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SERVICE MANUAL CDP-C433M “This set is compact disc player section in LBT AS90IA595/A79014728. AEP_ Model E Model Australian Model System Liser Wavelengts Frequency response Signal to noise vaio Dynamic range Harmonic distortion Channel separation Wow and flutter Ovrputs ‘Model Name Using Similor Mechanism | COP-Ca25MiC422M (CD Mechanism Type ‘COMTBES 5BDIS Base Unt Type BUS8DI98 ‘Optical Pickup Type KSS-2408 [SPECIFICATIONS Compact disc digital audio system ‘Semiconductor laser 780-790-nm 2H2-20 kis (205 dB) ‘More than 100 45 More than 98 48 ess than 0.005% (1 kHz) More than 968 (1 kHz) Below measurable limit LINE OUT (phono jacks) Output level 2V (at $0 kilohms) Loa! impedance over 10 ilohims Pow Model fr the Australia 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Model for Continental Europe 220-230 V AC, 50/40 Hz “Model for other countries 110-120 or 220-240V AC adjustable, 50/60 He Powerconsumption IW. Dimensions (not including projecting pats and controls) Weight "Approx. 385 120x385 mm (w/h/a) (0443/4 15 1/4 inches) ‘Approx 5:0 kg (11 Ibs 102), Supplied accessories tai signal connecting cord 1 (phono plug x2 +» phono plug x2) Design and specifications subject to change without notice COMPACT DISC PLAYER SONY. Laser component inthis product is capable of emitting radiation Ssceeding thelimitforChoss te This Compact Dis players classified asa CLASS 1 LASER product TheCLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT abel is located on the rear exterior hora SASEALATE LASS 1 LASERAPPARAT Laser component in this producti capable of emitting radiation ‘exceeding the limit for Class 1. ‘The following caution label is locate inside ofthe uni TROT RRA OASEL EES EES Notes on chip component replacement + Never ruse a disconnected chip component. + Notice that the minus side of a tantalum capacitor may be damaged by heat. ‘SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING 11 COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK 4 OR DOTTED LINE WITH MARK 4. ON THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, AND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL TO SAFE ‘OPERATION. REPLACE THESE COMPONENTS WITH ‘SONY PARTS WHOSE PART NUMBERS APPEAR AS ‘SHOWN IN THIS MANUAL OR IN SUPPLEMENTS PUBLISHED BY SONY. NOTES ON WANDLING THE OPTICAL PICKUP] BLOCK OF BASE UNIT | The laser doer the epic pick Bock may wll eee eee Geren fevered by te charged Guten neon cotieg Sauce Dring rept, py aesin to decom breacdown and alse the procefre inthe pita ater wich inthe reapers The ete boards easly damaged an shold be and NOTES ON LASER DIODE EMISSION CHECK ‘The laser beam on this model is concentrated so as to be focused on the dise reflective surface by the objective lens in the optical pick-up block. Therefore, when checking the laser diode emission, observe from more than 30 cm away from the objective lens MODEL IDENTIFICATION — Specification Label — SONY. COMPACT DISC PLAYER _wooet_No._CDP-Cé39M SERIAL No. MADE IN JAPAN [AEP model: AC220—280V, SO/60Hs, 1200 model: AC1 10—120/220--240V, s0/60He, 12 Austrian model: AC240V, SO/6OHZ 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Section Title Page 1. GENERAL Location of controls 2. SERVICING NOTE 8. ELECTRICAL BLOCK CHECKING. 4, DIAGRAMS 4-1. Circut Boards Location. 42, Semiconductor Lead Layouts 42. Block Diagram 4-4, Printad Wiring Board — BD Section — 45, Schematic Diagram — 80 Section — 46. Schematic Diagram — Main Soction — 47. Prints Wiking Boards — Main Section — 48. IC Pin Functions +1€101 Digital Signal Processor (Cx02515Q) + 1€103 Digita Filter & O/A Converter (CKD2565AM) + 10321 System Control (CXP82316-0880) 5. EXPLODED VIEWS 541, Cabinet Assembly 5:2. Chassis Assombly 53. Tray Assembly 5-4. Optical Pick-up Block (BU-580138), 6. