idea about the topic. Then, summarize what you explained so that they understand it better.

7. Asking for input and suggestions - Feedback, suggestions, and even criticism from colleagues and

managers are very important to develop communication skills. The reason is, they are people who see potentials

and weaknesses that you are not aware of. Build on any positive feedback you receive. At the same time, keep

trying to improve the weaknesses in the way you communicate. If necessary, you can ask colleagues for help to

fix these weaknesses.

1. Be a good listener
Being able to listen will help you understand other people's intentions and
show that you value them. The more people feel valued, the easier it is for
you to build rapport with them. To improve your communication skills, try
listening more than talking. By listening carefully, you can give a good
response to the other person.
2. Understand who you are talking to
One of the main things you need to do to develop your communication
skills is to understand who you are talking to. Different backgrounds
definitely make different characters. It affects the way you communicate
with everyone, from the language you speak to what you say. Adapting the
way you communicate to the other person's background will help you build
a good relationship with them.
3. Show good body language
Body language describes your emotions and feelings when you speak. In
fact, gestures that appear unintentionally can show emotions that you don't
want to show. For example, movements of discomfort or insecurity.
Fortunately, you can practice your own body language. Try to get used to
adjusting sitting and standing to stay upright. This position will make you
appear more confident. Don't forget to maintain eye contact at the right time
to show that you are also assertive.
4. Get to the point
People who talk a lot don't necessarily have good communication skills if
they always take too long. Good skills really belong to people who can
convey the essence of the conversation in a direct and effective way. It's
not an easy skill, but it's not impossible to hone. Before speaking, try to
think about what you are going to say. Also think about the reason why you
are talking to the person you are talking to and what is the essence of what
you are going to say.
5. Know the right time and place to talk
Having a good sense of humor can really help you in establishing
communication. However, remember that humorous communication
doesn't always work in the workplace. The same is true when you want to
bring up a topic in the middle of a serious discussion. Know when the right
time is for you to bring up the subject. Also determine if the person you are
talking to is the right person to talk to.
6. Start and end the conversation on the topic you discussed
Another no less important aspect of improving communication skills is
being able to convey meaning effectively. The trick is to avoid long
conversations and focus on getting to the heart of the subject. This ability is
very important, especially when you are presenting a topic. Introduce the
topic you are going to discuss at the beginning of the presentation so that
the audience has an idea about the topic. Then, summarize what you
explained so that they understand it better.
7. Asking for input and suggestions
Feedback, suggestions, and even criticism from colleagues and managers
are very important to develop communication skills. The reason is, they are
people who see potentials and weaknesses that you are not aware of. Build
on any positive feedback you receive. At the same time, keep trying to
improve the weaknesses in the way you communicate. If necessary, you
can ask colleagues for help to fix these weaknesses.

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