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Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci.

Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 137–150, 2019

DOI: 10.2322/tjsass.62.137

A Kriging-Based Dynamic Adaptive Sampling Method

for Uncertainty Quantification*

Koji SHIMOYAMA1)† and Soshi KAWAI2)

Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980–8577, Japan
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980–8579, Japan

A new method for dynamic sampling of Kriging surrogate models for uncertainty quantification is developed and
presented. The criterion for the dynamic adaptive sampling proposed is based on combining the expected uncertainty
of the fit and the gradient information resulting from the Kriging predictors, and an error-estimate term (based on the differ-
ence in the Kriging predictors with different correlation length scales). The Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling
method proposed is tested on two-dimensional analytic functions with smoothly and steeply varied responses in the quan-
tities of interest under normal uncertainty distributions. Compared with a classical polynomial chaos expansion method
based on the Gauss quadrature rule and a dynamic adaptive sampling method based only on the uncertainty of the Kriging
predictor fit, this new method shows superior performance for estimating the statistics of the quantity of interest in terms of
both accuracy and robustness, and regardless of either the choice of the initial set of samples or the smoothness of the
stochastic space.

Key Words: Uncertainty Quantification, Adaptive Sampling, Kriging Surrogate Model

Nomenclature  2 : Kriging process variance

f : standard deviation of f
a; b: constants in the sandtimer function º: basis function
c: vector of coefficients in the best linear unbiased pre- Subscripts
dictor i; j; k: i; j; k-th input uncertainty
Df^ : estimated polynomial error in f^ l: l-th basis function
f: output solution Superscripts
f: vector whose i-th element is fððiÞ Þ ðiÞ: i-th sample point
F: stochastic process for f ^ estimated value by polynomial chaos expansion or
F: vector whose i-th element is FððiÞ Þ Kriging model
h: Euclidean distance j  0 j
Ln: likelihood function 1. Introduction
n: number of input uncertainties
N: number of sample points Numerical simulations of physical systems governed by
P: number of basis functions partial differential equations (PDEs) typically encompass a
r: vector whose i-th element is ð; ðiÞ jÞ physical model and a set of well-posed initial and boundary
R: matrix whose ði; jÞ entry is ððiÞ ; ðjÞ jÞ conditions. Often one can exercise multiple options for the
s: mean square error (fit uncertainty) in f choice of the physical model (either through a hierarchy of
u: implicit parameter in the sandtimer function models of different fidelity or an ensemble of models of sim-
v: explicit function in the sandtimer function ilar fidelity) and initial and boundary conditions. In the real
x: vector of input parameters world, specific physical models and initial and boundary
Z: Kriging local model conditions typically contain uncertainties whose impact on
¡: basis function coefficient the output quantity of interest must be well understood.
": distance to the most adjacent sample point For example, physical models calibrated using a fixed num-
: vector of Kriging hyperparameters ber of parameters create significant uncertainties when the
¬: Kriging correlation function (kernel) values of those parameters are chosen from a limited number
®: Kriging global model of experiments or measurements. Additionally, for simplic-
f : mean of f ity, initial and boundary conditions are typically assumed
: vector of input uncertainties in x to be deterministic, while the real-world conditions are not.
Therefore, proper consideration of such uncertainties can im-
© 2019 The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
+ prove the value of the information produced by numerical
Received 25 February 2018; final revision received 18 October 2018;
accepted for publication 18 December 2018. simulations of PDEs.
† Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is the science of the quan-
Corresponding author,

Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., Vol. 62, No. 3, 2019

titative characterization and reduction of uncertainties in ap- SC employs multivariate interpolation polynomials (e.g., La-
plications of interest that include numerical simulations. A grange and Hermite). PCE estimates l for known orthogo-
conventional deterministic simulation considers the model nal polynomials, while SC forms interpolation functions
that has as an output a unique value of a solution fðxÞ at fixed for known l .
values of input parameters x. On the other hand, a probabil- Eldred and Burkardt4) compared the performance of PCE
istic simulation considers the model, which assumes that the and SC in simple algebraic test problems, and showed that, in
input parameters x are subject to a number of uncertainties principle, their performance is comparable and both ap-
and are, therefore, represented as random variables xðÞ. proaches result in very fast convergence relative to MC sam-
The output of the simulation fðxÞ is a distribution itself that pling. Hosder et al.5,6) applied PCE to computational fluid
depends on the parameter uncertainties , i.e., fðxðÞÞ ¼ dynamics (CFD) simulations: shock-wave and expansion-
fðÞ. Proper characterization of the relation between input wave problems with uncertain geometries and a transonic
and output uncertainties is a way to extract valuable informa- wing case with uncertain freestream conditions. The results
tion from our simulation models. computed using PCE agreed closely with the MC results at
UQ approaches are typically categorized into intrusive and a much lower computational cost. Moreover, PCE and SC
non-intrusive methods. Non-intrusive methods discussed in approaches have been applied and demonstrated in other
this paper only require multiple evaluations of the original UQ problems related to CFD simulations (these efforts are
(deterministic) model, i.e., users do not need to tamper with well summarized in Bijl et al.7)).
the details of the simulation codes. On the other hand, intru- However, when the stochastic behavior includes a steeply
sive methods require the formulation and solution of a sto- varied response, conventional PCE and SC approaches often
chastic version of the original model, i.e., users must spend suffer from approximation errors and deterioration in accu-
considerable time and effort modifying the simulation codes. racy and efficiency due to their reliance on a linear combina-
The most popular methods for non-intrusive UQ are sam- tion of polynomials. For  example,
 Fig. 1 shows the re-
pling methods, such as Monte Carlo (MC) sampling and Lat- sponses of fðÞ ¼ erf 2  þ 1 estimated using PCE (i.e.,
in hypercube sampling (LHS).1) To estimate the stochastic based on the Hermite polynomials suitable for a normally-
behavior of an output quantity of interest fðÞ resulting from distributed uncertainty). There are two types of approxima-
input parameter uncertainties , sampling methods evaluate tion errors; discretization errors appear around the steeply
the values of fðÞ, at many different locations sampled in varied response ( ¼ 1) due to a lack of sample points,
the stochastic space of , directly from repeated evaluation
of the simulation models. MC samples randomly in the sto-
chastic space, and it requires a large number of samples to Polynomial Discretization Polynomial
ensure the accuracy and convergence of the stochastic esti- Error Error Error

