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J Marc M.


The “Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) Act,” (Senate Bill No. 1670) was presented by the Finance
Secretary Benjamin Dioko as a tool for the economic development to the business community and filed by
Senator Mark Villar and supported by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). The legislative measure
proposes to establish the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF), in which it aims to be an independent fund that
adheres to the principles of good governance, transparency, and accountability and promotes economic
development and other objectives to develop the economy. As the Finance Secretary Benjamin Dioko said-
the MIF would be the country’s first-ever sovereign investment fund it means that the MIF is designed to
promote economic development by making strategic and profitable investments in key sectors around the
The Maharlika fund will be used by the government to invest in key sectors like foreign currencies,
domestic and foreign corporate bonds, commercial real estate, and infrastructure projects mainly to help
fund the country’s priority programs. But the big question now is what is the initial capital of the
government for this project- the government has allotted initial capital that will be sourced from the Banko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (100% of dividends), as well as Government Financial Institutions (GFIs) Land Bank of
the Philippines (50 billion pesos) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (25 billion pesos). For public
assurance and funds safeguard concerns - lawmakers pushing for the MIF have repeatedly assured the public
that safeguards will be put in place, as the amended House bill added penal provisions - with higher
penalties to be imposed against those who commit fraudulent acts related to the fund. These include fines of
up to 5 million pesos and imprisonment of up to 20 years. For this house bill to be impose a joint
Congressional oversight committee will be established to monitor and evaluate the MIF's implementation
that should it be passed into law. Transactions and accounts will likewise be subject to audit pursuant to the
The MIF bill was overseeing its funds by the set of board of directors who will govern and oversee
operations related to the MIF, chaired by the finance secretary, the body will be comprised of executives
from landbank and DBP, representatives of the contributors to the fund, as well as “independent directors”
from the academe and business sectors. The Philippine President was also taking a role as a chairperson but
concerns on possible politicking were raised. Since the MIF is promoting economic development- secretary
Diokno cited key examples that can help the economic status such as public road networks, tollways, green
energy, water, agro-industrial ventures, and telecommunications, which offer better rates of return and
greater socioeconomic impact. In the near and medium term, the passage of the MIF will widen the
country’s fiscal space and ease pressures in financing public infrastructure projects. Currently the national
budget, public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements, and official development assistance (ODA) serve as
the Philippines’ main finance mechanisms for infrastructure projects.
The Maharlika Investment Fund is designed to promote economic development, this means that the
economic status and the business field could change in the entire process of the bill into the betterment of
the entire nation. The government will use the MIF to invest in variety of platform from domestic to
internationally that can elevate the overall status of the entire country in every aspect of government sector
that trigger the advancement of machineries, infrastructure and architecture, farming, fisheries and
aquaculture that can provide a strong and reliable citizen, employment and efficient use of resources through
the project that state behind the Maharlika Investment Fund.
J Marc M. Aban
As the advancement of technologies goes farther and farther same through with the engagement of
individual specifically child and youth, it opened a circumstance that could be inevitable and put the youth
to something that every mother doesn’t want to. Yes, technologies are very helpful since it created an
opportunity for children and young people to learn, socialize and communicate, also, they are expose to new
ideas and more diverse sources of information that can change their view to the world as a whole. But on
other hand, technologies also expose children and young people to horrible situation such as cyberbullying,
hate speech, sexual exploitation and abuse, it also includes the disinformation or miscommunication that
often seen and experience through social media platform.
The internet is prone to different kind of unfortunate situation, this includes the cyberbullying that
affect the victim’s daily life as the abuser posting, sending or sharing negative, harmful, false and mean
content about the victim that cause embarrassment and humiliation to the latter. As the cyberbullying arrive
the hate speech also being performed since they are connected due to its sameness of impact to the victim
itself but only differ to words and actions, the hate speech targets an individual that related to its race,
religion, gender or even its appearance that end up to be a cyberbullying itself since it happens through
social media platform or even a direct message through phone application. Since internet is widely use by
individual in the entire world, the sexual exploitation and abuse could also be unavoidable and affect mostly
children who doesn’t have enough knowledge to what is wrong and right, this kind of action end up to rape,
prostitution, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts and sexual assault in
which has consent or pressured by the adult. Lastly the miscommunication or disinformation that end up to
social media war that both parties posting different harmful words and secret that end up to embarrassment
of both sides will end up to. The said action above end up to different outcome such as self-harm, physical
violence, pressure use of drugs and alcohol, end up of being crazy due to the too much pressure and
embarrassment, but mostly, individuals who experience this kind of situation end up to suicide attempt.
To promote safety for children and youth for using the internet and gadget inside in every family’s
premises, parent should strengthen their guidance to their children and promote more physical activities
rather than being online, also parent should have a face-to-face talk to their children who happen showcasing
effect of those unfortunate circumstances virtually. Government already releases counterparts to this issues
that lead to imprisonment who ever acted against the lawful securities on the said issues above. As a student
and youth that reside in the Philippine the thing that I can contribute to the society to lessen the effect of
online negative impact activities is to post in social media platform about awareness and guidance about the
issues, also bring guidance to the youth around me through warning and disseminating information about
what behind their action of they enter the world of internet.

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