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST RErrikn ke ¢ ‘Transit key 8 The transi key on the bottom exterior ofthe wnt protects the optical 8 asim against shock during transportation. Before operating the 2 CO player be sure to remove the key by following the instractions 42 onthelabe and store iin a safe place. 15 19. When transporting the unt replace the key i its orginal hole and 23. __lockitinplace 29 31 2 a 34 35 36 97 SECTION 1 This section Is extracted from| CoNERnE Instruction manual. Ree Log Sy Refer to the pages indicated in () for details POWER switch (page 12) (2IPLAY MODE buttons ‘CONTINUE button (page 12) SHUFFLE button page 3) PROGRAM button (page 2,28) Isc 1-5 buttons (page 2) (al m (pay) baton (page 12) {BIIN (pase) button (page 12) IB) m Gop) button (page 12) Het Pt (ANS batons (page 16 [B) (oanval sarc) buttons (page 15) WoISC skip button (page 12) 10.4 OPEN/CLOSE button (page 12) Disc ray (page 12) |CLEAR (program cer) button (page 20) 1 CHECK (program check button page 2) (ZEDITbutton (page 32) IB FADER button (page 36 |B TIME button (page 14) EpDispay window [If PEAK SEARCH bution (page 36) [IMUSIC SCAN button (page 18) REPEAT button (page 35) + AMS isthe abbreviation of Automatic “Music Sensor. SECTION 2 SERVECING NOTE 24, HOW TO OPEN THE DISC TRAY WHEN POWER SWITCH TURNS OFF — Ingenta tapering aver into aperture ofthe unit bottom, and si ‘um in the direction of arrow (to OUT direction). SECTION 3 ELECTRICAL BLOCK CHECKING Note : 1. CD Block basically constructed to operate without adjustment. Therefore, check each item in order given. 2. Use YEDS-18 disc (3-702-101-01) unless otherwise indicated, 3, Use the oscilloscope with more than 10M impedance. 44. Clean an object lens by an applicator with neutral detergent when the signal lever is low than specified value with the following checks. ‘S Curve Check oscitoscope ‘80 board co TPE) ooo Tye) oe Procedure : 1. Connect oscilloscope to test point TP (FE) on BD boat, 2. Connect between test point TP (FEI) and TP (VC) by lead 3. Tumed Power switch on 4. Put disc (YEDS-18) in and turned Power switch on again and actuate the focus search. (actuate the focus search When disc table is moving in and out.) 5. Cheek the oscilloscope waveform (S curve) is symmetrical between A and B, And confirm peak to peak level within 3E1 Vp-p, ‘S-cuve wavetorm hein \ witin3 £1 Vp 6. After check, remove the lead wire connected in step 2, Note : + Try to mesure several times to make sure than the ratio of A: B or B=: A is more than 107. + Take sweep time as Jong as possible and light up the brightness to obtain best waveform. RF Level Check osciloscope BD board oO TP(AFO) o= o> rere) 9 Procedure : 1, Connect oscilloscope to test point TP (REO) on BD board. 2, Fumed Power switeh on 3. Put dise (YEDS-18) in and playback 4. Confirm that oscilloscope waveform is clear and check RF signal level is correct of not. Note Clear RF signal waveform means that the shape “>” can be clearly distinguished atthe center of the waveform, FF signal wavetorm YOLTIOIV :200mv [TME/DIV:So0ns ove! 1228 VP E-F Balance Check csctotcope {06 range) 80 board CO “TB(RFO} =} TPIvey Procedure : 1. Connect test point TP (ADJ) on MAIN board to ground and ‘TPCTEL) to TP (VC) with lead wire. Connect oscilloscpe 10 test point TP (TE) on BD board. ‘Tumed Power switch on. |. Put disc (YEDS-18) in and playback, Confirm that the oscilloscope waveform is symmetrical on the top and bottom in relation to OVA, and check this level. Traverse ositoscope ‘symmetry level:221 Vp 66. Remove the lead wire connected in step 1 RF Free-run Frequency Check Procedure : 1. Connect frequency counter to test point (PLCK) with lead we frequency counter BO board a Soa TP PLOK) = 2° 2. Turned Power switch on 3. Confirm that reading on frequency counter is 4.3218MHz, Adjustment Location = [MAIN BOARD ]— Conductor Side — [BD BOARD | — Conductor Side — ons f i ier02 lor (FE) pd an © oTrcre trina) O) TPqve) 8 SECTION 4 DIAGRAMS 4-1. CIRCUIT BOARDS LOCATION BD BOARD TABLE MOTOR BOARD ‘MAIN BOARD 4-2, SEMICONDUCTOR LEAD LAYOUTS Basie xD2565AM = L7aLRO5D UP CASsC DTAtaaes, Drctaaes , * S (nie . Z szost. . 