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Performance Task in Religious Education 4

Create a multimedia presentation that explores the life and significance of Mary in the New
Testament, including the Marian dogmas, feasts, and virtues. Types of multimedia
presentations: (PPT slide, minimum of 4 slides, maximum of 5 slides). The presentation
should include visual aids and interactive elements to engage the audience and help them
understand the importance of Mary in Christian theology.
The presentation will be assessed on the following criteria:
Knowledge and Understanding: The presentation demonstrates a thorough knowledge
and understanding of Mary in the New Testament, including the Marian dogmas, feasts, and
virtues. The information presented should be accurate and comprehensive. (20 points)
Organization and Clarity: The presentation is well-organized and easy to follow. The
information is presented in a clear and concise manner, with a logical flow and effective use
of transitions. (15 points)
Creativity and Originality: The presentation demonstrates creativity and originality in its
design and presentation. The multimedia elements should be visually appealing and
engaging, and should enhance the overall quality of the presentation. (15 points)
Use of Visual Aids: The presentation effectively uses visual aids, such as images, videos,
and infographics, to enhance its message. The visual aids should be relevant to the content
and help to clarify and reinforce key points. (20 points)
Engagement and Interaction: The presentation engages the audience and encourages
interaction through the use of interactive elements, such as quizzes, polls, or discussion
questions. The audience should be actively involved in the presentation, rather than passive
listeners. (15 points)
Professionalism and Delivery: The presentation is delivered in a professional and
confident manner, with clear and articulate speech, appropriate pacing, and effective use of
body language. The presenter should demonstrate a strong command of the subject matter
and engage the audience through eye contact and other non-verbal cues. (15 points)
Overall Quality: The presentation is of high quality and demonstrates the student's
commitment to producing a well-crafted, thoughtful product. The presentation should be
visually striking and demonstrate the student's understanding of the subject matter. (10
Each criterion will be scored on a scale of 0 to 20, with 0 being the lowest and 20 being the
highest score. The total score for the presentation will be calculated by adding up the scores
for each criterion. A perfect score is 100 points.
Deadline: April 23, 2023

VISION: A life-giving innovating education ministry committed to transforming a community of

learners into Christ–centered Augustinian Recollect Stewards.

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