Instead of Always Being in Your Comfort Zone, Take The Risk

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Instead of always being in your comfort zone, take the risk

How many times did you change your opinion of start to do something you
really want? Believe it or not, that simple action can make your life different. It is
important to know that every person have not the same interests and have other
points of view when we talk about what make us happy. For that reason, you
are the only one that can create new experiences, expand your knowledge and
also improve your social life.
For example, if we talk about people that enjoy watch tv programs about some
sports like scuba diving or sky diving and have the initiative to do these
activities without being afraid. Apart from that, they get out of their comfort zone
and achieve a new experience that is happiness for them. On the other hand,
there are people that they do not dare to take the risk because some friends
said to them negative opinions like these are dangerous sports or they cost a lot
of money.
The same happen when we talk about reject a great job. Instead of choose a
better job, we prefer the easy way and not take the chance. Because of being
afraid of what is going to happen in this new place, the fear of not have a good
development in the tasks or in the current activities. This transition will give us
the satisfaction to expand our knowledge about it and also improve our social
life giving us the opportunity to meet new people.
Taking everything into account, it can be said that even if other people have a
different opinion about the plan you have, you are the person who decide what
to do. In addition, you need to know that it is okey if you feel fear in this
moment, these actions will give you happiness, and new opportunities in the

Veronica Rocio Rivainera

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