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Learning Area TLE – Contact Center Services Grade Level 10

W5 Quarter Third Date

I. LESSON TITLE Clients’ and Customers’ Needs

Products and Services
LO 2: Transmit/Receive Calls to or from Customers
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Clients and customers’ needs
Learning Activities
A. Introduction Imagine the different kinds of companies that we have in and around Imus
Panimula City. Do you think they have their contact center to assist customers? What
do you think they do to help their customers? Write down your ideas on the
table below.
Do you think they If yes, what
Type of Company have a contact assistance/help do they
center? provide for customers?
1. Fast Food
Restaurant (e.g.
2. Hospital (e.g.
Company (e.g.
B. Development
Pagpapaunlad Customers call the contact center hotline number because they have a
problem or request that they want to be solved. How do you think agents help
customers? What are the things that they do or say to help customers? Use
the graphic organizer below to summarize your thoughts.
How Contact Center Representives Help Customers

Review the previous lesson by answering the activity below:

Directions: Given its importance in your success as CCS practitioners, it is also

essential that you remember the meaning of acronyms that symbolize
agents’ metrics. Write down the meaning of the acronyms below.
1. AHT - _________________________________________________________
2. FCR - __________________________________________________________
3. ER - ___________________________________________________________
4. CSAT - ________________________________________________________
5. QA - _________________________________________________________

Watch the video on this link to have an overview of the importance of

customer needs:

You may now read the lesson below to further understand customers’ needs.

Clients’ and Customers’ Needs

A contact center’s clients and customers both have needs that should be
met. Customers, most importantly, communicate with contact centers due to
several reasons. Below are some of the most common, if not all, needs of
clients and customers:
Learning Activities
1. Counseling - Telephone counseling is done by providing
psychological services over the phone. Professional therapists or
counselors advise customers on certain matters, or perform therapy
for individuals or groups. There are many existing telephone
counseling services in the world for various needs like coping with
anxiety, mental health issues, and illnesses.
2. Directory - Customers need different information such as contact
numbers or addresses of popular restaurants, historical landmarks, or
shopping malls. Directory assistance operators provide these data,
and sometimes even directions to help customers reach their
3. Booking - Customers need reservation or booking services for
domestic and international flights, hotels or resorts, and even rental
cars. Booking assistants help customers smoothly process their
reservations, from choosing the location to sending payments.
4. Technical support - This customer need usually happens after the
customer purchases a product or service. Examples of this are
connecting Bluetooth speakers, troubleshooting the slow internet
connection, and turning a phone’s mobile hotspot on. Customers
may experience minimal to complex problems and technical
support representatives are expected to solve these customer needs.
5. Academic instruction - Customers, especially those in schools or
universities, have needs for academic instruction. Some colleges
provide modules, courses and tutorials through phone or email.
6. Travel advisories - Travel advisories determine precautions to take
when traveling within or outside the country. These help travelers
assess risks, provide advice and advise citizens what to do to be safe.
Travel advisories are given in times of crisis like civil unrest and
7. Sales - Customers often need new products and services to match
their growing needs and lifestyle. Telemarketing, or sales using the
telephone, is used to reach long-distance customers.
8. Data gathering - Contact centers are aware that customers need
security or information. To do this, agents perform data gathering and
account authentication by asking personal questions that only the
account holder knows. This is also needed by customers who would
like to update their information/data in their accounts. Examples of
this are change of address, contact number, or employer.

Products and Services in Contact Centers

Since there are two types of services according to the person who initiates
the call, each type has its own specific services.

A. Inbound Services
1. Financial Services - Clients outsource banking and finance services to
contact centers. Examples of customer needs addressed by agents
are: inquiries regarding their bank account; deposit and withdrawal
of money; and insurance claims. Inquiries and complaints are dealt
with immediately without disrupting the company’s daily operations.
2. Technical Support - Technical support is provided by trained
representatives to help customers fix or repair products or services
bought from the client. This may include internet problems, gadget
malfunction, or software error. When a customer calls, the agent asks
questions or probes to identify the specific problem, then gives
instructions to resolve the issue. Troubleshooting often takes time and
technical knowledge from TSRs or Technical Support Representatives.
3. Client-Specific Products - Customers call for various reasons, and this
is catered by different client-specific contact centers. Customer
Service Representatives (CSRs) provide various services depending
on the contact center’s client which may include product inquiries,
reservations, and order taking.
Learning Activities
B. Outbound Services
Sales - Known as telemarketing, sales are conducted mostly through
outbound calls to target customers. A sales agent or telemarketer calls a
customer to offer latest products to a prospective customer. It is the agent’s
job to persuade the customer to purchase the product or service offered.
C. Engagement Answer the activities below:
Learning Activity #1: Mind the Needs
Directions: Below are different customer stories and experiences. What
services do they need in this situation? Analyze and write down their needs.