2SALI7S-HFE RDS SESB2 ‘28C4038P-51 RO9.1ESB2 ‘2SC3625A-LK ‘E82, MSE7aMOTL e li eS 282678-AB = =p i CDP-C433M 4-3. BLOCK DIAGRAM i i CDP-C433M ~ oa eS 6 Ree 5 oe CDP-C433M, Te ST 4-5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM — BD SECTION — + IC Block Diagrams + See pages 29 to 31 for IC Pin Functions. (IC101, IC103) + Waveforms 1C101 CXD2515Q ee OL ae is [a6 7 ef te ic ee | ® - 09 A sou, To = = 7 z . = - ere 1 [BD BOARD) ge ox gk 9 @ | ~c - i. ¢ = t Sere ae POCaE] OPTICAL PICK-UP_BLOCK (KSS-240A) LAU [ee es] a a Sai a as B a Tel Ton | 7 7 ve res01 DeLay c101 PLAY a a z | ® @ ae Fir Heleva [i 7 4 oisiTaL FILTER, oe : | mo pape at - 7 UL 7k COWERTER os es mae i ern ming leas a = = : em aeuy eaie : : a | 7 et — Eran ra 7 le Na f oe a 7 fo) RF RNP A Al (ae | oe E = bl] AN see | SUL ae j os Hae ee | = | [tas | i eid i ex | ‘h a | BTL DRIVER 1 1 pgp Gs Bl | ¥ 4 Te mes : - - ays Lge E Sr a oe 8l-tos | rn alt er Ee | epg ae {oe DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, ry ott Oe Eh je CLV SERVO oe ra sie T oe re Ht — a | F (tee ——T- J = = : ha_sace T aie | Se eats t | a Note: yeu = | PA capactors are in uF unless othervse notod. PF a} PAT =| = = eT SOWV or less are not indicated except for electrolytics and wan UTEL, TT ves] | T tantalums. c| Be : re ee | j4— 4 + Alesis wen @ an AW or ks unas obese 1 Wows Po rps rag mB odes borer In wit ark oo rel a . oe Fale on wit par mumbo ped in a0 — Be Line = oa | —= a ee Fe | = | a CDP-C433M 46. SCHEMATIC. DIAGRAM — MAIN SECTION — + See page 32 for IC Pin Functions. (IC321) + IC Block Diagrams Ie3o1 M5299. 1341 BAGI91 1 | 2 l 3 4 5 l 6 l 7 | 8 I 9 L_10 a 12 is | 15 16 | 7 : so . . VW 7; | a rs) vince noaton TE —L soMHe : 3 ” tc321 @ : Note: 4 ; a Al capactors are in uF unlass otherwise notod. aK : SOW or less are not indicated except for electoytcs and tantalum. : + Alresistors ae In 0 and 1/6W or loss uniess otherwise c spoctd. + TA intemal component. + (3: panel designation =| _ a i identiiog by TABLE MOTOR} Sea es D + Voltage and wavelorms are de wih respect 0 ground Une nosignal canons. 4 ro mark: STOP + Voltages are taken wah a VOM (input impedance 10M). Votage vaiatons may be note due o roma production E tolerances. + Wavelorms aro taken wit a oscitoscope aii ‘oage variations may be noted due to normal production ratte tolerances + + icles numbers reter to wavetors. My i) © Signal path > :00 F G H 1 7 vor meen: —20— —21- oo CDP-C433M 4-7. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS — MAIN SECTION — + See page 8 for Circuit Boards Location. + See page 8 for Semiconductor Lead Layouts. i : 3 4 8 i] 10. ul !2 13. 14 15. 16. 17 18 oo 20. < a re 24 25. 26 oo 28 ao a [ain Boaro) KEY SW BOARD] A ot fl i 8 B : osetay e000) : Ne E Leow) F G rseagro4 : — eo Be Feces aeencaes —23— — 4 5 ~ 26 — 27 ~ 28 — 4-8. IC PIN FUNCTIONS + IC101 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR (CX02515Q) Pin No. Pin Name | vo Function 1 [Ron [0 | Sarai 2 [sabe 0 [setae 3 _| SFON 0 _| Sled drive ouput oe a ‘s__| TRON (0 _| Tracking drive output 6 ‘TRDR 0 _| Tracking drive output ~ 7 [row 0 | Trek ora 9 [row 0 [Poss ave ona vo [ror 0 [Pesaro [Fron 0 [Fos arveoaa 2 vcoo 0 _| VCO output for analog EFM PLL. voor T [60 apr ae EP Test 1] stir comesed only © ND ~ | Dv = _| Digital GND TES? = 1_| TEST pin connected normally to GND —_ TTS ome soma GND ie [P00 0 [ia un ut rg EF PL is wre (| hw un up tee PLL | vert 1__ | Clock input from