mations. Compared to MC sampling, LHS can reduce the

number of sample points that are needed to achieve con-
verged stochastic estimations; LHS samples a point in each 0.5

equi-probability partition randomly and does not allow over-

f( x)

lapping partitions to be sampled for all dimensions of the sto-

chastic space (the so-called orthogonality condition). There- -0.5

fore, techniques such as LHS can typically span the entire -1

stochastic space with a smaller sample size than MC sam- PCE
pling. -1.5
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
In contrast to such sampling methods which do not rely on
(a)ࠉ5 samples (fourth-order)
any approximation, several methods have been proposed to
approximate the stochastic behavior of a solution and use Polynomial Polynomial
Error Error
such an approximation (i.e., the so-called surrogate) to pre- 1.5

dict the values of the solution at additional locations in the


stochastic space. Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE)2) and

stochastic collocation (SC)3) methods are popular UQ ap- 0.5

proaches that formulate the stochastic behavior of the solu-


tion fðÞ as a linear combination of basis functions as fol-

lows: -0.5

XP -1

fðÞ ’ l l ðÞ; ð1Þ

l¼1 -1.5
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
where, P is the number of basis functions, and l ðÞ and l (b)ࠉ17 samples (16th-order)
are the l-th basis function and its scalar coefficient, respec-
tively. For l ðÞ, PCE employs multivariate orthogonal poly- Fig. 1. of the responses estimated using PCE (fðÞ ¼

nomials (e.g., Hermite, Legendre, Laguerre, and Jacobi), and erf 2  þ 1 ).

©2019 JSASS 138

Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., Vol. 62, No. 3, 2019

and polynomial errors appear in the regions near the end- without unphysical local oscillations. In the same spirit, Wit-
points ( ¼ 4 and 4) because of Runge’s phenomenon. teveen and Iaccarino16) proposed a strategy for the adaptive
Figure 1 indicates that the discretization error can be reduced space-infilling sampling in SSC. It is based on an estimation
by additional samples close to the high-gradient region, but of the errors derived from hierarchical surpluses, polynomial
the polynomial error is amplified as the number of samples degree, and local extremum diminishing concepts. This pro-
and the polynomial order increase. cedure outperformed uniform refinement in terms of accu-
To improve the accuracy and efficiency of PCE and SC, racy. Palacios et al.17) utilized the adjoint method and similar
multiple researchers have been working on improved PCE ideas in a robust grid adaptation approach to CFD simula-
and SC approaches. Poëtte et al.8) proposed a new PCE meth- tions. This approach aims to minimize the numerical discre-
od based on the entropy variable to reduce the discretization tization error over small variations of the input parameters
errors in discontinuous responses. This approach bounds the around a baseline flow state. Similarly, Duraisamy and Chan-
oscillations in the vicinity of steeply varied responses (i.e., drashekar18) proposed a strategy for adaptive sampling in
discontinuities as the extreme) to a certain range through SSC based on an estimation of the error that relied on the
the entropy of the system and without the use of any adaptive use of a stochastic adjoint method.
stochastic space discretization. For discontinuous responses, Unlike polynomial functions used in PCE and SC, the
Poëtte and Lucor9) also proposed an iterative generalized Kriging surrogate model19) approximates stochastic behav-
PCE method that recovers the same error bounds in the vicin- iors in UQ problems as simple algebraic functions based
ity of discontinuities as in smoother regions without the need on Bayesian statistics. This approach can be easily adapted
to increase the polynomial order. Lockwood and Mavriplis10) to work well with nonlinear functions. It estimates not only
examined a gradient-based UQ approach to accurately pre- the function values, but also an estimate of the uncertainty
dict the stochastic behaviors in hypersonic flow with a non- in the fit that is equivalent to a measure of the approximation
linear response. This approach couples PCE with gradient in- error. Although the Kriging model has been developed and
formation evaluated by the adjoint method. Witteveen and utilized for engineering design optimization problems that
Iaccarino11) proposed the simplex stochastic collocation require many simulations,20,21) this paper proposes to use
(SSC) approach to collocate samples in nonhypercube sto- the Kriging model to approximate the stochastic space and
chastic spaces for approximating discontinuous responses ef- determine the effective criteria for both adaptive sampling
ficiently. This approach discretizes the stochastic space using and detecting steeply varied responses, and thus reducing er-
a simplex tessellation of the sampling points. Witteveen and rors in UQ.
Iaccarino12) then focused on discontinuous/smooth-mixed The Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling considered
responses and introduced a stencil selection strategy based here is implemented as shown in Fig. 2. For N given initial
on the essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) scheme into the samples, the Kriging model is constructed and the location
SSC approach for sharper resolution of discontinuities and of a new N þ 1-th sample is determined based on a criterion
higher-order approximations in smooth regions. that is formulated by the Kriging predictors. For N þ 1 sam-
The approximation errors in PCE and SC are also affected ples updated with the new additional sample, the Kriging
by the choice of sample locations. The Gauss quadrature model is reconstructed, and thus the next sample is deter-
rule13,14) is helpful for the PCE method to mathematically de- mined and added one-by-one by iterating this process. It is
termine where sample points should be collocated in the sto- expected to collocate the minimum number of samples nec-
chastic space, such that unphysical oscillations will disap- essary to approximate the black-box stochastic space.
pear as much as possible. Nevertheless, this rule is Yamazaki22) has also applied the Kriging model to UQ,
sometimes not acceptable for practical use because it may re- but his results indicated that, without adaptive sampling,
quest the location of a sample where numerical simulation is the performance of the Kriging model is inferior to classical
not available (e.g., typical CFD solvers cannot cope with the PCE. Dwight and Han23) proposed a Kriging-based adaptive
Mach number of 1 due to its singular flow condition that a sampling method that is based on the product of the fit uncer-
shock wave can stand infinitely forward of an object), and tainty in the Kriging predictor and the distributions of the in-
it does not allow us to add new samples in a space-filling put parameter uncertainties. Bilionis and Zabaras24) em-
manner. In addition, Hosder et al.15) demonstrated that, with ployed a similar adaptive refinement criterion based on the
a given value of the size of the sample set, PCE based on
LHS samples leads to more accurate estimation of statistics Generate initial samples
than if we were to use brute-force MC samples. Unfortu-
Construct Kriging
nately, the cost of such approximations exhibits the so-called
surrogate models
curse of dimensionality; meaning that the number of samples
required for PCE and SC increases exponentially as the num- Find the location of
a new sample
ber of input parameter uncertainties (i.e., dimensions in the based on a criterion
stochastic space) increases.
For these reasons, this paper attempts to adaptively refine Add the new sample
the stochastic space using as few samples as possible to ap-
proximate the stochastic behavior of a quantity of interest Fig. 2. Flowchart of Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling.

