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Formal communications are very common in educational settings, workplace settings and business settings.

communications are mostly written, but can be oral. Formal communications are not personal communications.
A set of commands is followed for formal communication whereas informal communication can move freely in all
Formal communication is time-consuming, whereas it costs less time for informal communication.
Formal communication has its scope restricted within the organization whereas informal communication has no boundary.
A high level of secrecy is maintained for formal communication, whereas it’s not guaranteed for informal communication.
Formal communication is designed at the organizational level whereas informal communication occurs naturally.
Documentary evidence is always available for formal communication whereas there are no supporting documents
available for informal communication.
Slang words are never used in formal communication while they can be used in informal communication.
Formal communication is also known as official communication and informal communication is also known as grapevine
Examples of formal communication are - business letters, reports, orders, etc. while examples of informal communication
are face-to-face communication, telephonic conversations, etc.
Generally, documentation happens for formal communication whereas no documentation happens for informal
Formal communication has a long chain of command whereas informal communication is very simple due to its short
chain of command.
The main motive of formal communication is to fulfill organizational objectives whereas informal communication is
intended to meet personal interests and needs
Basis for Upward communication Downward communication
Meaning Upward communication is the line of Downward communication is the formal chain of
communication through which subordinates command established to direct subordinates and conveys
can convey information, to their seniors. information, pertaining to organization's objectives,
policies and strategies.
Nature Participative and Appellative Authoritative and Directive
Flow Subordinate to superior. Superior to subordinate.
Purpose To make complaints or appeal, give feedback To give orders, instructions, advice or assign
and suggestions responsibilities.
Speed Slow Fast
Frequency Low Comparatively high
Examples Reports, direct letters and proposals Circulars and Notice

Advantages of horizontal communication

 Promotes teamwork and a company-wide sense of unity.
 Decreases misunderstandings because the same information is shared with everyone.
 Improves problem-solving skills and boosts creativity.
 Makes it easier to coordinate teams and tasks.
 Helps employees feel empowered
Advantages of diagonal communication
 Makes information flow faster and more freely. ...
 Improves team effectiveness. ...
 Makes distortion/misinterpretation of information less likely to happen.
 improves teamwork
7 C’s of Business Communication 
There are 7 principles of effective Business Communication. 
Clarity comes first in the 7 C’s of Business Communication and is one of the vital Business Communication topics. Your
communication must be clarified for the receiver to serve the purpose. Business Communication automatically gets
engulfed in clarity when it is expressed in a language that transmits discernment and comprehension by the receivers. The
basic criteria are to bring two or more minds under one understandable platform. The clarity in writing in Business
Communication becomes possible only if the sender expresses clarified contents through the message. Hence, maintaining
clarity in your message is important when it comes to Business Communication.
Being complete is one of the crucial principles of effective Business Communication. The primary reason behind this is
letting the receiver understand the entire chapter which you are trying to convey. Clarity in writing in Business
Communication is the most important part, let them understand the purpose for which you are communicating. Whether
you want to inform the audience or simply persuade them, make sure that they understand your effort. Prioritize the
relationship between you and the audience to form a good long-lasting business relationship.
When communicating on a business platform, do not forget to maintain the optimum flow of information required. This
provides the information for which the audience is looking. The information provided must be enough to cover the
specific field. The process must be done uniquely so that the messages in the organization connect with the effective
representation of individual duties. This should be done in a constant flow so that different types of messages to the
employees become clear and concise. 
Using the correct form of media for communication is a notable factor. It is one of the principles of effective Business
Communication. This can be done through a range of media, including phone calls, emails, and reports. To illustrate or
convey the message perfectly, make sure to choose the correct media platform. This will ensure effective Business
Communication, even if it is addressed to the audiences. Also, choosing the right media will clear out the context. From
the perspective of employee responsibilities, a message conveyed with a sweet note through the right media can ensure
complete peace of mind from both ends.
A concrete message plays an important role among the principles of Business Communication and is a vital part of the 7
C’s of Business Communication. This will ensure proper understanding and the meaning of the content with full attention.
On a natural note, will you understand a message given to you that lacks concrete information? Even if it has clarity, a
properly composed message may appear difficult to understand. Due to half the information, the person who is receiving
the message will hesitate, and eventually, this will bring down the production level. 
Imagine reading a book that starts on a serious romantic fireball and eventually turns itself into a supernatural comic. The
point is, maintain consistency in your message. If your message lacks consistency, the receivers at the other end will turn
themselves into a confused dipper. Keeping this in mind, all forms of Business Communications must be expressed with
utmost consistency. The voice, content, and tone together make Business Communication topics far more engaging.
Be logical! Communicators in the form of clients and employees must not get any illogical notes hidden in a message.
Conveying the appropriate message may not be possible all the time, if you are not careful. Clearly define the topics and
information to the audience so that they need not unearth the purpose or motto of your message. Coherence has a special
significance when it comes to the communicative objectives of a business. It is as important as to maintain Clarity in
writing in Business Communication.
Business Communication
Business Communication is a process in which information is shared among or between people within and outside the
company or organization. In business, communication is very important because through it the information flow helps in
processing and directions to the people as needed. Feedback can be collected through communication which will help the
opinion of others regarding the business. It is the primary step in any organization to proceed in any work.

