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Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself

The first thing that comes to mind about education is gaining knowledge.
Education is a tool that gives people knowledge, skills, and information allowing
them to know their rights and obligations concerning their family, society, and
nation. Education enriches the worldview and expands the ability to fight injustice,
violence, corruption, and many other unpleasant moments in the life of society.
Education gives us knowledge about the world around us, which develops
important outlooks on life. Education is an important aspect that plays an
important role in today's industrialized world. People need a good education to be
able to survive in a competitive world. Education teaches critical thinking, allows
you to determine your place in life, forms the skills of interaction in a team and
leadership qualities, becomes the basis of a person's professionalism. Of course, to
many, it may seem that education is a waste of time, but every discipline has its
own purpose.

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