©2019 JSASS 139

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fit uncertainty predicted in Gaussian process (GP) regres- realization of a stochastic process FðÞ, defined as
sion,25) which is another Bayesian-statistics-based surrogate
FðÞ ¼  þ ZðÞ; ð2Þ
model similar to the Kriging model. However, as we will
show in this paper, such criteria are not effective in speeding where, ® is the global model assumed to be constant (i.e., so-
up the convergence of the UQ problem when the responses called ordinary Kriging) and ZðÞ is the local model corre-
behave steeply. sponding to the deviation from ® at . ZðÞ is assumed to
A highly nonlinear Kriging model enhanced with gradient have the stochastic behaviors (i.e., mean E½ZðÞ and cova-
information (@fðÞ=@) has recently been investigated for riance Cov½ZðÞ; Zð0 Þ) defined as follows:
adaptive sampling in UQ. Ulaganathan et al.26) considered E½ZðÞ ¼ 0; ð3aÞ
nonlinearity appearing in the gradient-enhanced Kriging 0 2 0
model as a sampling criterion to detect steeply varied re- Cov½ZðÞ; Zð Þ ¼  ð;  jÞ; ð3bÞ
sponses. For a similar purpose, Boopathy and Rumpfkeil27) where,  2 is the process variance and ð;  jÞ is the correla-
proposed a sampling criterion based on deviating the gra- tion function (or kernel) between any two locations  and 0 .
dient-enhanced Kriging model from another local surrogate ð; 0 jÞ is defined as a function of the Euclidean distance
model (i.e., multivariate interpolation and regression). These h ¼ j  0 j with a set of constants called hyperparameters .
approaches are promising, but not always practical due to the ð; 0 jÞ satisfies the following conditions:
difficulty of providing the gradient information as the sample
lim ð; 0 jÞ ¼ 1; ð4aÞ
data set. h!0
The present study is focused on developing a new dynam- lim ð; 0 jÞ ¼ 0; ð4bÞ
ic adaptive sampling method based on an ordinary (i.e., gra- h!1

dient-free) Kriging model for effective non-intrusive UQ (a specific choice for ð; 0 jÞ will be given later). This paper
when the response of an output solution behaves either assumes ð; 0 jÞ to be stationary, which implies that the hy-
smoothly or steeply in the stochastic space. We first show perparameters  are invariant to . Although a non-stationary
that the existing Kriging-based method23) is plagued by per- correlation function is expected to be more effective for non-
sistent errors when the response behaves steeply, and then linear function approximation,29–31) it is out of scope here
develop a method that eliminates these errors. The method and we focus on the stationary correlation function for its
proposed is then tested on two-dimensional analytic func- simple formulation.
tions with different smoothnesses, each of which models dif- Next, consider that the true value of fðÞ is given at N sam-
ferent flow physics related to aeronautics and astronautics. ple points ð1Þ ; ð2Þ ;    ; ðNÞ . The Kriging model attempts to
The robustness of the method proposed is also investigated derive a posterior distribution over fðÞ, as illustrated in
by evaluating statistics using 30 different sets of initial sam-
ples generated at random. The Kriging-based method pro-
posed is compared with the existing Kriging-based method
as well as a classical PCE method based on the Gauss quad-
rature rule.
Function f()

Considering only two dimensions in UQ test cases seems

insufficient from the real-world point of view. Nevertheless,
this paper targets two-dimensional test cases for fundamental
UQ study. The dynamic adaptive sampling method, which is
demonstrated in two-dimensional cases here, can also be ap-
plied to more-than-two-dimensional cases. In a general
sense, however, even this method may be less effective in [
higher-dimensional cases because it costs more sample (a)ࠉPrior distribution
points to construct accurate Kriging models as well as the
PCE method. Such a bottleneck may disappear if combined ^
f ()
with proper methods of dimensionality reduction (e.g., active
subspace method28)), which is out of the scope of this paper.
Function f()

[ ^s ([ )

- ^s ()~

2. Kriging Surrogate Model

2.1. Basic formulation

Consider the approximation of an output function fðÞin
terms of a vector of n input variables  ¼ 1 ; 2 ;    ; n , [ (1) [ (2) [ (3) ...... [ (N)
each of which is defined in the range of 0  k  1 Variable [
(k ¼ 1; 2;    ; n). Based on Bayesian statistics, the Kriging (b)ࠉPosterior distribution
model starts with a prior distribution over fðÞ, as illustrated
in Fig. 3(a). It treats the deterministic response of fðÞ as the Fig. 3. Kriging model.

