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第 22 届海南国际旅游岛欢乐节


内容发展,培养优秀影视创意人才,第 22 届海南国际旅游岛欢乐节-第四届中国
-东盟大学生文化周大学生短片大赛将于 2021 年 7 月 5 日正式启动。

四、执行单位:海口经济学院 华都影视学院 东盟学院
1.征集期:2021 年 7 月 5 日-9 月 30 日
2. 初审期:2021 年 10 月 1 日-10 月 15 日
3. 终审期:2021 年 10 月 15 日-10 月 31 日
4. 公示期:2021 年 11 月 1 日-11 月 15 日
5. 颁奖礼:2021 年 11 月 30 日(暂定)
1. 参赛资格:中国、东盟十国、一带一路沿线国家、日本、韩国大学生。
2. 作品要求:
(2)作品时长:5-20 分钟。
- 参赛作品符合大赛主题,以短片形式,讲述”信“(书信、诚信、信任、
- 作品应主题鲜明,饱含情感,有积极向上的思想内涵,具有较强的感染
- 作品不得涉及色情、暴力、宗教与种族歧视等,不得有反动、违法
- 参赛作品需参赛方原创,参赛方需享有作品著作权。不得使用无版
- 优秀作品除特别申明外,组委会与合作组织享有无偿在全球范围媒
- 各国参赛短片需配中文或英文字幕。

3. 文件格式:

品原片格式为 MP4 高清数据文件,分辨率不低于 1080P,音讯为立体声,需提

(2)预告片或片花时长在 30 秒至 90 秒之间,格式为 MP4 高清数据文件,分

辨率不低于 1080P,音讯为立体声,需提供有字幕版及无字幕版各一版,字幕

(3)海报需提供格式为 JPG 版,横版海报分辨率不低于 1920×1080,竖版海

报分辨率不低于 770×1080。
(4)剧照、参赛者个人照或团体照各 5 张,格式为 JPG,分辨率不低于

(5)参赛者应将上述视频及图片文件打包成 RAR 或 ZIP 压缩包格式发送邮件


4. 参赛承诺


奖项名称定为“金孔雀奖”,具体设立 “最佳编剧奖”、
(1)最佳短片奖:20,000 元人民币
(2)最佳导演奖:8,000 元人民币
(3)最佳编剧奖:8,000 元人民币
(4)最佳创意奖:5,000 元人民币
(5)最具传播力奖:5,000 元人民币
(6)优秀短片奖:1,000 元人民币
(7)优秀导演奖:1,000 元人民币
(8)优秀编剧奖:1,000 元人民币
(9)优秀创意奖:1,000 元人民币
(10)优秀传播力奖:1,000 元人民币
1. 组委会成员机构:
2. 组委会委员:
(1)主席:曹成杰 海口经济学院董事长
(2)执行主席:陈啸 海口经济学院校长
(3)执行主席:康健民 中国国家一级编剧、原中国电影家协会分党组书记、
(4)执行主席:史迪文.尼亚 美国好莱坞华都影业 董事长
(5)执行主席:金九会 韩国大钟奖电影节组委会委员长
3. 执委会成员机构:
海口经济学院 华都影视学院 东盟学院
4. 评委会主席:
5. 专业评审委员:
6. 大众评审团
7. 秘书处成员:
(1)秘书长:周石星 海口经济学院华都影视学院院长
(2)执行秘书长:韩曙永 海口经济学院华都影视学院国际合作部主任


本次大赛的官方网址为:; 活动相关信息均以大赛官


1. 报名方式:




(以下简称《授权书》)后,首先需于 8 月 30 日之前将填好的《报名表》

发送至如下官方指定电子邮箱, 并于 9 月 30 日之前将









2. 截止日期:2021 年 9 月 30 日

1. 举办单位有权随时终止本次活动或者修改活动规则。参赛者报名前应仔细阅

2. 参赛者不得以计算机程序或其他明显违反本次大赛公平性之方式,意图混淆

3. 所有相关奖项之奖金不包括各种所得税和政府税费,与作品奖金有关的各种

4. 参赛者在投稿期间的联系信息如有变更,请于信息变更 5 日内及时通知主办


1. 大赛组委会秘书处

2. 联系人:韩曙永

3. 联系方式:139 1055 8868;E-mail:

The 22nd Hainan International Tourism Island Carnival
The 4th China - ASEAN University Students’ Culture Week
Announcement of Short Film
Competition for University Students

The Short Film Competition for University Students of the 4th China -

ASEAN University Students’Culture Week,one of the major events of

the 22nd Hainan International Tourism Island Carnival, will be officially

launched on July 5, 2021. It is to promote creativity and culture exchange

for university students in China, the ten ASEAN countries, as well as

countries along the“ Belt and Road”, Japan, and South Korea. It also

serves to cultivate outstanding creative talents in the film industry.

