Coursework Briefing

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Project assignment (22-23) - Design and analysis of a building
Module Leader: Dr Merih Kucukler

In your project assignment, you will need to address the following learning outcomes:
1. Model and analyse civil engineering structures for the purpose of design.
2. Distinguish the scope and limitations of different types of analyses and how to interpret
numerical results for assisting.
3. Examine and apply design procedures for designing buildings.
4. Produce and present a professional technical report outlining the applied numerical
modelling methodology and presenting output results of numerical analysis.
5. Produce and present a professional technical report including a set of design calculations
for a design of a building structure
You are required to use SAP2000 in this project.

You are to produce a project report no longer than 20 sides of A4 page (including the title page
and references) or 4000 words equivalent. You will lose 5 marks for each extra page.

Font: Calibri; Font size: 11 with 1.15 line spacing; Margins: Normal.

Using SAP2000, create the structural analysis model of the pitched roof portal frame shown in
Figure 1, which is one of the internal frames of an industrial building. Consider the self-weight of
the steel members in the calculations.

Consider the geometric properties of the structure given for your student number in Table 1.
Assume that the structure is going to be built in the location given for your student number in
Table 2, which determines the snow load and wind load the structure is subjected to. These are
provided for you in Table 2. Due to the presence of purlins and side rails in the structure,
assume that each rafter and column is provided with discrete lateral restraints. You will decide
on the number of the purlins and side rails used in the structure. Conservatively neglect the
haunches in the analysis and design calculations.

In the design of your structure,

• You will decide on the number of portal frames that will be used to build this structure.
This will affect the bay width b and therefore, the magnitudes of the forces affecting the
single internal portal frame you will design – see Figure 4 for the forces affecting the
frame. In Figure 2, 11 pitched roof frames used in the building, therefore, the bay width

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 1

is equal to 1/10 of total structure length b=L2/10. In Figure 3, 9 pitched roof frames used
in the building, therefore, the bay width is equal to 1/8 of total structure length b=L2/8.

In addition to bay width 𝑏,

• You will also decide on the roof angle  of your structure.

You are expected to carry out the following:

a) Structural analysis: Performing Linear Elastic Analysis (LEA) and Geometrically Nonlinear
Analysis (GNA) of the structure, determine support reactions, display the normal force,
shear force and bending moment diagrams and deformations.
b) Structural design: Determine appropriate cross-section sizes to enable the structure to
safely resist the applied loading. Aim at economic design – in other words reasonably
high utilisation ratios for members. Reasonably high utilisation ratios do not only lead to
economic design but also lead to less material use and therefore sustainable
construction. Carry out necessary design checks according to BS EN 1993-1-1 on the
basis of GNA.

Additionally, you are expected provide information as detailed in the Format and Content of
Report section in pages 8,9 and 10.

Out-of-plumbness of the structure will be taken as 1/200, which is the basic value
recommended in BS EN 1993-1-1.

Assume that grade S355 steel will be used for the structure.

L1 / 2 L1 / 2

 L1/2tan
b Roof angle


a a
a-a b-b
I-section I-section

Figure 1 Pitched roof frame of the structure to be designed

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 2


Roof bracing

L2 / 10
L2 / 10
L2 / 10
L2 / 10
L2 / 10
L2 / 10
L2 / 10 L2
L1 / 4
L2 / 10
L1 / 4
L2 / 10
L1 / 4 Bay width
L1 / 4 L2 / 10
L1 b=L2 / 10

Gable wall

Figure 2 Industrial building with 11 portal frames, bay width b=L2/10


Roof bracing

L2 / 8
L2 / 8
L2 / 8
L2 / 8
L2 / 8
L2 / 8 L2
L1 / 4
L1 / 4 L2 / 8 Bay width
L1 / 4 b=L2 / 8
L2 / 8
L1 L1 / 4

Gable wall Vertical

columns bracing

Figure 3 Industrial building with 9 portal frames, bay width b=L2/8

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 3


Loading type Magnitude

Total permanent 0.7 kN/m2
loading G
(Self-weight of the
cladding + secondary
steelwork + self-weight
of building services)
Imposed roof load QI 0.6 kN/m2
Snow load QS See Table 2
Wind loading QW See Table 2

Load Combinations to be considered (imposed roof loads will not be considered in combination
with either wind actions or snow loads according to BS EN 1991-1-1):

