Actividad de Bilinguismo

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Primera actividad de bilingüismo

the function

A function is a correspondence rule that associates to each object in a set -

called domain - a single value from a second set. The set of all values thus
obtained is called the range of the function.

the graph

the graph is the set of all ordered pairs (x, f(x)) of the function f, i.e. as a subset
of the Cartesian product X×Y. It is represented graphically by a correspondence
between the elements of the domain set and those of the image set.

mathematical variable

A mathematical variable is a symbol used to propose formulas, algorithms or

equations. It, in turn, can take different values, depending on other variables,
as well as on a series of parameters and certain constants.

the domain

The domain of a function or relation is the set of all possible independent

values that a relation can have. It is the collection of all possible inputs. The
range of a function or relation is the set of all possible dependent values that
the relation can produce
the range

The range of a function or relation is the set of all possible dependent values
that the relation can produce. It is the collection of all possible outputs.

limit of a function

limit expression of a function is used in mathematical differential calculus and

refers to the closeness between a value and a point.


An indeterminacy or indeterminate form is an algebraic expression that

sometimes appears in the calculation of limits and whose value cannot be
predicted, it depends on the function of the limit to be calculated

rate of change

The concept of rate of change refers to the extent to which one variable
changes in relation to another. It is the magnitude that compares two variables
based on their units of change. If the variables are not related, they will have
a rate of change equal to zero.
the derivative

the derivative of a function is the instantaneous rate of change with which the
value of that mathematical function varies as the value of its independent
variable changes.


Optimizing a function consists of finding its maximum and minimum values,

this means finding the values in the domain of the function for which the
maximum and minimum are reached in the codomain. The optimization
process is part of one of the most important applications of the derivative.

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