©2019 JSASS 140

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Fig. 3(b). It supposes that FðÞ realizes all N given samples;  

R1 1 1  1T R1 rðÞ
that is, c^ ðÞ ¼ R1 rðÞ þ ; ð11Þ
1T R1 1
fððiÞ Þ ¼ FððiÞ Þ
where, rðÞ is an N-dimensional vector, the i-th element of
¼  þ ZððiÞ Þ ði ¼ 1; 2;    ; NÞ: ð5Þ which is ð; ðiÞ jÞ. Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (9), the
Then, the probability density distribution conditioned on BLUP results in final form as
these realizations (i.e., likelihood function) is obtained in  
^ ¼ ^ þ rT ðÞR1 f  1^ :
fðÞ ð12Þ
logarithmic form as
Lnð;  2 ; Þ ¼ ln PDFðfjÞ This function models the estimate of fðÞ at any location  by
interpolating the sample points with true values of fðÞ. Sim-
N N 1
¼ lnð2Þ  ln  2  ln jRj ilarly, substituting Eqs. (9) and (11) into Eq. (10a), the MSE
2 2 2 results in final form as
 T 1   "  2 #
f  1 R f  1 T 1
1  1 R rðÞ
 ; ð6Þ s^2 ðÞ ¼ ^ 2 1  rT ðÞR1 rðÞ þ : ð13Þ
2 2 1T R1 1
where, f ¼ fðð1Þ Þ; fðð2Þ Þ;    ; fððNÞ Þ , R is an N  N This function models the fit uncertainty expected in fðÞ^ es-
matrix whose ði; jÞ entry is ððiÞ ; ðjÞ jÞ, and 1 is an N-dimen- ^ de-
timated by Eq. (12). It indicates that the accuracy of fðÞ
sional vector with all elements of 1 (1 ¼ ½1; 1;    ; 1T ). The pends largely on the distance from the given sample points.
Kriging model needs to determine the values of ®,  2 , and  Intuitively, the closer location  is to the sample points, the
based on the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The ^
less uncertain (i.e., more accurate) the Kriging predictor fðÞ.
ð1Þ ð2Þ ðNÞ
values of ® and  2 that maximize Lnð;  2 ; Þ are solved Note that, at sample points  ;  ;    ;  , the Kriging
in closed form as model satisfies the following conditions:
1T R1 f ^ ðiÞ Þ ¼ fððiÞ Þ;
fð ð14aÞ
^ ¼ ; ð7aÞ
1T R1 1 ^ ðiÞ Þ ¼ 0:
sð ð14bÞ
2 f  1^ R1 f  1^ 2.2. Correlation function
^ ¼ : ð7bÞ ð; 0 jÞ, which is an n-variate correlation function be-
tween any two locations  and 0 , is represented as a product
Substituting Eqs. (7a) and (7b) into Eq. (6), the following of univariate correlation functions for each variable as
concentrated likelihood function is obtained: Y
ð; 0 jÞ ¼ ðk ; k 0 j k Þ: ð15Þ
N N N 1 k¼1
LnðÞ ¼   lnð2Þ  ln ^ 2  ln jRj; ð8Þ
2 2 2 2 This paper uses the C4 -smoothness correlation function
which depends only on the set of hyperparameters . This is constructed by Wendland.33) This is a class of positive defi-
the function maximized in practice to give the estimates of , nite and compactly supported radial functions consisting of a
and hence an estimate of R. This paper searches for the val- univariate polynomial. For given smoothness and space di-
ues of  that maximize LnðÞ using a genetic algorithm mension, they are of minimal degree and unique up to a con-
(GA).32) The GA is expected to act as a population-based op- stant factor. In two-dimensional space (n ¼ 2), for example,
timizer to robustly search for the values of  at a global max- this class is constructed with distance hk ¼ jk  k 0 j and hy-
imum of LnðÞ. Then, Eqs. (7a) and (7b) are used to obtain perparameter k > 0 as
8 2
the estimates of ^ and ^ 2 . >
^ >
> 1  hk = k
Finally, consider the linear predictor fðÞ, which estimates >
> ðC0 -smoothnessÞ
fðÞ at the location  where the true value of fðÞ is not >
known, defined as < 1  h = 4 4h = þ 1
k k k k
ðk ; k 0 j k Þ ¼
^ ¼ cT ðÞF;
fðÞ ð9Þ >
> ðC2 -smoothnessÞ
 ð1Þ  >
ð2Þ ðNÞ T
where, F ¼ Fð Þ; Fð Þ;    ; Fð Þ ¼ f from Eq. (5). >
> 1  h =
35h 2
= 2
þ 18h = þ 3 =3
> k k k k k k
The Kriging model obtains the best linear unbiased predictor ðC4 -smoothnessÞ
(BLUP) by choosing the N-dimensional vector cðÞ to mini-
mize the following mean squared error (MSE): ð16aÞ
in the range of 0  hk  k , and
^  FðÞ;
s^2 ðÞ ¼ Var½fðÞ ð10aÞ
ðk ; k 0 j k Þ ¼ 0 ð16bÞ
subject to the following unbiased constraint:
in the range of hk > k . Note that k corresponds to the length
E½fðÞ ¼ E½FðÞ: ð10bÞ ^ with small/large k
scale of correlation along k ; that is, fðÞ
Then, cðÞ is solved in closed form as adapts to given samples locally/globally and yields a quick/
smooth response in the k direction (i.e., examples will be

©2019 JSASS 141

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shown later). Compared to the Gaussian correlation function: !T

@fðÞ @rðÞ  
  ¼ R1 f  1 : ð20aÞ
ðk ; k 0 j k Þ ¼ exp hk 2 = k 2 ; ð17Þ @ @
which is often used in the Kriging model, the Wendland cor- @rðÞ=@ is an N  n matrix whose ði; jÞ entry is
" #
relation function with compact support (0  hk  k ) is able Yn
to avoid overfitting to given sample points. ¼ 0 ðj ; ðiÞ
j j j Þ ðk ; ðiÞ
k j k Þ; ð20bÞ
@ k¼1
k 6¼ j
3. Dynamic Adaptive Sampling
where, for the Wendland correlation with C4 -smoothness
Using the Kriging model, dynamic adaptive sampling is and two dimensions (n ¼ 2), ðk ; kðiÞ j k Þ is given by
conducted using the following procedure (see also the flow- Eq. (16) and 0 ðj ; ðiÞ
j j j Þ is defined as
chart shown in Fig. 2).  5  2 2 
0 ðj ; ðiÞ
j j j Þ ¼ 56 1  hk = k 5hk = k  hk = k = k :
: Step 1: Generate N initial samples of input variables