No Load Combination
1 1.35G+1.5QI+EHF1
2 1.35G+1.5QS+EHF2
3 1.35G+1.5QW
4 G+1.5QW
5 1.35G+1.5QS+0.75QW
6 1.35G+1.5QW+0.75QS

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 4

Gi QI,i

a) Permanent load Gi for frame b) Imposed roof load QI,i for frame

QS,i 0.8 × QW,i 0.6 × QW,i

0.5 × QW,i
c) Snow load QS,i for frame d) Wind load QW,I for frame


d) Equivalent Horizontal Force 1 (EHF1) e) Equivalent Horizontal Force 2 (EHF2)

Figure 3 External forces affecting the portal frame that will be considered in design

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 5

Table 1 Geometric properties of the structure on the basis of your student ID

Bay width b
ID L1 (m) L2 (m) L3 (m) Roof angle  (°)
1930544 32 50 12 Designer’s choice
2026759 26 80 8 Designer’s choice
2024845 34 55 14 Designer’s choice
2009670 28 58 10 Designer’s choice
2005829 24 90 16 Designer’s choice
2016563 30 65 12 Designer’s choice
2065019 36 40 8 Designer’s choice
2042621 20 80 16 Designer’s choice
2010729 28 60 12 Designer’s choice
2061084 22 70 14 Designer’s choice
1909836 32 65 15 Designer’s choice
1982187 24 75 16 Designer’s choice
1917533 34 50 8 Designer’s choice
2096544 25 76 11 Designer’s choice
2042292 27 78 10 Designer’s choice
2005930 28 85 12 Designer’s choice
2043602 16 100 6 Designer’s choice
2043446 18 90 8 Designer’s choice
2048857 22 84 10 Designer’s choice
2029314 24 76 6.5 Designer’s choice
2043164 34 55 7 Designer’s choice
2063291 25 85 5 Designer’s choice
2009869 26 80 8 Designer’s choice
2058527 32 70 9 Designer’s choice
2012153 30 68 14 Designer’s choice
2060027 28 75 10 Designer’s choice
2044426 34 52 12 Designer’s choice
2007275 26 65 7 Designer’s choice
2052899 18 96 10 Designer’s choice
2029914 36 75 14 Designer’s choice

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 6

Table 2 Location of your structure as well as snow loading QS and wind loading QW affecting the
structure on the basis of your student ID

ID Location Altitude (m) QS (kN/m2) QW (kN/m2)

1930544 Aberdeen 21 0.50 1.41
2026759 Bath 141 0.32 1.10
2024845 Belfast 80 0.48 1.35
2009670 Birmingham 140 0.60 0.98
2005829 Bradford 325 0.97 1.06
2016563 Bristol 11 0.20 1.01
2065019 Cardiff 307 0.93 1.05
2042621 Dundee 18 0.50 1.31
2010729 Durham 123 0.71 1.15
2061084 Edinburgh 47 0.41 1.29
1909836 Exeter 10 0.20 1.10
1982187 Glasgow 27 0.37 1.36
1917533 Lancaster 24 0.37 1.15
2096544 Leeds 63 0.45 1.06
2042292 Liverpool 70 0.46 1.10
2005930 Manchester 38 0.40 1.05
2043602 Newcastle Upon Tyne 56 0.57 1.19
2043446 Norwich 40 0.54 1.06
2048857 Oxford 67 0.45 0.97
2029314 Portsmouth 7 0.19 0.99
2043164 Salford 68 0.46 1.05
2063291 Sheffield 82 0.62 1.01
2009869 Southampton 21 0.22 0.99
2058527 Sunderland 34 0.53 1.13
2012153 Swansea 14 0.21 1.13
2060027 Truro 41 0.12 1.20
2044426 Wakefield 43 0.55 1.05
2007275 Winchester 38 0.26 1.21
2052899 Wrexham 79 0.48 1.16
2029914 York 13 0.49 1.05

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 7

You must submit the electronic copy of your project report via Tabula by Thursday Week 31
(4th May 2023) 12.00.

You must also submit the structural analysis model (SAP2000 model) of your structure via
Moodle by Thursday Week 31 (4th May 2023) 12.00.

Marking Scheme
The overall weight of the work-based project assignment is 100%.
Marks will be awarded according to the 20-point marking scheme of the University of Warwick,
which is provided in Appendix A.

