(Gym) Working Paper - 4

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1500 - 2000
(John Reeve)

This study focuses on the history and development of naval strategies and warfare
on the Asia - Pacific region. John Reeve provided the following contexts for further and
deeper understanding of the recent, current and probable developments by discussing
important systematic approaches that demonstrates the power of strategic choices in naval
history (Reeve, 2000). His study contains three main segments such as; the development of
the Asia – Pacific region’s naval strategy from 1500-1900, the current development of the
Asia – Pacific region’s naval strategy since 2000, and the probable development of the Asia
– Pacific region’s naval strategy on a futuristic perspective. These segments briefly discuss
the progression of naval strategies and forces throughout the entire history of the
discovery of the Asia – Pacific region.

The development pace of the Asia - Pacific region’s naval forces from the year 1500 -
1900 was relatively due to the establishment of regional economy. Everything began when
the Europeans first entered the Asia-Pacific seas during the 1500 and dominated the naval
and commercial leverage of the surrounding isles (Parker, 1996). European fleets were
known to be voyagers that love to set out conquests in exploring the new world and
obtaining spices and other resources for the glory of their kingdom and reputation. During
such conquest, the Europeans were able to discover multiple lands rich in natural
resources and other minerals; these include lands particularly under the Asia – Pacific
region. In earlier times equal and peaceful means of trading was a bit more complicated
and discriminating compared to the modern era. Europeans tend to use naval forces to
conquer and colonize different lands and exploit their resources without the consideration
of fair trade and human rights for the locals of relatively smaller islands. This led to the
initiative of Asian countries on developing their very own naval forces to prevent foreign
invaders from exploiting their resources and defend their nation’s peace. Since the Asia –
Pacific regions wear able to establish their own strong naval organizations since the
beginning of 1800, the quest for naval supremacy and territorial claims were more
dynamic than ever. Not to mention the inclusion of western forces which only contributes
to the struggle of European forces in terms of keeping their top spot on the hierarchy of
naval supremacy.

The development of the Asia – Pacific region’s naval strategies and warfare were
only solidified and grew more powerful since the start of 2000. Due to the infamous World
War I and II, countries spread across the allied and axis forces spent countless hours and
restless nights trying to develop naval strategies and integrate technological warfare and
systems to prepare and equip themselves for the all-out war. This was the giant
technological leap forced upon military war crafts and defense systems of different navies.
The emergence of the Asia – Pacific continental power is definitely linked towards the
extreme difficulties faced by the mainland on attaining maritime power projection during
the late twentieth century (Kennedy, 1987). There was a great transition between the rise
and fall of super power empires due to the drastic economic changes and abrupt military
conflicts that sprout from every end of every continental corner. The Asia – Pacific region
has taken advantage of this desperate situation and turned every possible disadvantage
into their most valuable asset up to this day. The continuous evolution of naval strategies,
operations and technology will always end up shaping the end result of miserable defeat or
undeniable victory. Thus the region in its current state unceasingly tries to cope up with
the rigorous demands laid out by its neighboring allies and potential enemies.

The probable development of the Asia – Pacific region’s naval strategies and warfare
are directly interconnected with the economic and technological progression of its national
assets. The naval strategic cultures within the Asia – Pacific region are deeply correlated
with its traditional and revolutionary heritage (Zhang, 1999). The current strategic
atmosphere of the region’s naval organizations relies heavily on past statistical events and
historical precedents which are always used as basis and evidence for correction and
adjustments in naval operations and systems. The pursuit for maritime leverage against
enemy territories is reflected on the interests of various regional states that would aide in
the promotion of amphibious naval capabilities (Schofield, 1998). The Asia – Pacific region
as of today is a highly recognized naval force to be reckoned with due to its indisputable
historical records for ingenious military tactics and mind-boggling state of the art
machinery modifications and inventions. History creates various influences on current
predictions and planning which drives its progression in the current and more so into the
far future.

Upon back-tracking the history of naval strategies and warfare development in the
Asia – Pacific region, Reeve states that the current trend for sea power projection and
territorial integrity remains highly significant to the Asia – Pacific region (Reeve, 2000).
This quest for naval supremacy will continuously occur until the future will reveal an
alternative route for enabling the factors of ocean control and sea power. As a conclusion, it
is clearly indicated in history that mankind will continue to evolve along with its needs and
environment. As mankind’s knowledge continues to increase, so will the hunger for
technological advancement be; and as technology becomes more and more complex and
dangerous, so will the mankind continue to create machinery to aid and secure their
protection and survival.

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