Karl Sworn Statement

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I, Detective John Luther, hereby make this sworn statement regarding the events that transpired during
my pursuit of the serial killer David Robey, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby
depose and say:
1. That I am executing this sworn statement to attest to the truth and veracity of the following facts;
2. That the statements made herein are based on my personal knowledge and beliefs, and are not
hearsay or speculation;
3. That I fully understand the significance and consequences of executing this sworn statement, and
that any falsehood or misrepresentation contained herein may subject me to criminal or civil
4. That I am executing this sworn statement voluntarily, and without any duress, coercion, or undue
influence from any person or entity;
5. That I attest to the following facts:
On the morning of June 10th, I received a call informing me of a murder in a quiet neighborhood in
London. Upon arriving at the scene, I discovered that the victim had been strangled and left in a gruesome
state. A thorough investigation led me to suspect that the killer was none other than David Robey, a
notorious serial killer who had eluded capture for years.
I pursued Robey relentlessly, determined to bring him to justice and prevent any further loss of life. As I
delved deeper into the case, I uncovered a sinister plot involving corrupt officials and powerful
individuals who were protecting Robey.
The chase was long and grueling, taking me to various locations across London and putting my life in
danger on multiple occasions. Robey proved to be a formidable opponent, always staying one step ahead
of me and leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.
Despite the challenges, I refused to give up and eventually cornered Robey in an abandoned warehouse.
A tense standoff ensued, during which Robey taunted me with his twisted reasoning for his actions. I
refused to be swayed and arrested him, finally bringing an end to his reign of terror.
The pursuit of David Robey was one of the most challenging cases of my career, but it also provided a
sense of closure and justice for the victims and their families. I take great pride in my role in bringing a
dangerous criminal to justice and will continue to fight for the safety and wellbeing of the citizens of
6. That I am willing to testify in any legal proceeding related to the matters stated in this sworn
statement, and to answer any questions that may be asked of me under oath;
7. That I acknowledge and understand that this sworn statement may be used as evidence in any
legal proceeding, and that I may be subject to cross-examination regarding its contents;
8. That I affirm and swear under penalty of perjury that the foregoing facts are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this August , 2023 at Serious Crime Unit of the
Metropolitan Police Service in London, United Kingdom.

[Your signature]

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