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Explain the role of each keyword in C

 Auto: used to represent automatic storage class 

 Break: unconditional control statement used to terminate switch and
looping statements
 Case: used to describe a case or option in a switch statement
 Char: used to represent a character data type
 Const: used to define a constant
 Continue: unconditional control statement used to pass the control to
the beginning of looping statements
 default: used to represent a default case or option in a switch statement
 Do: used to define do a block in the do-while statement
 Double: used to present double data type
 Else: used to define a false block of an if statement
 Enum: used to Define enumerated data types
 Extern: used to represent external storage class
 Float: used to express a floating-point data type
 For: used to define a looping statement
 Goto: used to represent unconditional control statement
 If: used to determine a conditional control statement
 Int: used to describe the integer data type
 Long: a type modifier that alters the primary data type
 Register: used to represent register storage class
 Return: used to terminate a function execution
 Short: it is a type modifier that modifies the primary data type
 Signed: it is a type modifier that changes the primary data type
 Sizeof: it is an operator that gives the size of the memory of a variable
 Static: used to create static variables constants
 Struct: used to build structures of user-defined data types
 Switch: used to define switch case statement
 Typedef: used to specify a temporary name for the data types
 Union: used to create Union for grouping different types under a name
 Unsigned: it is a type modifier that alters the primary data type
 Void: used to indicate nothing return value, the parameter of a function
 Volatile: used to create volatile objects
 While: used to define a looping statement

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