Importance of Communication in Business

Co-ordinance - Communication helps in the coordination among the workers and they will know how to work, they will
be told their objectives, aims of the company and accordingly they will work to achieve the goals together.

Decision making - Decision making is an important work in the company because they have to make important decisions
for the company and the information should be clear so that the end decision can be made without any problem. To
achieve this good and clear communication should be there without any misunderstanding.

The smooth running of the company - A company should run smoothly to achieve its aim, for that the company
members or the employees should be told the nature of work and should be given the work which they can do,
communication helps to run the company more smoothly.

Achievement - a company has a set of goals and aims which can be only achieved when the communication is effective
among the people in the company. This will encourage the employees to work to help the company to achieve the set
Mutual understanding- In a company understanding is important so that employees can be communicated properly
without any misunderstanding, and communication can build an atmosphere in which there will be mutual trust and they
can know what is exactly expected out of them.
Avoid rumors - In the company there will be some people who will spread rumors so that there will be some advantage
for them, to avoid these things communication is needed to eliminate the rumors and work peacefully without disturbing
the surrounding of the company.
Information - Torumors exchange important information regarding any work, effective communication is required so that
the information which is shared should be correct and they can rely on the information shared.
Feedback - In a company, feedback is important to come to any conclusion of any work. They will know the effect or the
impact on the employees and even the people of the company. This will help them to either continue or to stop certain
types of ideas.
Goods and services - To publicize the products to the people outside the company, they need to communicate with the
common people so that they would know about the product. Like through newspapers, the internet, social media, etc.
The morale of employees - communication can boost the morale of the employees which will encourage them to give
their best to the company. It also improves the relationship more strongly.
Types of Business Communication

Upward communication:-
Upward direction communication is a type of communication in which the communication of the information
flows from the lower level to the higher level. This generally helps the employers to express their ideas and
feelings about something, they even express their requirements in the company which help to know the employees
well. This type of process is important for the information needed in making business decisions.

Downward communication:-
Downward communication is the flow of information from a higher level to a lower level. This will improve the
information flow from the organization to the employees and they will have a good organizational discipline and
improve the efficiency of the work in the organization.

Lateral communication:-
Lateral communication is a type of communication in which the flow of information is done within the same
hierarchy. It generally involves the employees of a company working on the same level or having the same work
or project.

External communication:-
It is a type of communication in which the flow of information happens within the organization and with the other
organization too or the external audience. These include emails, brochures, and posters. What is the difference
between a tall organizational structure and a flat organizational structure? How does the structure affect
communication within that structure?

A tall organizational structure has many layers of management between the lowest and highest positions,
so they can suffer communication breakdowns and delays as messages are passed up and down
through multiple layers. A flat structure reduces the number of layers; with fewer layers, communication
flows faster and with fewer disruptions and distortions. In a flatter structure individual employees
are expected to assume more responsibility for communication, particularly horizontally among

2. Identify the eight steps in the communication process.

The sender has an idea. The sender decodes the idea as a message. Thesender produces the message in a
transmittable medium. The sender transmits the message through a channel. The audience receives
the message. The audience decodes the message. The audience responds to the message. The audience sends

3. Distinguish between constructive feedback and destructive feedback.

Constructive feedback focuses on the process and outcomes of communication, not on the people involved.
Destructive feedback delivers criticism with no effort to stimulate improvement.

4. Describe six ways that business communication is different from social communication.

Business communication is unique because it is affected by factors such as the globalization of business, the
increase in workforce diversity, the increasing value of information, the pervasiveness of technology, the
evolution of organizational structures, and the growing reliance on teamwork

5. Distinguish between an ethical dilemma and an ethical lapse

An ethical dilemma involves choosing among alternatives that are not clear-cut. Perhaps two alternatives are both ethical
and valid, or perhaps the alternatives lie somewhere in the gray area between clearly right and clearly wrong. In
contrast an ethical lapse is a clearly unethical choice. The difference is on of clarity.

6.Explain why effective communication is important to your success in today's business environment.

Your communication abilities will help you advance in your career.

7.Identify seven communication skills employers expect from you, the prospective employee.

Employers expect employees to be able to (a) organize ideas/information coherently and completely, (b)
express and present ideas/information coherently and persuasively, (c) listen to others, (d) communicate effectively
with people from diverse backgrounds, (e) use communication technology effectively, (f) communicate with good
etiquette, and (g) communicate ethically.

8.Describe the five characteristics of effective business communication. Effective business messages need to be
practical or contain factual, needed information; they have to be concise or focus on the important issues; they have to be
clear about expectations; and they have to be persuasive.

