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Activity Report

Once A Blood Donor Is Always A Lifesaver.


A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used
for transfusions and/or made into biopharma ceuti calme dications by a process
called fractionation (separation of Donation may be of whole blood, or of specific components
directly (apheresis). Blood banks often participate in the collection process as well as the
procedures that follow it.

Today in the developed world, most blood donors are unpaid volunteers who donate blood for a
community supply. In some countries, established supplies are limited and donors usually give
blood when family or friends need a transfusion (directed donation). Many donors donate for
several reasons, such as a form of charity, general awareness regarding the demand for blood,
increased confidence in oneself, helping a personal friend or relative, and social pressure. Despite
the many reasons that people donate, not enough potential donors actively donate. However, this
is reversed during disasters when blood donations increase, often creating an excess supply that
will have to be later discarded. In countries that allow paid donation some people are paid, and
in some cases there are incentives other than money such as paid time off from work. People
can also have blood drawn for their own future use (autologous donation). Donating is
relatively safe, but some donors have bruising where the needle is inserted or may feel faint.

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Activity Report


Blood donation is harmless and safe in the body. Rather, it is a social responsibility. The donor
is donating for it as it will be used in saving lives of his fellow beings. He himself may use the
same during his own need. MILLIONS OF people owe their lives to people whom they will
never know or meet in their lifetime. They are none other than those people, who have donated
their blood freely and without any reward – voluntary blood donors. Voluntary unpaid donors
are the foundation of a safe blood supply which saves millions of human beings from the jaws
of untimely death. We need to extend a hearty appreciation to these unsung heroes who give
the precious gift of life to mankind. JUNE 14TH IS OBSERVED AS INTERNATIONAL
BLOOD DONARS DAY. Nothing is comparable to the preciousness of human blood. In spite
of the rapid and remarkable conquests of medical science today, there is no laboratory that
manufactures blood. It is only in human beings that human blood is made and circulated. For
those who require blood for saving their lives, sharing from other fellows is the only means.

Hence, donation rather voluntary donation is the only way of accumulating blood at safe
storage to meet emergency requirements for saving lives. Blood is required for treatment of
accidental injuries, burns, diseases like Haemorrhagic, Anaemia, Leukaemias, Thalassemias
and Haemolytic ailments. In times of accidental injuries that shed huge amounts of blood and
also in various types of surgical operations for medical treatments, we require blood for
transfusion. Unavailability of blood may cost lives. Hence, importance of blood donation is
tremendous. This is the greatest gift one can give to the fellow humans. Voluntary blood
donors are saviors of mankind. If someone really loves oneself and other fellow beings, the
only way to express it is to donate blood voluntarily.

Safe blood transfusion comes under legal protection as it is life-saving and also fatal. Article 21
under part III of Indian Constitution spells out that no person shall be deprived of his life. The
Consumer Protection Act of 1986 also covers blood as a commodity. Indian Panel Code
chapter XIV, sections 269 and 270 also provide for protection against spread of infectious
diseases due to negligent and malignant acts. Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940 also establishes
regulations for blood banking and transfusions. The role of blood in a living creature is unique.
The different components of blood have different activities to perform. Red Blood Cells (RBC)
transport oxygen throughout the body, White Blood Cells (WBC) constitute body’s defense
mechanism, Platelets helps in stopping bleeding and plasma transports proteins including anti-

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Activity Report

Blood also evacuates wastes products from all organs of the body. There are four main blood
groups ie, O, A, B and AB. Group O is the most common and therefore, the most in demand.
Fear of needles, fear of pain, fear of sight of blood, fear of future weakness, fear of possible ill
effects, objection from elders, ignorance and illiteracy etc are all reasons for many people who
are hesitant in donating blood. All these myths and misconceptions are to be removed in order
that adequate amount of blood is made available at blood banks for saving the patients. Blood
collected from voluntary donors are stored at blood banks and it will be readily made available
to needed patients on replacement basis. All units of blood collected are tested for malaria,
hepatitis B & C, VDRL and HIV. Voluntarily donated blood are screened for potentially life-
threatening infections such as HIV and hepatitis viruses.

Hence, blood recipients have nothing to worry and regular donors can maintain their safe
status. Formerly, selling and buying of this life-fluid was common. Blood sellers do this trade for
want of money as they are usually poor. They suffer from various ailments and they may be drug
addicts, alcoholics and even carriers of blood transmissible diseases. The Supreme Court of
India has banned this trade since January 1, 1998. Blood transfusion from matched relatives and
friends was also in vogue. As it was not done voluntarily, there is apprehension of ill effects
to the recipients. So, voluntarily donated blood from healthy and social minded individuals is
considered as the safest blood for transfusion. A blood donor has to meet the following criteria:
(as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 1940)

Age: between 18 to 60 years.

