Vocales para Colgar

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Nekudos Wall Signs

By Nechama Mann

Grade Level: Elementary

Brightly colored signs for the nekudos that have the nekudah and the name of the nekudah underneath. These signs are
helpful to use as a visual aid for the students so that they can reinforce recognition and identification of the different

Students will identify the nekudos and will associate the name of the nekudah with the picture by looking at these signs.

1. Enlarge (if desired) and color copy the signs.
2. Laminate.
3. Hang in the classroom in a visible spot.

• Reduce the size of the cards and make color copies of them. Make a complete set of nekudos cards for each
student or pair of students. Use the cards as flashcards or as the basis for a memory game.
• Pair the students up and have them review each of the nekudos by saying the name of the nekudah and the other
child says the sound and then vice versa.
• Have more advanced students skim and scan to locate words in a Chumash or a Siddur that have one or all of the
nekudos. Even pre-readers can do this as it doesn’t involve reading, just identification.
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