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기능 종류 접속부사 접속사 전치사, 기타

also, besides
and , not only~but (also)
첨가 in addition = additionally
as well as
moreover = furthermore
재진술 (즉, 다시 말 in other words, that is (to say), namely,
해) to put it another way
however, still, yet, but,
반의․ 역접 instead of , despite =
on the other hand (반면에)
but, while, whereas, (even) if despite of
instead, rather
(even) though, although notwithstanding , for
대조 on the contrary = in(by) contrast(대조적으로),
all = with all
conversely 반대로
비교 ․ 유추 likewise = similarly , equally ,
like , similar to
(마찬가지로, 이와 유 by the same token(같은 이유로, 마찬가지로), as , as~as , as~,so~
compared to(with)
사하게) in the same way, in like manner

for example = e.g., for instance,

예시 such as
illustrate = as an illustration , (let us) say
because of ,
원인 because , since , as on account of
owing to , due to
therefore, thus, hence
as a result of
결과 accordingly, as a result so , so~that , such~that
as a consequence of
surely, above all, in particular,
in fact, as a matter of fact, actually
in all = in total
in a word, in short
in brief = to be brief
요약, 결론
in a few words
(요컨대, 요약하자면)
in summary = to sum up
in a nutshell
in conclusion = to conclude
처음 first, in the first step , to start (begin) with

중간 second, third,..., after that, subsequently following

last, finally, in the end, eventually = ultimately
순서 끝
in the long run
in the meantime , meanwhile,
at the same time, simultaneously, concurrently
If, once, unless
so long as = if only
in case (that)
on condition (that) in case of , with
provided / providing (that) without = but for
suppose / supposing (that)
assuming (that)
given (that)
for the good of
that, so that
with the intention of
목적 in order that,
so as to 원형
lest ~ (should)
in order to 원형

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