Body weight: 45 kg and above
Pulse rate: 60 to 100 per minute and regular

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Activity Report

o Blood pressure: Systolic 100 to 140, Diastolic 70 to 100.

o Hemoglobin: minimum 12.5gm/100ml of blood
o Oral temperature: not exceeding 37.50C.
o There are also persons who should not donate blood.
They are those: who are feeling unwell; who are anemic; who are either pregnant or breast-
feeding; who have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes; who are taking
anti-biotic;who are immunized with live vaccines; who are being treated for malaria during last
three months; who received blood during the preceding three months; who had major
operations during last six months.

The average amount of blood present in an adult is four to five liters or about eight per cent of
the body weight. Life cycles of the different components are short. The RBC lives about 120
days while white cells last about three to nine days. New blood cells are constantly generated in
the body. A person can donate blood 168 times during his 18 to 60 years. The quantity of blood
present in one kg of body weight is 76ml for males and 66 ml for females. Out of this eight ml
per kg body weight is donatable. Males can donate for every three months while females for
every four months. All donated blood is recuperated within 21 days. At one time only 350 ml
will be taken from a donor in not more than 20 minutes time including time for rest and
refreshment. “The gift of blood is the gift of life. There is no substitute for human blood. Blood
cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors.”

Blood Donation Slogans

➢ Donate blood and save lives.

➢ Instead of giving your blood to mosquitoes, give it to someone who needs it.
➢ One bag of blood can bring back one from the dead.
➢ The bond of blood is stronger than anything.
➢ A blood bag in time saves a life.
➢ Someone, your type, is out there somewhere, needing your blood.

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Activity Report

Benefits of Blood Donation:

Every year, World Blood Donor Day is observed on June 14 to raise awareness about the need
to donate blood regularly to increase the availability of safe blood and its products for patients
in need. This day is also an occasion to thank donors who volunteer to donate the life-saving
gift of blood. This also acts as an encouragement for others who are otherwise hesitant to
volunteer in the noble cause.
“According to the World Health Organization, blood transfusion can potentially save several
lives, but many times patients needing transfusion do not have access to safe blood readily. Many
times, patients suffering from life-threatening conditions can be saved by blood donation.
But, it must also be known that blood donation not only helps save lives, but it also has certain
health benefits for the donor as well,”
Weight loss: Timely blood donation helps in the reduction of weight and improves fitness in
healthy adults. According to the University of California researchers, donating a pint of blood
i.e., 450 ml helps your body burn about 650 calories. But it must not be thought of or
encouraged as a weight loss plan. Doctor consultation before donating blood is a must, to avoid
any health issues.
Reduce heart disease risk: Regular blood donation keeps in check the iron levels, which
lowers the risk of heart disease. A large amount of iron build-up in the body can cause
oxidative damage which has proven to be a major culprit in accelerating aging, heart attacks,
strokes, etc.
Lower cancer risk: Higher levels of iron in the body are an invitation to cancer. By donating
blood, you can maintain healthy iron levels, thereby lowering your risk of developing cancer.

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Activity Report

Enhance new blood cell production: Blood donation stimulates the production of new blood
cells. After donating blood, your body’s system gets to work within 48 hours of donation with
the help of bone marrow. New blood cells are produced and all the lost red blood cells are replaced
within a span of 30 to 60 days. Hence, donating blood helps in maintaining vital health.

Promotion of Blood Donation:

Encourage your friends and family to become regular blood donors. Volunteer with the blood
service to reach out to members of your community, provide care to donors, and help manage
blood donation sessions/drives. Find out your blood type and register as a blood donor. Participate
in local World Blood Donor Day events.

Become a blood donor today and help save lives.

Commit to being a regular donor and give blood throughout the year.
Encourage your friends and family to become regular blood donors.
Volunteer with the blood service to reach out to members of your community, provide care to
donors, and help manage blood donation sessions/drives.
Find out your blood type and register as a blood donor.
Participate in local World Blood Donor Day events.
Organize and participate in activities to celebrate World Blood Donor Day, promoting
voluntary unpaid blood donation to the public, across government and to other sectors.

Location of activity carried out

Day 1

Title: Blood awareness programming in Jain institute

of technology Davanagere
Date: 01/06/2022 to 10/06/20222

Duration: 30 ours

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Activity Report

Supporting document

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Activity Report

“Donate your blood for a reason; let the reason to be life.”

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