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Reasons Why You Should Join the 5-00am Club

My friend Mike likes to get up at 5-00am. He says this creates a perfect routine.  You don’t
need special skills to get up early. You only need to have the desire to get things done.


Getting up early is what successful people do! Steve Jobs rose at 06.00am every morning
and questioned his purpose in life


Discipline isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time to cultivate.  Getting up
early is a great place to start because you are planning your day. Learn the art of discipline.


People complain they don’t have enough time to get everything done.  If you wake up early
you become more productive. And you are more likely to finish things

Events and problems

Most things in life happen after 8.00am. But if you can wake up early and get in a few hours
of uninterrupted work it does not matter what happens the rest of the day.

More Tasks Done

It’s no secret that when you have fewer distractions, you will get more done. This is because
there are no children, or other noises. You feel like you have climbed a mountain before
other people get out of bed.


When no one is around, you are the leader: you are the boss. This will instantly make you
feel better.

Take Back Your Life

When you’re looking to take back control of your life, it starts with changing your routine.


It’s no secret. If you wish to become successful, you will need to spend time alone. Solitude
enables you to learn more about yourself. Or maybe just do some exercise, go jogging etc...

Become More Grateful

Take a few minutes each morning to express gratitude for everything in your life.

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