ð1Þ ; ð2Þ ;    ; ðNÞ in the stochastic space and evaluate their ð21Þ
output function values fðð1Þ Þ; fðð2Þ Þ;    ; fððNÞ Þ. Criterion 2 is expected to add new samples where fit un-
: Step 2: Construct Kriging models fðÞ ^ and sðÞ
^ using the certainty is large and the gradient is also large. Thus, it
N samples. works for a balance between sampling evenly in the whole
: Step 3: Find the location of a new sample point 
, stochastic space and capturing steeply varied responses
where the value of a criterion (i.e., CritðÞ to be defined where output solutions change markedly according to in-
later) is maximized in the stochastic space, and evaluate put parameter uncertainties. This is considered to reduce
its output function value fððNþ1Þ Þ. the discretization errors, as seen in Fig. 1.
: Step 4: Add fð
Þ to the N samples, set N N þ 1, : Criterion 3 (proposed in this paper)
and go back to Step 2. Criterion 2 still seems insufficient because new solutions
In Step 1, this study employs LHS1) to generate initial sam- ^
will not be sampled at the locations where j@fðÞ=@j ¼0
ples. In Step 3, for simplicity, this study carries out random ^ is large. This implies that this criterion may not
even if sðÞ
search, in which 104 samples are generated using MC sam- be able to suppress the polynomial errors as seen in the re-
pling, to find the location where CritðÞ is maximum; note gions near the endpoints in Fig. 1, where the true response
that optimizers such as genetic algorithms are also available is smooth. Therefore, Criterion 2 is now modified into the
for better findings. This paper considers the following three following Criterion 3, so that the locations where
criteria to be used in Step 3 for comparing existing sampling ^
j@fðÞ=@j ¼ 0 will still be sampled for new solutions.
 ^  !
methods to investigate effective criteria for UQ.  @fðÞ 
CritðÞ ¼  
ðÞ þ D ^ ðÞ sðÞPDFðÞ
^ ð22Þ
: Criterion 1 (existing in Ref. 23))

CritðÞ ¼ sðÞPDFðÞ; ð18Þ ^
j@fðÞ=@j is now multiplied by
ðÞ to keep the consis-
^ is the Kriging model fit uncertainty given by
where, sðÞ tency of units with an extra term Df^ ðÞ.
ðÞ is set to be
Eq. (13), and PDFðÞ is the probability density function the distance from  to the most adjacent sample point; that
of input parameter uncertainties . This criterion has been is,
proposed and investigated in a previous study by Dwight
ðÞ ¼ min j  ðiÞ j: ð23Þ
and Han.23) Criterion 1 is expected to sample output solu- i¼1;2;;N

tions evenly in the stochastic space (i.e., from Eq. (14b), The extra term Df^ ðÞ in Eq. (22) is assumed to estimate
new samples will never duplicate existing ones), as well the polynomial errors. This paper formulates Df^ ðÞ as
as focus the solutions on locations where there are signifi-
Df^ ðÞ ¼ jfðjÞ ^
 fðj2Þj; ð24Þ
cant effects on the evaluation of statistics (i.e., solutions
where PDFðÞ is higher will be sampled more frequently). ^
where, fðjÞ is the Kriging predictor modeled with the or-
: Criterion 2 dinary values of hyperparameters , which are determined
 ^  ^
by the MLE, and fðj2Þ is the predictor modeled with the
CritðÞ ¼  sðÞPDFðÞ;
^ ð19Þ doubled values of hyperparameters 2.
@  For example, Fig. 4 compares the Kriging predictors
with different correlation length scales (fðj Þ, ^
 fðj2 Þ,

where, ^ ^
fðj4 Þ, and fðj1=4 Þ) for fðÞ ¼ erf 2  þ 1 (i.e.,
 T same example as Fig. 1). The predictor with a smaller cor-
@fðÞ=@ ^
¼ @fðÞ=@ ^ ^
1 ; @fðÞ=@2 ;    ; @fðÞ=@n ^
relation length scale (fðj1=4 Þ) yields an unrealistic and
^ given by
is a vector of the Kriging predictor gradients fðÞ bumpy response that is excessively attracted by the given
Eq. (12) with respect to input parameter uncertainties . samples. On the other hand, the predictor with a larger cor-
^ consists of differentiable corre-
As the vector rðÞ in fðÞ ^
relation length scale (fðj2 Þ) slightly fluctuates from the
lation elements, @fðÞ=@ can be derived analytically as ^
ordinary predictor fðj Þ in regions where the true re-
sponse is smooth (4    2 and 0    4). Note

©2019 JSASS 142

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f ( [)

Kriging (T)
-1 Kriging (2T)
Kriging (4T)
Kriging (1/4T)
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 4. Examples of the Kriging Fig. 5. True response fð1 ; 2 Þ for the log-sin function.
 predictors with different correlation
length scales (fðÞ ¼ erf 2  þ 1 ).

that this fluctuation no longer increases when the correla-

error in mf (trial average)

tion length scale is larger than 4 . This is the reason why 0.1

this paper employs 2 in the formulation of Df^ ðÞ

(Eq. (24)).
Thus, Df^ ðÞ often tends to be large in the region where 0.01

samples are located sparsely even if the true response is

smooth. Although there are other possible ways to esti-
mate the errors on surrogate models, as in Mehmani et Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
al.,34) Criterion 3 utilizes Eq. (24) for its simple formula- Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
tion. Therefore, Criterion 3 is proposed in this paper and PCE (1 trial)
is expected to improve the quality of adaptation in smooth 5 10 20 50 100
regions that may induce polynomial errors. (a)ࠉmf
In addition, note that it is important to include the term
PDFðÞ in all of the criteria. The criteria without PDFðÞ
achieve slower convergence of statistic estimation compared
to that with PDFðÞ (i.e., see Shimoyama et al.35) for details).
error in sf (trial average)

