Guess The Word

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Instruction: Arrange the following jumbled letters to reveal the
correct answer.

Instruction: Match the following by placing the letter of your answer
in the space provided.
______1. It is an outdoor activity which there are clear paths to follow A. Orienteering
that are usually beautifully charted with signs so that hikers won’t get
lost along the trails.
B. Outdoor
______2. This outdoor activity is a longer journey on foot and quite Recreation
challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an uncharted path.
______3. It is an enjoyable outdoor activity that involves activities like
carrying backpacks, hiking and most of all pitching of tents. C. Camping

______4. These are the activities that bring you closer to nature.
______5. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific D. Trekking
sequence of pre-set course with the help of navigating devices,
specifically maps and compass to go through an unfamiliar terrain.
E. Mountaineering

Hiking, Trekking, Camping,
Outdoor recreational activities- is organized
activities done during one’s free time for own
personal reason, where an interaction between
man and that brings you closer to nature.
Mountaineering- otherwise known as mountain
climbing, is a very popular outdoor sport.
Climbing mountains embodies the thrills
produced by testing one’s courage, cunning,
strength, ability and stamina to the utmost in a
situation of inherent risk.
Hiking- it is an outdoor
activity where there are
clear paths to follow.
Paths are usually
beautifully charted with
signs so that hikers won’t
get lost along the trails.
Trekking- this outdoor activity is
a longer journey on foot and this
will take within a few days or
weeks compared to hiking. The
activity is quite challenging,
allowing the trekkers to pass
through an uncharted paths.

Camping- is an enjoyable
outdoor activity that allows
you to experience simple
adventures outside your
homes. It allows a lot of
moving since it involves
activities like carrying
backpacks, hiking and
most of all pitching of tents.
Orienteering- it is an
outdoor activity that requires
you to follow a specific
sequence of pre-set course
with the help of navigating
devices, specifically maps
and compass to go through
an unfamiliar terrain.

5 Best Sites for Mountaineering in Philippines
Mount Makiling, Laguna (Climbing duration: 7
hours-1 day)
Mount Tulao, Zambales (Climbing duration: 1
day/12-14 hours are consumed in the ascent alone)
Mount Apo, Davao Del Sur (Climbing duration: 3-4
days for both ascent and descent)
Mount Pulag, Benguet (Climbing duration: 1-2 days
for both ascent and descent)
Mount Maculot, Batanggas (Climbing duration: 5-6
hours for both ascent and descent)
Benefits of Mountaineering
*Overall improves fitness
*Reduce stress
*Encourage social interaction
*Skill development
*Cultural understanding
*Help lose weight
*Improves mental agility and self awareness
*Improves stamina

20XX presentation title 13

Instruction: Create a concept map about the importance and benefits
of mountaineering. Write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper.

Rubric for Concept Map

Criteria Points
Arrangement of Concepts 10 Points
Content 10 Points
The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group must create a
video about any of the outdoor recreational activities related to

Criteria for Video Making

Criteria Rating
Creativity and Uniqueness 30%
Editing Skills (music, sound effects and 40%
Content 20%
Participation 10%

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