Format and Content of Report

1 Title Page
The title page of your report should include:
1. Title of the project.
2. The official course code.
3. Name and ID.
4. Your year of study. The name of the school and university: School of Engineering, The
University of Warwick.
5. Date. The date given should be that when the report is submitted.

2 Summary
It should be about 200 words and state the:

• major objective
• methods used
• significant conclusions
• confidence level in results

The Summary does not form part of the body of the report and should not contain any
information that is not included in the body of the report. This implies that it must be written
last, although placed physically at the start of the report.

Please assume the reader of the report is a civil engineer.

3 Introduction
The introduction should explain the purpose of the work. This entails not only a statement of
the specific objectives but also the context of the work. A figure (or figures) illustrating the
considered problem should be provided in this section.

Please include the following in the introduction:

• Report Purpose (summarise the task)

• Background (why this is an important/interesting task/problem)
• Problem statement (you may include sub-problems and inherent key challenges)

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 8

• Questions (state key questions you explored)
• Report outline (explain how the report is organised)

4 Theory
This section should give the theory for the reader to be able to understand how the analysis of
results is carried out. Since you use finite element method (FEM) for structural analysis, basic
information about FEM should be provided in this section.

5 Method
You should provide the description of the method you used for the solution of the problem you
take into consideration. You should provide name and version of your chosen FE program (SAP
2000). Since a structure is taken into consideration and SAP 2000 is used to solve the problem,
you can describe (note that the list is not exhaustive):

• The idealisation of the problem to generate the mathematical (structural analysis)

• The justification of the element types you used to create your model.
• Justification of the joint, restraint types you used (e.g. pin joints, fixed joints, roller,
fixed, simple supports etc.).
• Preprocessing, numerical analysis and postprocessing stages of your analysis.
• Magnitudes, directions and locations of the external loads applied to the structure using
• The structural analysis method(s) adopted for the solution of the problem.
• Design process that is carried out for each member after determining forces affecting
• Design standard you adopted for the design of structural steel elements (e.g. BS EN
• Consideration of frame out-of-plumbness using equivalent horizontal forces.
• Factors affecting structure response and resistance (e.g. P- effects, P- effects, frame
out-of-plumbness, member out-of-straightnesses, residual stresses, plasticity) you
considered in your structural analysis and factors affecting structure response and
resistance you consider in the design of structural members (e.g. P- effects, P-
effects, frame out-of-plumbness, member out-of-straightnesses, residual stresses,

You should provide appropriate references in this section. As an example, for the determination
of the magnitude of loads, the relevant standard such as EN 1991-1-1 can be referred to.
Understanding of the adopted methods and procedures is expected.

6 Results
Quantitative results should be provided in this section. Since a structure is taken into
consideration, the shapes and magnitudes of axial force, bending moment and shear force
diagrams and the magnitudes of deformations at critical locations should be provided for
different load combinations.

Moreover, you should also provide the design checks of your structural members from SAP2000.
In the presentation of your results:

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 9

• Units should always be included where necessary
• The figures (such as axial, shear force and bending moment diagrams and the deformed
shape of the structure) and the text within the figures should be legible
• Tables can be used when necessary

7 Analysis and Discussion of Results

This section should report your main findings of the problem you took into consideration. You
should analyse and discuss your main findings. You can include additional plots and tables if
necessary. You may consider discussing (the list is not exhaustive):

• What conclusions might be drawn from the investigation and the degree of confidence
in such conclusions
• Alternative selections can be made in your design
• Possibility of errors in your results
• Improvements which can be made to the method and design, in particular to reduce
errors/uncertainties and obtain more economic design

8 Conclusions
This section should be brief and definite. You should state your findings. State deviation from
'expected' values. State estimated uncertainty. Give a level of confidence in your results. You
should provide the answers of the following questions:

• What did you learn in the design process?

• What is the achievement of your design solution?
• What improvements can you recommend for your design solution?

9 References
When information from other sources (further details of apparatus, previously published work
on the subject, details of a particular theory, etc.) is quoted in a report, this must be
acknowledged in the report. Where the reference is made at a specific point in the text, then
the source should be included in the Reference list. Please use the Harvard System for the
references you will include in your report.

Styling of Report
The main body of the report should be clear and brief. It is important to take trouble over style,
avoiding jargon, journalese, clichés, circumlocution long and involved sentences, and vagueness.
The report should be formal.