This indicates that the consideration of probabilistic signifi-
cance enhances the performance of dynamic adaptive sam-
pling. 0.01

4. Numerical Tests
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
This study investigates the capability of the dynamic adap- Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
tive sampling criteria in the following two-dimensional UQ Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
PCE (1 trial)
test problems. 0.0001
5 10 20 50 100
4.1. Log-Sin function N
4.1.1. Problem definition (b)ࠉsf
This function was considered in Hosder et al.15) and
Fig. 6. Errors in the statistics (trial averages) estimated for the log-sin
Yamazaki,22) and is formulated as
fð1 ; 2 Þ ¼ ln 1 þ x1 2 sin 5x2 ; ð25aÞ
xi ¼ 2:0 þ 0:4i ði ¼ 1; 2Þ: ð25bÞ 4  i  4 (i ¼ 1; 2) using LHS. To ensure the robustness
The true response of the log-sin function is shown in Fig. 5. of results, the present test averages the results among 30 trials
This function has a multimodal response, which can be seen of dynamic adaptive sampling, each of which starts from a
in aeroacoustics considering coherent waves, for example. different LHS initial sample set.
Here, it is assumed that input variables 1 and 2 are uncer- For the log-sin function, the statistics (i.e., mean f and
tain and normally distributed as i  Normð0; 12 Þ (i ¼ 1; 2). standard deviation f ) of the response fð1 ; 2 Þ against the
4.1.2. Results input uncertainties in 1 and 2 are estimated using the Krig-
The present test starts dynamic adaptive sampling based ing models updated from N ¼ 5 to 100 with Criteria 1–3, re-
on either Criteria 1, 2, or 3 from initial samples with N ¼ 5, spectively. Note that there is an empirical rule suggesting the
which are randomly generated within the range of number of initial samples as N ¼ 11n  1 for Kriging-surro-

©2019 JSASS 143

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1 0.45
MC (N=1u10 , 1 trial)
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
0.1 0.35 PCE (1 trial)
error in mf (trial std. dev.)

PDF (trial average)


0.01 0.25


0.001 0.15


0.0001 0.05
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials) 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Kriging (LHS, 30 trials) f( x1, x2)
5 10 20 50 100
N (a)ࠉN = 25
(a)ࠉmf 0.45
MC (N=1u10 , 1 trial)
1 0.4
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
0.35 PCE (1 trial)

PDF (trial average)

0.1 0.3
error in sf (trial std. dev.)


0.01 0.2


0.001 0.1


0.0001 0
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials) f( x1, x2)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)

Kriging (LHS, 30 trials) (b)ࠉN = 49
5 10 20 50 100
N 0.45
MC (N=1u10 , 1 trial)
(b)ࠉsf 0.4
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
0.35 PCE (1 trial)
Fig. 7. Errors in the statistics (trial standard deviations) estimated for the
PDF (trial average)

log-sin function. 0.3



gate-based optimization.36) This rule gives N ¼ 21 to the 0.15

present test with n ¼ 2, which means that five initial samples
are quite few and more additional samples are necessary for
practical use. Thus, the range from N ¼ 5 to 100 used in the 0.05

current dynamic adaptive sampling is reasonable in an em- 0

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

pirical sense. f( x1,x2)

Figure 6 shows the trial-average errors in f and f esti- (c)ࠉN = 100

mated by the Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling (i.e.,

Fig. 8. Probability density functions (trial averages) of fð1 ; 2 Þ estimated
30 trials) compared to higher-fidelity statistics estimated by for the log-sin function.
the MC method with N ¼ 1  106 . Figure 6 also includes
the errors in the statistics estimated by pure Kriging without
dynamic adaptive sampling (i.e., 30 trials with different LHS on user preferences and UQ problems themselves, and thus,
sample sets following i  Normð0; 12 Þ (i ¼ 1; 2)), and those it is difficult to make a threshold. What matters here is that
estimated by the PCE method based on one trial using the the PCE method happens to be better than the Kriging mod-
Gauss quadrature rule,13,14) which restricts the collocation els when N  49. This will be discussed further later based
of sample points in the stochastic space. The PCE results on observation from the probability density functions
are obtained using ‘‘Dakota’’ open-source software,37) de- (Fig. 8) and the responses (Fig. 9). Next, for f , all three
veloped at Sandia National Laboratories. of the criteria overwhelm the PCE method, and Criterion 3
For f , all three criteria can reduce the error more quickly is slightly better than Criteria 1 and 2 in terms of the speed
in the early stage but remain a larger residual, even with of reducing the error. Although pure Kriging can reduce
N ¼ 100, than the PCE method; more detailed data reveals the errors as N increases, Kriging-based dynamic adaptive
that there is no trial where Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling based on any criterion is still superior in terms of
sampling converges to a lower residual than the PCE meth- the error reduction speed.
od. In general, a required level for error reduction depends Figure 7 compares the standard deviations of the errors in

©2019 JSASS 144

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(a)ࠉKriging (Criterion 1)

(b)ࠉKriging (Criterion 2)

(c)ࠉKriging (Criterion 3)


Fig. 9. Estimated responses for the log-sin function (left: N ¼ 25; middle: N ¼ 49; right: N ¼ 100).

f and f estimated by each method over 30 trials. Com- functions of 30 trials estimated using the Kriging models up-
pared to the pure Kriging, the Kriging-based dynamic adap- dated by Criteria 1–3 and one trial using the PCE method
tive sampling, especially based on Criterion 3, can quickly with N ¼ 25, 49, and 100 compared to one trial with
reduce the standard deviations of the errors in both f and N ¼ 1  106 estimated using the MC sampling method.
f . It means that the proposed Criterion 3 performs most ro- With N ¼ 25 and 49, the PCE method does not agree with
bustly regardless of the choice of initial samples. the MC sampling method although its error in f is well re-
Figure 8 shows the trial-averaged probability density duced with N ¼ 49, as seen in Fig. 6(a). This is a proof that