1.“I need to attend my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary at Bloom Hotel,

Quezon City. I have been living in Cebu City for 15 years now, and I have a
hard time going around Metro Manila.” – Ashley, a housewife
Ashley needs ___________________________________________

2. “My family plan to spend our summer vacation in Boracay. We need to

organize all our reservations for our flight, our hotel and resort, as well as a
rental car. I would like to have someone to help me conveniently book all of
these for me.” – Isaac, a company employee
Isaac needs ___________________________________________

Learning Activity #2: What Service Does the Customer Need?

Directions: Identify the service that the customer in each situation needs.
_______________1. Mrs. Jameson needs someone to help her fix her computer.
_______________2. Merissa hopes to receive a call from the online shopping
network to know the latest kitchen tools they have on sale.
_______________3. Judy plans to inquire on the different postpaid plans that
Globe Telecomm offers.
_______________4. Mr. Summers complains about the sudden movement in her
bank account.
_______________5. Paul wants to order customized shoes for his brother’s

Accomplish the task below to apply what you have learned in this lesson:
Given the importance of knowing and meeting the needs of customers,
create a Tip Sheet that shows “Five Tips on How to Meet Customer’s Need”. It
may include do’s and don’ts or traits that agents must possess, related to
customer’s needs. A Tip Sheet is usually a folio publication containing special
information or tips relating to a particular business or line of activity. You can
use Google Docs or MS Word in creating the tip sheet. Make sure the paper
size is set to “Letter” or short bond paper. You may use available editing tools
such as Canva on the internet for your designs.

Rubric for Evaluating Tip Sheet

Criteria Fair- Good- Very Excellent-
2 3 Good-4 5
The Tip Sheet gave 5n comprehensible
and original tips that address how agents
can meet customer’s needs.
The Tip Sheet is organized and neat.
The Tip Sheet is creatively done. Design is
attractive and matches the theme.
D. Assimilation Explain your understanding of the lesson by answering this question:
Paglalapat Why is it important for a contact center agent to know the needs of
V. ASSESSMENT Part I. Directions: Match the customer’s problems in Column A to the customer
(Learning Activity Sheets for ‘s needs in Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks
provided before each number.
3 and 6) Column A Column B
_____1. Customer’s newly bought A. Sales
microwave oven does not heat up.
Learning Activities
_____2. Customer changed address and has B. Technical Support
to update his account.
_____3. Customer wants to know the new C. Counseling
car models offered by the company.
_____4. Customer is having anxiety attacks D. Booking
for two days now.
_____5. Customer decided to have a E. Data Gathering
vacation in Japan.

Directions: Identify the service described in each statement. Write only the
letter of the correct answer. Choose from the four options below:
A. Financial Services C. Technical Support
B. Client-Specific Products D. Sales

___________1. This is provided by trained representatives to help customers fix

or repair products or services bought from the client.
___________2. A telemarketer calls a customer to offer latest products to a
prospective customer.
___________3. This service provides customers answers to inquiries regarding
their bank account.
___________4. Reservation is an example of this service.
___________5. Fixing internet problems is an example of this service.
___________6. This type of service helps customers troubleshoot software errors.
___________7. This service accommodates questions and complaints with
insurance application and claims.
___________8. This service includes order taking.
___________9. When a customer calls, the agent asks questions or probes to
identify the specific problem, then gives instructions to resolve the issue.
___________10. This caters customers call for various reasons. This provides
various services depending on the contact center’s client.

VI. REFLECTION In any sheet of paper, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Marycon Carmela G. Mella Checked by: ROLANDO B. TALON JR. EPS - EPP TLE TVL
Edwina C. Nabo EPS EPP/TLE/TVL
Ofelia S. Franco

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