variable pitch external VCO 2 AVD2 ~ =_| Analog power supply el 2 [16e0 7 ove ny ropa np 2B AVS? = _| Analog GND m4 ADIT 1__| Input pin for A/D converter | 2 ABI6 [Oo apie 26 [roe 1 a iit a a TE 1_| Tracking error signal input a _ T [Bd erst |_| TFs esl [30 1 _ | Center voltage input pin at - 0 _| Fitter output for master PLL 32 = | Filter input for master PLL i 33 © _| Change-pump output for master PLL _ ~ _™ 1_| Controt voltage input for master VCO 38 = _| Analog GND c 36 | sina 7 1_| Asymmetry circuit constant current input : | ca 1 | Asymmetry comparate voltage input ED 7 © _| EFM full swing output —29— Pin No 10 Funetion a | Dvn = _| Bisiatpowersipiy 2 ASYE 1 _| Anymmery crt ONOFF 3] Pssu | 1_| Ao dt cept nde selon ait 4 _| wock (© | As-icslot BVA interface, Word elock 45 | ERCK [0 | sei sto VA intertace. LR clock 46 | DATA (0 _| DA 16 output when PSSL=1, 48-bit slot serial data when PSSI 7 [eck (| DA 15 euput when FSSL=I. 48 so dla when PSSL=O “8 [ewara (| Da 14 ety when FSSL-1, 64 at dala when PSSL=O o | eeu ©] DA 1S cup when FSSL=I. 64 slo dt wen PSSL=O 50__| 6aLRCK © _| DA 12 output when PSSL=1. 64-bit slot data when PSSL=O st__| ctor (0 _| BA 1 output when PSSL=1. GTOP output when PSS 2 _| xucr (© | DA Tout when PSSL=1. XUGF ouput when PSSL=0 3 [xeon (© | DA ouput when PSSL=I.XPLCK ouput when PSSLd | OFS © _| A 08 ouput when PSSLe1. GFS output when PSSL-O 38__| ProK (© | DAO? output when PSSL=1, RECK output when PSSL=0 56 | caro. (© [A ouput when FSL=1 C290 ott when PSSL=O 37 | XRAOF (0 _| BAGS output when PSSL=I, XRAOF output when PSSL=0 se Mr ° ‘3 [unre (© | DA 03 cut when SSL“. MNTZ opt when PSS @ [MNT [To [Da sit when PSSL=I. MIT! ouput when PSSL=0 1 | wnro (© | DAD cup when FESC=I. MNT ouput when PSSL=0 @ | Xtal 1_| Xl ossttor cent | xt00 © | Xialoscltor cist ouput [erst 1 _| Rel setecon putin | dvs =| big GND «6 [rsm T | 2 ier omparo ins 2, @_| F510 (© _| 28 iver ouput of pins 62, 63 [om (0_| 4236 rouge | ct (0 | vas34 Me ouput 70 | Me 1_| Distakow ONOFF conta in 71__| dour © | Disiowrouputnin EMPH (0 | Praybck disc ouput in emphasis mode WEEK. | WFCK ouipe [ Scor = 0_| Stb-code syne ouput 5850 (0_| Sub rough Sub-W sera pe 76 exck 1 _| Chekingt or 880 row 77 __[ suse | Sibson ouput 7a | sock {| Ghoekinpttor S080 react 7 | MUTE 1 | Mating steton pin | SENS. 0 _[ SENS output at_| xRsT 1 | Sitenese [pire 1_| Used in reek amp mode @_[scux 1 _| SENS srt ds read-out cock ee | brsw 1 | Bre sctezion pin [arse 1 [ep pn for aisha a PinNo. Pin Name 10 Funetion | DATA 1 _| Seta data inp spplied fom CPU a7__| xuat 1 _[ Latch input, spied from CPU 88 | CLOK 1_| ‘Serial data transfer clock input, supplied from CPU | cour (© _| Numbers of rack counted signal ouput : 0 | Dvbo =| Digi power supply [MRR (© _| Miror signal ouput I 2 | prcr 0 _| Detect signal ouput o3_| Fox (0 _| Focus OK output FSW ‘© _| Outputto select spindle motor oviput filter ‘MON (0 _| Outputto contre! ONOFF af spindle mote 36 | MOP: © | Oxtputio coniatspndlemotorseno 7__| Mos 10] Ouiprte cont spindle motor servo : 98 | Lock (© _| GrSis sampled by 460 He H when GFSieH | sstP 1_[ tap seal to detet dis inner most wack - 10 __| SFR (© _| Sled drive ouput + 1C103 DIGITAL FILTER & D/A CONVERTER (CXD2565AM) Pin No. Pin Name v0 Function TN 1_| Re-gmchronzing at ise up edge of ts ign 2__| svsM =| Connected GND. as [3 [arr 1_| Atenution data input «| sar 1 | Shit cock input [arcu 1 _[ Latch clock inp : 6 | ser (0 _| 384FS clock up | [teste | =| Connect te GND - =] © [ve = | Digiat GND - 9 | Test =| Comeced to GND aaa wo | BCK 1 | BCK input | DATA = 1 _[ Basar : | unck 1 | LRCK input 1B) MUTEL 0 | Noted ~ | MuTER : O_| Noted DVeo! =| Distal power supply a is [Rie (0 _| Rech PLM ouput (postive phase) | AvooR =| Cech anaog power supiy is | RG) (© _| Ren PLM output (postive phase) 9] AVsR “| =| eat anatog GND 20_| xvo0 =| Master lock powersupey 21 | xour 0 _| ut escilatr ouput G35 Ma) [XIN [1] ett esctator input 388 MH) XvS = _| Master etek GND AVS =| eh anaiog GND. ome (0 _| Lech PLM outpue2 postive phase) 26 | AVool. =| Leh nao power supriy [2 (© [ LenPLM output postive phase) 28 | Bven2 =| Dist power supeiy e : sie + 10321 SYSTEM CONTROL (CXP82316-0380) Tara Ca 3 ADI 1__| Test mode pin. Normally: "H™ ~~] a AMUTE: © _| Analog muting control signal output 7 [re 0 ash in a Te ; oleate nero 0 | selansrope Ga saoortantwer too Tse Gant ToT tena rite of DSP readout cek utpat Sate HYiED : ‘221027 | KEYOto KEYS 1 _| Key input ae 29 | MODE 1_| Disc tbe feeling and stop precision fine adjustment 30 XRST. 1 _| Reset signal input _ EN EXTAL | 10 MHz clock input . 32 | XTAL (0 _| 10Mitz clock output 3 [sear a Sailr a 381057 | PLwP20 © _| FL segment output : seat [= = [pereat ES Se n 45V = } ~ . a ale : ZI Icsw =| Notused = 75 ‘BUSOUT 0 | Audio bus output . 76 uPSw | 1 | Dise table up det n ouTSw 1 _| Loading output de [owe al measones —32— NOTE: * Tems matked~ # "are nt stock since they ae seldom required for routine sevice, Some Gelsy shouldbe anticipated when ovdering these items * Color Insication of Appearance Pars Example: KNOB, BALANCE (WHITE)... (RED). t t Pans color Cabinet's color 5-1. CABINET ASSEMBLY (a Ref.No, Part No. Description K-49e-684-2 PANEL ASSY, FRONT 4-963-098-01 BUTTON (PORER) (573-D77-A REY SP BOARD, COMPLETE 1-852-800-12 DISPLAY BOARD 1-165-481-11 WIRE (FLAT T¥Pe) (36 coke) #6 &-945-992-01 case 7 S-100-386-01 SCRE (CASE) (axa) SECTION 5 EXPLODED VIEWS + XX, -X mean standaeized pas, 0 they may have some eitference from te original one +The mechanical pars with no reference umber in the explode views are not supplied. ‘+ Mardware ($ mark) list and accesories and packing materials ae given inthe lst of this par it 1 AUS + Autaian moet Renark | Ref.No. Part No, Deseription The components ienttiod by mark Avot dove Tie with mark Ay are sical for satel. Replace “only” with part number species. #8 ¢-970-867-01 custoN PANEL) 9 &-837-945-01 PLATE (TRANSPORT), LOOK lo @2u-410-01 FELT 18 (885-1 ) 2 618), sBVTP 93-0 FLrs 1518-21-11 INDICATOR TUBE, FLUORESCENT 33 — 5-2. CHASSIS ASSEMBLY 51 a not suppliod 69 “The componeats Weattied by mark Ay or dated ine with mark dh are ten! forsatey. Replace ‘only with part number specified. RefNo, Fart No, Deseription Remark | Ref.No, Part No, Description Rear, #51 1-638-730-11 LoaDIng woe BOARD 68 $-881-576-11 RIVET 52 4-49-375-01 GEAR (LONDING 8) 53 4-894-381-01 Gear (LouDiNg C) 410 4-948-996-05 spuNG, LEAP 54 4-§34-391-01 GEAR (LOADING 47 1-636-731-11 OPAL SH BOARD #55 4-851-818-01 CUSHION A) 372 4-345-997-01 Qussis, 373 4-865-054-01 PANEL, "BACK AEP) 56 4-924-412-01 sPmING (B), TENSION #73 4-965-050-11 PANEL, BACK GUS) St ¢-917-518-01 LEVER, Ser" 58 K-4841-520-1 PULLEY ASSY 11 21 PANEL, BACK) 52 4-844-490-01 BELT TIMING) em 0 BUSHING (204), CORD Seenessneeennte OO 1-580-875-11 SOKET, coMECTOR (9) 260 «capacitor > (M102 1-S65-77-11 CORECTOR, FRC (LOND CLE) 12P iol 1-169-05-11 CERIMIC CHIP sTORE 10K SOY C102 1-169-038-00 CERNE CHIP 0 UF 25 103 I-162-05-11 CERMUC CHIP TOPE ox SOY | OL Bse-a61-20 1c cmasisa 10S 1-135-155-21 TANTALUM CHP 4. TuP 10K ev |Kcu02—750-1TH-a8 IC, BAe 106 -160-346-11 GRC GTP TF wer | reins. 752-367-61 1c° caDasesin coo -16t-sos-n cen ue 2.20 uy «cot > {108 1-163-035-00 CERAMIC GTP. 6. 04TUE 50 {109 1-165-00-11 CERAM GTP CLOOISuP 10% soy | LOL I-414-23¢-11 tvctOR, FERRITE BEAD clo 1-168-017-0 cama UP CLondTur sx sov | Liga I-41e-284-11 Irom, FERRITE BEAD Ca -1ss-251-1 ema GTP OOF KY | L103 T-414-23-11 OUTER, FERRITE BEAD Lik 1216-00-00 METAL CHIP 105k 1/108 uit 1-169-098-00 cRIMIC CHIP 0.1 asx | ti05 1-216-205-00 TAL GHP OSX A/F CLS 1-169-088-00 GRANT GHTP 0. UP 2 Cuz -16t-22-11 CERMNC CHIP LOL soy | 1106 1-en4-236-11 noucToR, FERRITE BEAD C124 1-184-005-11 CERNE CHIP LATOR ar | Lint 1-216-295-00 MEAL GIP 0 SX ton CA 1-1e8-08-00 CERAM CTP 0 AP sy | Loe 1-216-295-00 weTAL CHIP 0 SLOW cue s-tes-on-00 cena cP 0. 