©2019 JSASS 145

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the advantage of the PCE method expected from Fig. 6(a) is

not true. On the contrary, Kriging-based dynamic adaptive
sampling with N ¼ 25 can produce estimates similar to the
MC method, which indicates a significant advantage of Krig-
ing-based dynamic adaptive sampling to reduce the UQ cost.
Criteria 1–3 yield almost the same results because the log-sin
function is relatively smooth. This suggests that uniform
sampling, which is only followed by a given PDFðÞ and in-
dependent of the dynamic adaptive sampling criteria, is suf-
ficient to estimate a smooth response.
This paper also investigates how each of Criteria 1–3 col-
locates sample points and affects the estimated response of a
solution in the stochastic space. Figure 9 shows the re- Fig. 10. True response fð1 ; 2 Þ of the sandtimer function.
sponses fð ^ 1 ; 2 Þ estimated using the Kriging models up-
dated by Criteria 1–3, respectively, and the PCE method 1

with N ¼ 25, 49, and 100. The sample points used are also
depicted as white circles in Fig. 9. Compared to the true re-

error in mf (trial average)

sponse (Fig. 5), the PCE method cannot capture the peaks in
the 2 direction when N ¼ 25 and 49 due to the lack of poly- 0.1

nomial order. Particularly, the PCE method when N ¼ 25

and 49 underestimates the negative peak in 0  2  1,
which results in fatal disagreement of the PDF estimated at
fð1 ; 2 Þ  0 using MC sampling, as seen in Fig. 8. Crite-
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
ria 1–3 construct similar Kriging models, which agree quite Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
well with the true response when N ¼ 49 and 100. Neverthe- Kriging (Crit. 3', 30 trials)
Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
less Criterion 3 collocates samples in a wider range, which PCE (1 trial)
covers both the smoother and less-smooth regions than Cri- 5 10 20 50 100
teria 1 and 2. This indicates that Criterion 3 is ready to mit- (a)ࠉmf
igate both polynomial errors and discretization errors in any
possible case, which will be confirmed in the next test func-
tion with a steeper response.
4.2. Sandtimer function
error in sf (trial average)

4.2.1. Problem definition

This function was considered in Dwight and Han,23) and is
defined in the general n-dimensional form as 0.1

fðÞ ¼ ui 2 þ vðn Þ; ð26aÞ
i¼1 Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
where, ui is defined implicitly by Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3', 30 trials)
 2   Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
n þ 1 ui þ ui 3  i ¼ 0 ði ¼ 1; 2;    ; n  1Þ; ð26bÞ 0.01
PCE (1 trial)
5 10 20 50 100
while vðn Þ is explicitly given by N
vðn Þ ¼ a xn 4 þ ðxn  1Þ2 b ; ð26cÞ
xn ¼ 0:05n þ 0:25 ð26dÞ Fig. 11. Errors in the statistics (trial averages) estimated for the sandtimer

with a ¼ 0:58975451230 and b ¼ 0:289273423937. This

paper considers the sandtimer function with n ¼ 2, as shown 4.2.2. Results
in Fig. 10. Compared to the log-sin function, the sandtimer Similar to the previous case for the log-sin function, a total
function contains fewer peaks but responds to 1 and 2 more of 30 Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling trials with
steeply. It is worth noting that, at 2  10, the value of different initial sample sets generated within 9  1  15
fð1 ; 2 Þ is not constant and beyond the upper limit of the col- and 10  2  14 were implemented to investigate Crite-
or range. Such a response can be seen in high-speed aerody- ria 1–3 for the sandtime function. Figures 11 and 12 com-
namics, which is comparable with transonic flow around an pare the trial-average errors and their standard deviations, re-
airfoil involving shock waves; for example, as seen in Kawai spectively, in f and f against the input uncertainties for
and Shimoyama.38) Input uncertainties are assumed as the sandtimer function, which were estimated using the 30
1  Normð3; 32 Þ and 2  Normð2; 32 Þ. Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling trials, 30 trials us-

©2019 JSASS 146

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1 1.4
MC (N=1u106, 1 trial)
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
1.2 Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
error in mf (trial std. dev.)

PDF (trial average)




0.01 0.4

Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials) 0.2

Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3', 30 trials) 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
0.001 f ( x1,x2)
5 10 20 50 100
N (a)ࠉN = 25
(a)ࠉmf 1.4
MC (N =1u10 , 1 trial)
1 Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
1.2 Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
PCE (1 trial)

PDF (trial average)

1 0.3
error in sf (trial std. dev.)


0.6 0.2


0.2 0.1
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials) 0
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials) -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Kriging (Crit. 3', 30 trials) f ( x1, x2)
Kriging (LHS, 30 trials)
5 10 20 50 100
(b)ࠉN = 49 (with the enlarged view)
(b)ࠉsf MC ( N=1u106, 1 trial)
Kriging (Crit. 1, 30 trials)
1.2 Kriging (Crit. 2, 30 trials)
Kriging (Crit. 3, 30 trials)
Fig. 12. Errors in the statistics (trial standard deviations) estimated for the PCE (1 trial)
PDF (trial average)

sandtimer function. 1 1.3


ing pure Kriging LHS sampling sets and one trial using the 0.6

PCE method based on the Gauss quadrature rule. In 1.1

Fig. 11, Criteria 1–3 seem to successfully reduce the errors
in f and f as N increases through the Kriging-based dy- 0.2 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
namic adaptive sampling. On the other hand, the PCE meth-
od seems delayed or stagnant in error reduction even with the -1 0 1 2
f ( x1, x2)
3 4 5

