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ANCHOR 2: Comelec Chairman George Erwin Garcia said that the VCMs

might no longer be effective, especially since the commission was eyeing full
automation and new technology for the next national elections
ANCHOR 1:don’t change your radio station, we will be right back for
more news after this short break
Child :Daddy, can we live without water, air and trees?
Dad:Of course not baby. why?
Child:no dad, I'm just curious why people keep on polluting the
Dad:so child, you must do the right thing okay!
Child:okay, daddy.
Voice over: Stop polluting, start caring! A friendly reminder from
DENR and this station.
ANCHOR 2:And we are back,for some sports news as creamline defeated f2
logistics to have a finals ticket in the pvl,here is james for the report.
REPORTER 2:yup that's right jiff, Creamline inched closer to retaining the
crown after sweeping F2 Logistics in Game 2 of their best-of-three
semifinals,the coolsmasher defeat the cargo movers in straight sets to
advance in the pvl finals. The victory was a redemption of sorts for
Creamline after missing out the finals appearance in the previous 2022
Reinforced Conference where they settled for a bronze medal finish. James
de mesa from mnhs news were local news matter now back to you guys
ANCHOR 1:thank you james,now let's go to showbiz news.Derrick
Monasterio and Elle Villanueva share tips to achieve healthy skin to know
more about it here is leana for the report.
REPORTER 3: you're right charm, In an interview with joseph morong at
the sidelines of Dermplus Moisturizing Sunscreen where both stars are signed
up as its newest endorsers, Elle and Derrick shared that having a skincare
regimen is important to them due to their line of work in the showbiz
industry,also they said that to achieve healthy skin you need to take care of it
responsible and clean all the time.leana from mnhs news were local news
matter back to you charm.
ANCHOR 1:thanks for that leana now for additional news Nasa scientists
think that while they are yet to find the first evidence of life on the planet, it
was claimed that Mars is too big to say that no life ever existed on the world.
But on Mars, carbon dioxide is 96% of the air! Meanwhile, Mars has almost
no oxygen it's only one-tenth of one percent of the air, not nearly enough for
humans to survive

ANCHOR 2: And that's all for today's hottest news.

ANCHOR 1:see you again next time,I am Charmaine lazaro
ANCHOR 2:And I am james de Mesa
ANCHOR 1 & 2:this is mnhs news when trust matter we deliver

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