1uF at <0 > C133 1-185-05-00 CERAM CHIP 0. TUF a C1S81-168-08-00 CERAM CHIP 0. 1uP asi | amon a-4917-528-8 woror Assr Sento) use 1-169-010-00 CERAMIC CHIP O:on6buP 10k soy | wioa-4917-806-1 WoTOR ASSY (SLED) 161 1-169-09-00 CERAM CHIP 0. TUF BH «esisTOR > CrTT1-165-08-00 cename CHIP 0. 10F st C18 1-165-08-00 CERAM CHTP 0 TUF st | pint L-zi6-0r7-oo merw ce ak sk tO C19 1-165-08-00 CERAMIC CHIP 0, 1uF asi | Riz 1-216-097-00 METAL GMP 100K SX 1/108 C181 1-1€8-08-00 CERALC CHIP 0 uP asx | is 1-2i6-071-00 wera CHIP ISK SK 1/10 uaz 1-165-098-00 CERMMIC CHIP OL zr ive T-2u6-085-00 MET CHIP SKS AON 10S. 1-216-065-00 METAL CHIP LTR S/R C183 1-185-156-21 TANTALIM GHP 6.80F 10K LOT Cle 1-186-158-21 TANTALIM GHP GaP Los 10 | R106 1-216-061-00 METAL PK Sk LON C185 1-185-156-21 TANTALIM CHP 6.6OF 10K 10 | RIOT. T-216-061-00 METAL UP 8K 5/108 C186 1-160-098-00 CERINC CHIP 0 uP as | Rub -2u6-418-00 METAL CHIP 10K SS 1/10 C187 1-162-038-00 CERINIC CHP 0 1a ay | ie -2u6-121-00 MET CHIP SAO RUD 1-216-025-00 METAL LP 100 $8 1/108 cust 1-162-098-00 coRMIC CHP 0 1uP as C191 1-168-09i-00 CERAMIC GHP ae sor | Ruiz 1-216-019-00 meT cHIP Ks C182 1-169-09-00 CERAMIC CHIP AFP sov | Rize 1-216-255-00 eTiL CHIP = SK /LO ues 1-163-125-00 CERAMIC CHLP 220% sk «SOV | RIS 1-716-079-00 METAL GHP Lok /10 ook 1-169-125-0 CERIMIC CHIP 2202 «SOV | Re 1-716-097-00 METAL CHIP 100K 6X 1/108 RI2S 1-216-069-00 METAL QUI KS /1O 185 1-189-058-00 CERAM CHIP 0. 1uF 25 195 1-163-005-11 GERIIC CHIP TOPE a0 SOV | IR 1-216-049-00 METAL CHP Kk IO CAT 1-168-08-00 CERAM CHIP 0. 1uP as RIT -216-018-00 METAL CHIP KSI a BD Renark BD| |DISPLAY| | KEY SW] | LOADING MOTOR RefNo, Part No. Description Remark |Ref.No. Part No. Description Resark ISL 1-216-037-00 ABTAL GHP 330, 5K L/108 RTS. 1-247-896-11 CARBON 1.6K 58 RISB 1-Z16-111-00 ABTAL CHP 390K SX 1/10F RTM 1-248-421-11 CARBON 2m 58 RIS 1-216-101-00 METAL HP 150K 5K 1/108 RTS 1-240-428-11 CBON am 58 RTIB 1-248-426-11 CARBON 5K 58 RIL 1-216-053-00 METAL CHIP 1.5K SX 1/108 R182 1-216-080-00 ABTAL CHIP = 20K SK 1/10V RTT 1-247-856-00 CARBON nk 5k I8S 1-216-080-00 METAL GHP 20K SK 1/208 RMB 1-240-435-11 CBON sm 58 R184 1-216-080-00 METAL CHIP 20K 5X 1/108 R122 1-249-418-11 CBN Lm 5 ia5 1-216-080-00 METAL CHIP 20K 5K 1/108 RIS 1-247-836-11 CRBON 1K 5 Fred 1-208-421-11 CRBON 2m 5% RIST. 1-216-095-00 METAL CHP = 270 «5K L/208 IBS 1-216-121-00 METAL CHIP M SK 1/108 TQS 1-249-428-11 CARBON Am 8 RIB) 1-414-234-11 INDUCTOR, FERRITE BEAD F128 1-240-426-11 CRBOH So 58 IZ 1-247-856-00 CARBON 1k 5% « sriTcH > RIS21-249-418-11 CARBON Lm 5% RTS} 1-247-836-11 CARBON 18K 58 SOL 1-572-085-11 SWITCH, LEAF (LIMIT) RIB 1-249-421-11 CARBON 2m UE «cvrpRaTOR > RTS 1-249-423-11 CARBON aa OKT NYOL 1-579-906-11 VIBRATOR, CRYSTAL (38st) < smite > ‘onnaeeeeaneeneenanencenennnnnttnnnnsnnntsoonnsennenenien | StI 1-850-308-21 S¥ITOH, TACTILE (Q oPet/cx0se) S112 1-854-308-21 SHITE, TACTILE (DISC SKIP) 4 1-652-800-12 DISPLAY BoARD S113 1-85¢-305-21 SHITOH TACTILE o>) evened STM 1-35¢-308-21 SHITCL, TACTILE Gt) S15 1-85¢-305-21 SHITOL TACTILE CPD < conector > S116 1-554-308-21 SHITE, TACTILE GAD CTS] 1-895-397-31 PI, CORNECTOR (PC BOARD) 36P SIT 1-554-305-21 SHITCH, TACTILE (MD S18 F5-305-21 SHITCH, TACTILE. AD «FLUORESCENT INDICATOR > Sit] 1-554-308-21 SHITOH, TACTILE (>) Si22 1-35E-305-21 SHITOH, TACTILE PEAK SEARCH) FLAS 1-519-721-11 INDICATOR TUBE, FLUORESCENT $123 1-S54-305-21 SHITCR, TACTILE WSC SCAN) «< resistoR > Si2d 1-$54-308-21 SHITE TACTILE REPEAT) S125 1-554-303-21 SHITCH, TACTILE PROGRAN) roe 1-249-418-11 caRBO Lm 58 1/aN F S128 1-854-308-21 SHITCH, TACTILE (SHUFFLE) R103. 