Gauss quadrature rule. The pure Kriging method also seems (c)ࠉN = 100 (with the enlarged view)
stagnant in error reduction for estimating f . This indicate a
significant advantage of Kriging-based dynamic adaptive Fig. 13. Probability density functions (trial averages) of fð1 ; 2 Þ esti-
sampling for effective UQ. For the dynamic adaptive sam- mated for the sandtimer function.
pling, Criterion 3 shows the fastest and continuous error re-
duction until N ¼ 100. The error in f is almost saturated by which eliminates Df^ ðÞ from Criterion 3.
Criteria 1 and 2, even with N > 20. Hence Criterion 3 seems Figures 11 and 12 indicate that Criterion 3A performs well
most promising for efficient dynamic adaptive sampling. In in Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling. Nevertheless,
Fig. 12, moreover, Criterion 3 indicates another advantage Criterion 3 outperforms Criterion 3A in the later stage (i.e.,
that performance is less sensitive to the choice of initial sam- N > 35) to estimate f . This is because, as explained in
ples than Criteria 1 and 2. Fig. 4, Df^ ðÞ in Criterion 3 is capable of detecting small
To confirm the contribution of the term Df^ ðÞ in Criteri- fluctuations caused by different correlation length scales,
on 3 (Eq. (22)), Figs. 11 and 12 compare the following Cri- which affect the accuracy to estimate a smooth response.
terion 3A as well. Hence, consideration of Df^ ðÞ is essential to push through
: Criterion 3¤ the dynamic adaptive sampling toward comprehensive UQ
 ^  approximation.
CritðÞ ¼  
^ ð27Þ Figure 13 compares the trial-average probability density
@  functions using Kriging models updated by 30 trials applying

©2019 JSASS 147

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(a)ࠉKriging (Criterion 1)

(b)ࠉKriging (Criterion 2)

(c)ࠉKriging (Criterion 3)


^ 1 ; 2 Þ for the sandtimer function (left: N ¼ 25; middle: N ¼ 49; right: N ¼ 100).
Fig. 14. Estimated responses fð

Criteria 1–3, respectively, one trial of the PCE method using agree with the MC sampling method. This indicates that
N ¼ 25, 49 and 100, and one trial of the MC sampling meth- Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling is effective to re-
od using N ¼ 1  106 . There is still a discrepancy between duce the computational cost for UQ. With N ¼ 100, Crite-
the PCE method and the MC sampling method even with ria 2 and 3 can catch up with the true peak of probability den-
N ¼ 100. On the other hand, the Kriging models with sity around fð1 ; 2 Þ ¼ 0:23, while Criterion 1 approximates
N ¼ 100 obtain the probability density functions that almost it as two local peaks around fð1 ; 2 Þ ¼ 0:17 and 0.35. This

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can be seen in the enlarged view in Fig. 13(c). Here, we that the criterion named Criterion 2 in this paper, which is
argue that it is very important to predict PDF in an engineer- based on information about both the fit uncertainty sðÞ^ and
ing sense. Even a slight change in the number and location of ^
gradient @fðÞ=@ estimated using the Kriging surrogate
peak(s) in an estimated PDF, which appears in Fig. 13(c), model, showed better performance for effective adaptive
may affect the reliability of engineering design (e.g., Kawai sampling than the existing criterion (i.e., Criterion 1) based
and Shimoyama38) showed that a transonic airfoil involves only on Kriging model fit uncertainty sðÞ.^ In addition, the
multiple peaks in the PDF of local surface pressure due to polynomial errors appearing near the endpoints in the sto-
a moving shock wave under an uncertain flight Mach num- chastic space can be reduced by adding an extra term, Df^ ðÞ,
ber, and an accurate estimate of these peaks is relevant to ver- which represents the difference in Kriging predictors based
ification and validation between CFD and wind tunnel ex- on different correlation length scales, to the gradient term
periments). In addition, with N ¼ 49, Criterion 3 can also in the adaptive sampling criterion. Finally, the criterion pro-
capture a smooth trend of probability density in the range posed (i.e., Criterion 3) showed superior performance in
of 1  fð1 ; 2 Þ  1:5, while Criterion 2 causes slight oscil- terms of accuracy and robustness for estimating the statistics
lations, which can be seen in the enlarged view in Fig. 13(b). of the output solution in UQ regardless of the choice of initial
It is worth noting that the range of 1  fð1 ; 2 Þ  1:5 corre- samples and smoothness of the stochastic space. Further-
sponds to the smooth region seen in the true response more, the Kriging-based dynamic adaptive sampling pro-
(Fig. 10). This demonstrates that Criterion 3 is effective for posed outperformed a classical polynomial chaos expansion
reducing the polynomial errors in smooth regions by consid- (PCE) method based on the Gauss quadrature rule in both
ering the extra error-reduction term Df^ ðÞ in Eq. (22). This test functions.
effectiveness is also be observed from the sample collocation This paper focused on analytical test functions that model
(Fig. 14). Hence, this suggests that the Kriging-based dy- typical flow physics seen in the fields of aeronautics and as-
namic adaptive sampling using Criterion 3 is capable of es- tronautics. Our future work will test the Kriging-based dy-
timating both smoothly and steeply varied stochastic behav- namic adaptive sampling proposed by applying it to more
iors of a solution. realistic UQ problems coupled with CFD to solve Navier-
^ 1 ; 2 Þ using the Kriging mod-
The responses estimated fð Stokes equations. As a matter of fact, that work is now under-
els and PCE method are compared in Fig. 14. The PCE way.
method yields a polynomial error due to the oscillations at
2  5, which do not appear in the true response Acknowledgments
(Fig. 10). For the Kriging model, Criterion 1 produces the
samples, which are almost normally distributed correspond- The authors would like to thank Juan J. Alonso of Stanford Uni-
ing to the given PDFð1 ; 2 Þ regardless of the smoothness of versity for his valuable comments, which helped to improve the dy-
^ 1 ; 2 Þ. Hence Criterion 1 does not concentrate on the
fð namic adaptive sampling method, and the Sandia National Labora-
tories for Dakota. In addition, the authors were supported in part by
sandtimer region with a steep gradient around 2 ¼ 0 to be the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No. H1503600 and the
captured for accurate estimation of f and f . Criterion 2 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No. 18H01620 adminis-
produces more sample points around 2 ¼ 0 than Criterion 1 tered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
in the sandtimer region as N increases. However, Criterion 2
seems careless to add sample points in the smooth region far
away from 2 ¼ 0. Therefore, it cannot reduce the polyno- References
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Nobuyuki Tsuboi
24) Bilionis, I. and Zabaras, N.: Multi-Output Local Gaussian Process Re-
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