1. Host:

Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of

Hainan Province.

2. Government Support:

- ASEAN-China Centre

- Foreign Affairs Office of Haikou City

3. Organizer:

Haikou University of Economics

4. Executive Organizer:

- Haikou University of Economics

- Wardour Studios Academy

- ASEAN Studies Institute

5. Co-organizer:

- Wardour Studios (Hainan) Co., Ltd.

- Whale All Media Culture & Technology (Hainan) Co., Ltd.

6. Media Support:

HBG, Haikou Daily, Nanguo Metropolis Daily, Business Daily of

International Travel Island , Windows of Chinese Universities, Hunan

International Channel, Phoenix Mess,

7. Theme of the Competition:

The Story of“XIN”(XIN refers to letter, honesty, trust, faith, or belief)

8. Schedule:

July 1 - September 30, 2021 - Work collecting

October 1 - 15 , 2021 - Initial review

October 15 - 31, 2021 - Final review

November 1 - 15, 2021 - Announcement of winning works

November 30, 2021- Awards Ceremony

9. Requirements

( 1 ) Qualification: University students from China, the Ten ASEAN

countries, countries along the “Belt and Road”, Japan, and South Korea.

(2)Requirements for works:

<1> Genre: Drama, documentary, and animation.

<2> Length: 5 - 20 minutes.

<3> About the content:

- Works should be in line with the theme of the competition and tell the

stories of "XIN" (letter, honesty, trust, faith, or belief) in the form of short


- Works should be emotional, positive with distinct theme. It should

possess strong appeal and high communication value.

- Pornography, violence, religion, racial discrimination, reactionary and

illegal content, AD placements are not allowed to appear in the works.

- Works should be original, and participants should own the copyright. Do

not use materials without copyright, or infringe all legal rights of third

parties, including copyrights, trademark rights, etc. Plagiarism is strictly

prohibited, and copycats will bear full responsibility once discovered.

The organizing committee shall not be responsible for any legal liabilities

arising from disputes including but not limited to portrait rights,

reputation rights, privacy rights, copyrights, and trademark rights. In case

of a legal dispute, the organizing committee reserves the right to cancel

the qualification of the contestants and recover the award.

- Organizing committee and partner organizations are entitled to free

non-profit display, broadcast, mass publishing, public welfare publicity

and art education and other non-commercial activities in the global media,

except for special declarations of outstanding works. The organizing

committee has the priority to sign the excellent works and cooperate on

- Chinese or English subtitles are required for short films.

(3) File format:

<1> The original film of the work should include complete opening and

closing, and all the crew information should be included in closing. The

original work should be in the format of MP4, the no less than 1080P in

resolution, stereo. Both subtitled version and the non-subtitled version are

required, and the subtitles should either be in Chinese or in English.

<2> The trailer or slots should be kept in 30 to 90 seconds in the format

of MP4, no less than 1080P in resolution, stereo. Both subtitled version

and the non-subtitled version are required, and the subtitles should either

be in Chinese or in English.

<3> The poster should be provided in JPG format, no less than

1920×1080 in resolution for horizontal poster, 770×1080, for vertical


<4> 5 Stills and 5 personal (group) photos of contestants in JPG format

are required, no less than 1920×1080 in resolution, horizontal or vertical

will be both accepted.

<5> Contestants should send the above-mentioned video and picture files

in RAR or ZIP compressed package format by email or provide a network

hard disk downloading link address.

(4) Promise for participation

The works should own full rights, and there is no defect or limit of right.

Participants should abide by The Soliciting Announcement for Short Film

Competition of the 4th China-ASEAN University Students’ Culture Week,

Copyright Commitment and Authorization of works in Short Film

Competition of the 4th China-ASEAN University Students’ Culture Week,

and the rules and requirements of the events published on the official


10. Awards

The name of the award is set as "Golden Peacock Award". "Best

Screenplay Award", "Best Director Award", "Best Short Film Award",

"Best Creative Award" and "Best Communicator Power Award" are set up

specifically for five major awards. There will be 5 other awards for

excellence. The first three major awards and its awards for excellence are

judged by a professional jury, and the last two ones and its awards for

excellence are judged by the public Jury. The winners will be granted

trophies, certificates and big prize in cash. The prize amount is as


(1) Best Short Film Award : 20,000 CNY

(2) Best Director Award : 8,000 CNY

(3) Best Screenplay Award: 8,000 CNY

(4) Best Creative Award: 5,000 CNY

(5) Best Communicator Award: 5,000 CNY

(6) Outstanding Film Award: 1,000 CNY

(7) Outstanding Director Award: 1,000 CNY

(8) Outstanding Screenwriter Award: 1,000 CNY

(9) Outstanding Creative Award: 1,000 CNY

(10) Outstanding Communicator Award: 1,000 CNY

11. Organizing Committee:

(1) Member organizations of the Organizing Committee:

<1> Haikou University of Economics

<2>The “Belt and Road” working committee of China Film Association

<3> China Society of Srategy and Management, International Film and

Television Cultural Exchange Center.