1-247-836-11 cARBON 1 Se IAT Sie 1-854-308-21 SHITCH, TACTILE (CONTINUE) ROL 1-249-421-11 CARBON 2m ONE RTOS 1-240-423-11 cARBON LUE S131 1-554-308-21 SHITOL TACTILE (DISC 5) S182 1-85¢-308-21 SHITCH TACTILE (DISC 4) «< SHITCH > S133 1-554-309-21 SUITOR TACTILE (DISC 8) STB 1-864-308-21 SUITOL TACTILE @ISC 2) TOL 1-854-303-21 SHITCA, TACTILE (TIME) S135 1-554-303-21 SHITCH, TACTILE (DISC 1) S102 1-854-308-21 SHITCR, TACTILE. FADER) S103. 1-854-303-21 SHITCA, TACTILE (EDIT) svvuvovonnssanccannaneccaneeennnenecnanneenencenceeenctecenets STO 1-854-309-21 SUITCR, TACTILE (CHECK) S105 1-854-308-21 SITCH, TACTILE (CLEAR) + 1-638-730-11 LoaDING soToR AED evvnnseeeeeneentene ‘S151 1-S54-118-00 SWITCR, PUSH (LE (POWER) CAPACITOR > sevvvonsavevannaeeonnonesosesaascccecnaennneteananensenteneeet C10 1-161-375-00 cesanre Lovee 20x SOY + Ae46T3-077-4 KEY SF BOARD, COMPLETE sexeeoeennosaeeccesste «wore > «RESISTOR > 702 A-4604-834-4 MOTOR ASS, LOADING wre 1-249-418-11 caRON 1.2K 58 1/4 F_ | gasesnennsevesssessosssessossvassessssososssooseanseecesertene = MAIN RefNo, Fart No, Deseription Renark | Ref.No, Part No. Description Rear 4 A-MGT3-079-A MAIN BOARD, COMPLETE (ABP AUS) < prone. > sreessnnevennssesgeneesrnnnsees b30L §-719-200-82 o1ODE 1ES2 4 $-A673-080-A MAIN BOARD, COMPLETE. (E) aoe &-718-200-82 lobe 1652 sooeennnvnnnsenentseney 303 §-719-200-82 OOD 1ES2 D304 §-718-200-82 DIODE 1ES2 THBBU-SU8-D4 SOREN +BITT. 8X8 (3) aos §-719-200-82 DIODE 11652 < capacrter > 90s &-719-110-19 DIODE Rog, LESE2 D311 §-719-109-80 DIODE Rs, 6ESaZ cok 1-124-887-00 ELECT ss0our 208 16¥ sel &-719-987-63 DIODE 1NCL4BN 302 1-124-380-00 ELECT 1000 — 208167 Dadi $-719-109-89 LODE ROS. gusRZ C303 1-161-494-00 CERAMIC 0. 022ue ay | 351 8-719-100-89 DIODE. ROS 6S? 30d 1-126-572-11 ELECT 1OGuF 208 63¥ 305 1-128-059-11 ELECT IuF 208507 <1e> 307 1-128-168-11 LECT (tue 208 sor TCI 8-758-633-42 IC uS293L 308 1-124-472-11 BLECT rr a C302. 8-759-061-85 1C LAS e02 cave 1-128-101-11 ELECT WOOF 20816 ICG04 &-759-805-37 IC L7BLROsD Biz 1124-47211 LECT re C305. $-759-605-00 IC WSFTENDTL SIS 1-126-169-11 ELECT ATU 20850 TCRR1 §-752-854-58 IC CxPSZS16-0389 C318 1-124-910-11 ELECT nr TAN 8-758-172-31 ICBABIOL cael }-125-022-11 ELECT (ue 2081 ICT ETS0-145-58 IC PeAssec 322 1-161-494-00 CERAMIC 0.020uF 15r ICBM 8-759-989-89 IC BASEN C23 1-161-(91-00 CeRMMIC 0. 22uF 251 Tea2 B-158-145-88 IC Pease C327 1-162-204-31 CERAMIC oor 10x Sav C32 8-759-980-89 IC BACSSEN e328 1-162-28¢-31 coc o.oo 10x sav < Mok > C329 1-162-206-31 CHRMEIC LooKF 10K Sov Coal 1-126-022-11 ELECT ane 20k 167 $801 1-569-442-11 JACK, PIN 2P (LINE OUT) 361 1-161-404-00 CHRANIC 0. 0200F 257 868 1-162-282-31 CERWIC 100rF = 10% 507 “TRANSISTOR > cam 1-162-282-31 ceRMHTc 1oorr 10 soy | SOL 8-729-119-76 TRANSISTOR 2SA1175-HFE na 1-162-282-31 CRMC oorr 10s Soy | G32] 8-729-900-89 TRNSISTOR —OTCLLAES 313 1-162-282-31 CHRAMIC oor? — 10 Soy | QAR $-729-119-T8 TRANSISTOR — 2SCAORSP-S1 4 1-162-282-31 CRMC lore 108 SOY | 351 8-729-900-€5 TRANSISTOR TALES C15 1-106-359-00 MILAR aroope 5%" 200r | g’se 8-728-900-65 TRANSISTOR DTAIAAES cag 1-106-259-00 wrLAR aroope 58 2007 | gas 8-729-900-85 TeawsistoR DTALAAES CTT 1-130-472-00 wrLAR congue 5% Sov | G354 8-729-141-30 TRANSISTOR 25C36234-LE C18 1-130-472-00 MYLAR Congr §% Sov | gis §-728-141-30 TRANSISTOR 25C36234-LK C319 F-124-443-00 ELECT OOF 20 toy | NST $-729-Z91-S5 TRANSISTOR — 25C28TE-AB 80 1-124-488-00 ELaCT ou? — 20 oy | 358 8-729-791-55 TRANSISTOR 29C287H-AB coal 1-162-291-31 CERAMIC S80 10K SOV RESISTOR > 382 1-162-291-31 CERAMIC SBOP 10K SOV 383 1-125-022-11 ELECT mut 20816301 1-248-479-11 caso WOK sk C38 1-125-022-11 ELECT so 2086 | a0 1-248-438-11 Cannn sek 5k 1/aF R303 1-208-435-11 CARBON 3K LAR < cowacrer > R821 1-240-420-11 CARBON 1K Kn R22 1-249-429-11 CARBON KK 1/ar (xgoL 1-685-397-11 PIN, OOECTOR (PC BOARD) 36° 4 CU0S. 1-588-949-11 PIN, COMECTOR SP R523 1-249-417-11 CARBON wos MF (4805 1-750-887-11 CORMECTOR, FFC/ERC SP sed 1-248-428-11 CARBON RK 5 F €¥305.1-764-405-11 CONMBCTOR, FFC/EPC 26° R525 1-249-428-11 CARBON am Sf F CLL 1-885-S61-11 PIN, CONNECTOR 3° (AU BUS) Roe1 1-248-428-11 CARBON Ra 5 F R528 1-249-428-11 CARBON Lax Oo F (812. 