9.Describe six factors that make business communication unique.

Business communication is unique because it differs from social communication in, at least, six ways. The
differences are the following: (i) the ongoing globalization of business and the need for communicating with adiverse
workforce; (ii) the importance of necessary information; (iii) the pervasive need of technology; (iv) the
reliance on teamwork; (v) the evolution of organizational structures; and (vi) the numerous barriers to
successful communication.

10. Discuss the importance of ethical communication in business Ethics in communication is crucial because
communication represents thepublic image of a company. Lack of ethics in communication will indicate thatthe
concerned company lacks ethical values.

List the advantages of working in teams. Advantages of working in teams are increased information and
knowledgeincreased diversity of views increased acceptance of a solution higherperformance levels

12. List the disadvantages of working in teams.Disadvantages of working in teams are groupthink hidden
agendas freeriders cost.

13. List five phases through which teams typically evolve on theirway to becoming productive.Five phases through which
teams typically evolve on their way to becomingproductive are orientation conflict brainstorming emergence

14. Identify five methods to insure productive meetings.Five methods to insure productive meetings are keep the
discussion on trackFollow agreed upon rules Encourage participation Participate actively Closeeffectively

15. Describe the three types of effective listening and the goal ofeach type.The goal of content listening is to
understand and retain the speaker'smessage. The goal of critical listening is to understand and evaluate
themeaning of the speaker's message on several levels: the logic of theargument, the strength of the
evidence, the validity of the conclusions, theimplications of the message for you and your organization, the
speaker'sintentions and motives, and the omission of any important points. The goalof empathic listening is to
understand the speaker's feelings, needs, andwants so that you can appreciate his or her point of view,
regardless ofwhether you share that perspective.

Discuss the advantages and

disadvantages of using teams in
the workplace.
The advantages of having teams are
that different people in a team could
bring in increased information,
diverse views, greater acceptance of
and higher performance levels.
The disadvantages that might
come with
teams are peer pressure,
groupthink, hidden agendas, free
riders, and
increased cost.
17. Identify and describe one of the
four preparation tasks for an
effective meeting.
Deciding on the purpose of a
meeting is the first preparation task
you would
most likely do. The two most
common types of meetings are
informational or
decision-making. Informational
meetings would require you to
necessary information and
coordinate action accordingly.
meetings would require making
decisions, and hence, they involve
persuasion, and problem-solving. In
any case, the purpose of arranging
meeting has to be communicated to
the participants, preferably, ahead of
time, and again, at the beginning of
the meeting.
18. List and briefly describe the 5
methods a meeting leader can
use to ensure productive meetings.
 Keep the meeting on track-a
meeting leader would push ahead,
back, cut short, ask questions as
 Follow agreed-upon rules-some
rules will make a meeting
and productive.
 Encourage participation-draw out
input from every participant.
 Participate actively-speak, listen,
and respond.
 Close effectively-pull your
meeting together at the end-
discussion/list future actions.
19. What are the different
technological tools that people
use nowadays for communicating
without actual face-to-face
interaction or paper correspondence
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using teams in the workplace.

The advantages of having teams are that different people in a team could bring in increased information, diverse views,
greater acceptance of ideas, and higher performance levels. The disadvantages that might come with teams
are peer pressure, groupthink, hidden agendas, free riders, and increased cost.

17. Identify and describe one of the four preparation tasks for an effective meeting.

Deciding on the purpose of a meeting is the first preparation task you would most likely do. The two most common types
of meetings are informational or decision-making. Informational meetings would require you to share necessary
information and coordinate action accordingly. Decision-making meetings would require making decisions, and
hence, they involve analysis, persuasion, and problem-solving. In any case, the purpose of arranging the meeting has to be
communicated to the participants, preferably, ahead of time, and again, at the beginning of the meeting.

18. List and briefly describe the 5 methods a meeting leader can use to ensure productive meetings.

Keep the meeting on track-a meeting leader would push ahead, step back, cut short, ask questions as necessary.

Follow agreed-upon rules-some rules will make a meeting organized and productive.

Encourage participation-draw out input from every participant.

Participate actively-speak, listen, and respond.

Close effectively-pull your meeting together at the end-summarize discussion/list future actions.

19. What are the different technological tools that people might use nowadays for communicating without actual
face-to-face interaction or paper correspondence. Virtual meetings through vide conferencing, e-mail, instant
messaging,shared workspaces, and web-based meetings let people communicatewithout actually meeting each
other or exchanging paper correspondence.

20. Name and briefly describe the three types of listening one canengage in.Content listening is for understanding
and retaining the content of aspeaker's message. Critical listening is for understanding and evaluating themeaning of
a speaker's message. Emphatic listening is for understanding thespeaker's feelings, needs, and point-of-view. List three

Avoid humor and otherreferences to popular culture

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