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1) A study finds that the incidence of a disease is higher in individuals who drink coffee compared

to those who do not drink coffee. However, the researchers note that individuals who drink
coffee are more likely to smoke cigarettes, which is a known risk factor for the disease. What
type of bias is this?

A. Selection bias
B. Confounding bias
C. Recall bias
D. D)Publication bias
Answer: B) Confounding bias

2) A researcher is interested in studying the relationship between a particular exposure and a

disease. The researcher selects a group of individuals with the disease and a group of individuals
without the disease and then collects data on their exposure status. However, the researcher is
unable to determine the temporal relationship between exposure and disease. What type of
study design is this?

A. Cross-sectional study
B. Cohort study
C. Case-control study D)
D. Ecological study

Answer: C) Case-control study (since it is a retrospective study design and the temporal relationship
between exposure and disease is determined based on recall)

3) Which of the following is a type of epidemiological study?

A. Case-control study
B. Cross-sectional study
C. Interventional study D)
D. All of the above

D) All of the above - Case-control, cross-sectional, and interventional studies are all types of
epidemiological studies.

4) You want to access the efficacy of new epileptic drug versus old epileptic drug .what is the Best
design you choose for this purpose?
A. Case control
B. Cohort
C. Cross sectional
Answer RCT.

5) What is the best trial design to study incidence of disease.

A. Cross sectional
B. Case control
C. Cohort

Answer cohort.

6) A teacher conducts an ethnographic probe for the issues that were being faced by the tribe
members and the tribal students. The sampling method used here will be?

A. cluster sampling
B. Systematic sampling
C. Snowball sampling
D. None of these mentioned options

Answer: (A) cluster sampling

7) The death of a baby before his or her first birthday is called infant mortality. The infant mortality

rate is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every.

A. 1,000 live births

B. 1,00 live births
C. 1,00,00 live births
D. 1,00,000 live births

Answer: 1,000 live births

8) In general, which of the following is the greatest risk factor for the development of cancer?
A. A-Age
B. B-Alcohol use
C. C-Cigarette smoking
D. D-Female sex
E. E-Obesity

Answer: Age

9) which one of the following is not included in Epidimiologist’s Triad?

A. Host
B. Environment
C. Agent
D. Age

Answer: Age

10) Doing screening is which kind of prevention?

A. primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention re

Answer: Secondary

11) Relative risk can be calculated in

A. case control study

B. cross sectional study
C. descriptive study
D. Experimental study
E. Cohort study

Answer: Cohort study

12) Assignment of treatment arm using a chance mechanism is called ?

A. Stratification
B. Randomization
C. Bias
D. Blinding

Answer: Randomization

13) In order to study the possible association between hair dye and cancer,the most feasible study
design would be which one of the following

A. Randomized control trial

B. Case control study
C. Cohort study
D. Focus Group

Answer: Case control Study

14) Segregation is known as?

A. Restriction of the activities of well person
B. Separation of healthy person from infected person
C. Elimination of Reservoirs of infections
D. None of above

Answer : Separation of healthy person from infected person

15) This is not a indirect mode of transmission?

A. Air
B. Vector
D. Fomite

Answer: HIV
16) Typhoid is an example of _ type of career

A. Incubatory carrier
B. Healthy carrier
C. Convalescent carrier
D. Both B and C

Answer: Both B and C

17) Classification of carriers doesn't based on _

A. Disease duration
B. Disease stage
C. Portal of exit
D. Transmitting agent

Answer: Transmitting Agent

18) Individual who can transmit infection to others without showing sign and symptoms doesn't

A. Asymptomatic carriers
B. Active carrier
C. Healthy carrier
D. Passive carrier

Answer: Active Carrier

19) __ is a preferred sampling method for the population with finite size ?

A. Systematic Sampling
B. Purposive Sampling
C. Cluster Sampling
D. Area Sampling

Answer: Systematic

20) Groups of homogeneous characteristics

A. cluster sampling
B. Stratified
C. Systematic
D. Quota

Answer: Stratified

21) Which study moves from present to past ?

A. Prospective
B. Retrospective/ cross sectional
C. none
D. all of above

Answer: Retrospective / Cross sectional

22) Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of a prospective study design?

A. It is difficult to establish temporal relationships between exposures and outcomes.

B. It is expensive and time-consuming to conduct.
C. It is prone to selection bias due to loss to follow-up.
D. It is only suitable for studying acute diseases or outcomes.

Answer: It is expensive and time-consuming to conduct.

23) Which of the following is a type of research design that involves observing and recording
behavior in a natural setting without manipulating variables?

A. Experimental design
B. Quasi-experimental design
C. Correlational design
D. Observational design


24) which is suitable study design ,when patient take both treatment and placebo ?

A. Randomized control trial

B. Double blind trial
C. Cross over trial
D. Observational
E. Single blind trails


25) The incidence of diabetes in Lahore is very high. All those residents who don't have diabetes in
lahore followed for 5 years and risk factor in developing diabetes are identified, under which
study would you classify if?
A. Retrospective study
B. Cross sectional study
C. Experimental study
D. Prospective study


26) To measure disease burden in a community which one of the following essential to know:

A. Incidence
B. period prevalence
C. Point prevalence
D. incidence rate
E. e-commulative incidence


27) Which of the following sampling methods involves dividing the population into subgroups and
selecting a proportional number of individuals from each subgroup?

A. Simple random sampling

B. Stratified sampling
C. Cluster sampling
D. Systematic sampling


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