(2) Commissioners:

<1> Chairman-- CAO Chengjie, Chairman of Haikou University of


<2> Executive Chairman--CHEN Xiao, President of Haikou University

of Economics.

<3> Executive Chairman--KANG Jianmin, former Secretary of Party

Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of China Film Association.

<4> Executive Chairman--Steven Nia, Chairman of Wardour Studios

<5> Executive Chairman--Kim Goo Hoi , Chairman of the Organizing

Committee of Korea Dajong Awards

(3) Members of Executive Committee:

Haikou University of Economics, Wardour Studios Academy,

ASEAN Studies Institute.

(4) Chairmen of the Jury:

<1> LU Haibo, professor, Doctoral Supervisors,

Chair Professor and Chairman of Academic Committee of Wardour

Studios Academy.

<2> Roger Christian, director from Canada, Oscar winner of Best Art

Direction. Chief instructor of Wardour Studios Academy.

<3> Dr. Ekky Imanjaya, professor of Film Academy, Bina Nusantara


(4) Judging Committee:

<1> LU Haibo, professor of Central Academy of Drama,

Chairman of Academic committee of Wardour Studios Academy.

<2> CHE Jingxing, National 1st-grade Director,

Deputy Secretary General of China Television Director Committee.

<3> SONG Fangjin, National 1st-grade Director.

<4> Dr. Ekky Imanjaya, Professor of Film Academy, Bina Nusantara


<5> Roger Christian, Director from Canada, Oscar winner.

<6> Lee Young Kook, Screenwriter & Director from South Korea.

<7> Nobuaki Takahashi, Director from Japan.

(6) Public Jury

University students in China, will vote on-line via official website.

(7) Members of the Secretariat

<1> Secretary General-ZHOU Shixing Dean of Wardour Studios


<2> Executive Secretary—John Han, Director of International

Cooperation Department, Wardour Studios Academy.

12. Official Website

The official website of the competition is: Relevant

information is subject to the announcement on the official website.

13. Notes for Application

(1) Way of application

Participants can log in the official website to download the

Registration Form for Short Film Competition of the 4th

China-ASEAN University Students’ Culture Week (Hereafter, the

Registration Form) and the Copyright Commitment and Authorization

of Short Film Competition of the 4th China-ASEAN University

Students’ Culture Week (Hereafter, the Authorization), and fill up

“The Registration Form” firstly and send it to the following official

email box - by the end of Auguest 30, and

send“The Authorization”and the following files to the above email

box by the end of September 30.

<1> The signed authorization

<2> Scanning copy of ID card (for Chinese citizen) or passport (for

Foreign citizen) (each team member are required)

<3> Original of the Work

<4> Trailers or slots

<5> Poster
<6> Stills

<7> Personal or group photos of participants

Once the work is submitted, the registration is completed. Participants

can make supplements before the deadline in case there is incompleteness

or error in their initial submission, otherwise the work will not be


(2) Deadline for Submission: September 30, 2021

14. Others

(1) The organizers reserve the right to terminate the event or amend the

rules of the events at any time. Contestants should read the Soliciting

Announcement of Short Film Competition of the 4th China-ASEAN

University Students’ Culture Week and the Copyright Commitment and

Authorizations of Short Film Competition of the 4th China-ASEAN

University Students’ Culture Week carefully before registration. Once the

application is completed, you will be deemed to have read and agreed to

abide by the two documents above, and the rules and requirements of the

competition published on the official website.

(2) Contestants are not allowed to confuse or influence the result of the

competition, or have any other illegal behaviors by means of computer

programs or other obvious violations of the fairness of the competition.

(3) The prize money of all relevant awards does not include various

income taxes and government taxes, and taxes and fees related to the

prize money of the work shall be borne by the winners. Winners must
withhold the income tax amount of the award in accordance with

regulations before receiving the awards.

(4) If there is any change in contact information of the participants during

the submission period, please notify the organizer within 5 days and get

the organizer's confirmation. Otherwise, the participants shall bear the

corresponding responsibility.

15. Contact Information

(1) Secretariat of Organizing Committee

Contact person: Mr. John Han

Tel: +86-13910558868; email:

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