The equations should be provided with equation numbers such as

𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 (1)

All illustrations and graphs should be numbered in a separate sequence and referred to as
‘Figure 1’, ‘Figure 2’, etc., ‘Table 1’, ‘Table 2’, etc., in the text. They should have descriptive
captions, so that their main significance can be understood without having to refer to the text.
Examples are given below.

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 10

10.2% 6.3%
0.5% Agriculture
8% Transport & Communication
0.6% Wholesale & Retail
9% Utilities
Financial & Business
20.7% Other
Education & Health
0.5% Public sector

Figure 5 Employment of registered engineers by industrial sector in 2001 (Engineering Council,


Table 2 Discontinuity spacing classification (after Deere, 1968)

Rock mass Discontinuity Terzaghi

spacing (m) classification
Solid >3 1
Massive 1-3 3
Blocky/seamy 0.3-1 4-5
Fractured 0.05-0.3 6
Crushed/shattered <0.05 7

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 11

Marking Scheme for the Project assignment

Class Scale Mark Descriptor

Work of original and exceptional quality which in the
100 examiners’ judgement merits special recognition by the award
of the highest possible mark.

Excellent 1st Exceptional work of the highest quality, demonstrating

excellent knowledge and understanding, analysis,
94 organisation, accuracy, relevance, presentation and
First appropriate skills. At final-year level: work may achieve or be
close to publishable standard.
High 1st 88
Very high quality work demonstrating excellent knowledge
Upper Mid 1st 82 and understanding, analysis, organisation, accuracy, relevance,
Lower Mid 1st 78 presentation and appropriate skills. Work which may extend
existing debates or interpretations.
Low 1st 74
High 2.1 68
Upper High quality work demonstrating good knowledge and
Second Mid 2.1 65 understanding, analysis, organisation, accuracy, relevance,
(2.1) presentation and appropriate skills.
Low 2.1 62
High 2.2 58
Competent work, demonstrating reasonable knowledge and
Mid 2.2 55 understanding, some analysis, organisation, accuracy,
relevance, presentation and appropriate skills.
Low 2.2 52
High 3rd 48
Work of limited quality, demonstrating some relevant
Third Mid 3rd 45
knowledge and understanding.
Low 3rd 42
Work does not meet standards required for the appropriate
stage of an Honours degree. Evidence of study and
High Fail (sub
38 demonstrates some knowledge and some basic understanding
of relevant concepts and techniques, but subject to significant
omissions and errors.

Fail Work is significantly below the standard required for the

appropriate stage of an Honours degree. Some evidence of
Fail study and some knowledge and evidence of understanding but
subject to very serious omissions and errors.
25 Poor quality work well below the standards required for the
Low Fail 12 appropriate stage of an Honours degree.

Work of no merit OR Absent, work not submitted, penalty in

Zero Zero 0
some misconduct cases

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 12

Allocation of the Marks
1. Format

2. Content

3. Writing skills
a) Use of English language
b) Use of English language in a technical context
c) Use of technical terms

4. Summary
a) Major objective
b) Methods used
c) Significant conclusions
d) Confidence level in results

5. Introduction
a) Specific objectives of the work
b) Clear description of the context
c) Description of the role of modelling and simulation in engineering design and
d) Figures illustrating the considered problem

6. Theory
a) Theory behind the techniques used in the analysis of the problem and results

7. Method
a) Idealisation of the problem through the computational model
b) Justification of the employed computational modelling techniques
c) Justification of inputs considered in the system
d) Description of employed simulation techniques
e) Consideration of factors affecting structural resistance in the analysis and design stages
f) Use of appropriate references

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 13

8. Results
a) Presentation of results
b) Figures
c) Plots generated using SAP2000 and/or tables
d) Design calculations from SAP2000
e) Use of appropriate units

9. Analysis and Discussion of Results

a) Analysis and discussion of main findings
b) What conclusions might be drawn from the investigation and the degree of confidence
in such conclusions
c) Possibility of errors in your results
d) Improvements which can be made to the method and design, in particular to reduce
errors/uncertainties and obtain more economic design

a) Brief statement of findings
b) Brief statement of deviation from 'expected' values
c) Brief statement of estimated uncertainty and confidence in results
d) What did you learn in the design process?
e) What is the achievement of your design solution?
f) What improvements can you recommend for your design solution?

a) Appropriate use of Harvard referencing system

ES3E2 – Structures Project brief 14

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