1-578-047-11 PIN, COECTOR (PC BOARD) 2° ae MAIN| | OPEN/UP SW] | TABLE MOTOR Fef.Na Part No, Description Remark |Ref.No, Part No, Deseription Remark R52 1-249-428-11 CARGON am OK OE 1-249-417-11 CARBON KOK NF SBD 1-249-420-11 CARBON SR LTE 1-248-417-11 COREE OK NF RaB1-247-83¢-11 CARBON 1k St 1A 1-247-807-31 CARBON wo RSS? 1-249-441-11 CARBON 100K 58 LAT 1-247-807-81 CARBON 10 x1 S88 1-240-407-11 CARBON Kose LW 124T-807-81 CARBON 10 5k Ra3h1-249-425-11 CARBON 4m 58 F G80 1-247-807-31 CARBON wo sk 1A S35 1-249-420-11 CARBON ioe 581A 336 1-249-420-11 CARBON 10k Ska «< swim > SBT 1-249-305-11 CARBON io 58 W/E R338 1-249-425-11 CARBON 47k 58 a/v F | dssraor1-572-675-11 SWITCH, POWER VOLTAGE CHANGE (2) a3 1-249-425-11 CARBON wa F < TRANSrORNER > SAD 1-249-425-11 CARBON wv F RSAL1-247-816-11 CARBON 1A AATSOL —1-423-854-11 TRANSFORER, PORER (AP, AUS) R32 1-247-876-11 CARBON are ‘QST3011-423-555-11 TRANSFORIER, FORER CE) R343 1-247-876-11 CARGON 18 KA < MIBRATOR > Rate 1-2e7-876-11 CARON eee R345 1-249-425-11 CARBON Bm 5K YF N32] 1-S79-115-11 VIBRATOR, CeRAMC (LOR) R348 1-200-424-11 CARBON Bk SKF RSAT1-249-415-11 CARBON 550 5s 1/4V F | aanennnsenncnsennsessnsevenssesssessessesssssesssssssssssssies R348 1-247-834-11 CARBON Lm S81 + 1-638-181-11 OPEN/UP SH BOARD R351 1-249-441-11 CARBON 100K 58 svevvvneneanannt R352 1-200-441-11 CARBON 100K 58 R353 1-249-441-11 CARBON 100K 5% «< oonvecrar > 355. 1-249-425-11 CARBON mk 58 r R355 1-249-425-11 CARBON Ame KE (TOS 1-573-888-11 PIN, comecTOR (FC BOAR) 2F Rast 1-249-425-11 CARBON Am KE < snira > 3358 1-249-425-11 CARBON ATK NE R359 1-249-417-11 CARBON ko VE 102 1-S11-300-21 SHITOH, ROTARY (OFEK/UP DET) R360 1-249-417-11 CARBON KOK NE R362 1-249-417-11 CARBON TK 5k 1/40 F | aavesseenccennnsenccccnnsvsssscensnnsterssseceensserssssseeeer 5363 1-249-417-11 CARBON we oss vag] 1-898-729-11 TABLE woTOR BOARD R365 1-249-417-11 CARBON KO WME seaeeonnnanennnee R366 1-249-417-11 CARBON KOR VE R367 1-249-417-11 CARBON KOK NE R368 1-249-417-11 CARBO Ke WF CrOk 1-161-375-00 cemante .on2zuF 20% SOW R310 1-249-380-12 CARBON 58 OK ONE STL 1-247-850-11 CARBO Lk XA < camwecron >» W312 1-247-850-11 CARBON 1K KLAN R313 1-247-852-11 CARBON TK aT # COTOT 1-573-044-11 socKeT, cowecroe sP RM 1-247-850-11 CARBON TKK 1A «< plone > R315 1-247-864-11 CARBON ak SKN R316 1-247-864-11 CARBON aK KAN DIOL §-719-970-19 1008 GP-1AS21 RBTT1-247-864-11 CARBON ok KA R318 1-247-864-11 CARBON ak KAN « R379 1-249-418-11 CARBON a wot -585-A MOTOR ASSY, ROTARY CABLE) 380 1-249-419-11 caRBON Lk Sk F BBL 1-249-499-11 CARBON Lk KONE «RESISTOR > SED 1-249-419-11 CARBON 1k KANE RSE 1-249-440-11 CARBON OOK Sk 1/4 TOL 1-249-416-11 CARBON wo KF ROB 1-249-441-11 CARaO ook 581A ‘nsenvvnnveoneennanneseecenanngnnsseeetnennsntenegteetnnnes “The components Weniied by mark ‘vr dotted line with marke ae ‘cal foray, Replace only) with part number speci. ae fef.No, Part No, Description Renark | Ref.No, Part No. Description Rear MISCELLANEOUS evvnnaseennanssine evoneasentees HARDWARE LIST srvnaaesstveenaeet 5 1-165~481-11 WIRE (FLAT TYPE) (36 CORE) Se 1-$37-645-11 JUMPER, PILE (FITH TERWINAL) #1 T-685-846-19 SOREN BVTP axe TYPED N-S ATS 1-574-358-31 CORD, POWER (FTTH CONNECTOR) (US) #2 T-685-647-79 SOREN, TAPPING G16 1-515-651-21 CORD, PORER (AEP) #3 7-682-961-D1 SCHEV «PSV ANB ‘ATT 1-896-027-11 CORD, PORER (E) #4 T-685-136-19 SOREN

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