Lighting of Diyas at 6

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 Lighting of Diyas at 6

 Rendition of Sarswati revocation by choir

 Part of centenary celeberation, ______(brochure)
 New ways of integrating traditional Indian knowledge and wisdom into current legal system
 Speech by Faculty of Law Dean, welcoming all members on panel, anant law, proctor, dean,
Glorious 100 years, multiple commerative events, Kishan Kaul illustrious career at apex court,
distinguished alumni, welcoming Tushar Mehta, Rijiju spearheading reforms, establishment of
family courts in each district, Progress of DU in last year under new VC Yogesh, always busy with
 Seminar and Discussion committee, for the contribution of Faculty of Law in Centenary
celebration, headed by Ashutosh Mishra
 ILSE- Westernization of legal system, 300 yrs ago, 1775, 5 th August 1775, first capital punishment
 Reception of Western Law In India, written by an Eurpoen (research article), it is unlikely a legal
system introduced by British will be discarded, by K.Lipstein, this conclave an effort to change
the statement
 Justice Abdul Nazeer, Bobde, Ramana set the ball for Indianistaion

3 sub themes technical sessions,
1. access to justice as,linguistic barrier Nalsar collaboration
 Revisit, explore our Indian traditional and customary laws, starting our discourse
 VC felicitating guests

VC addresses the gathering, celebrating the notable alumni in 100 years, I never felt like an outsider in
the university(riju)- The DU culture, no one is alone in the city, the city is friend

Why should we indianise education system, does it just mean educating in hindi, including is it
celebrating ethos

This conclave discusses and debate ‘What does Indiansisation of education system’

Legal system 1726,Education system 1835, colonized minds for British Raj

Established the misconception India Lacked Indian Education and Legal, but we could not understand
and realise our own glory

Britishers were amazed, like we grow cotton on fields instead of from animals

Implementing Nep, in its words and spirits, from this year Nep will be fully fuctional, what is necessary
we should adopt it we implement poorly in our country, this time we should and implement properly

 Tushar Mehta

Amrut Mahaotsav, in line to it, Article 1- India that is Bharat

What kind of India is there What kind of bharat, lack of bharat

3 great civilizations, Indian, Greek, and Chinese

Authentic books of law and justice were there to maintain harmony existed even before courts

The original legal system and the the path it took to present, should be included in curriculum, rich
heritage, include Bharat, no authorities text on how to interpret the philosophies of past law

Internal justice delivery system, that we are not aware of, there are certain ancient communities, with
their own legal system, which do not come to the modern legal system, but keep using their traditional
legal system, we as law students need to hear this so the burden on conventional legal system should be

Legal barrier/populist solution/all court should function in vernacular language, but is it sustainable?/ all
of the people from a different vernacular language, what will bind us?/ changing everything to
vernacular will not be practical/law not just being influenced by local sources but also internationally,
we cannot close these international doors by adopting local language/gatecrasher

 Sanjav Kaul

Shares personal experience of living close to university, Delhi ki gaaliyan aisi ki koi wapas nahi
jaata/everyone assimilated in Delhi Courts,different practioners/9 people in Supreme court from DU/

Ancient India witnessed development of law, large number of legal treaties, civil law in bronze age of
india, in indus, religious prescription, from philsphical/ the fertile ground/ idiosyncrasy of conti/
pluralism in consti/ holistic consti/ consti debaed/Challenge to run a country so diverse, Europe facing
challenges in uniting/India has survived its culture, invasions, and ruling from outside/ capability to
accept from outside, helped to survice/FoR/Indianisation is the need to adapt to practical realties and
deliver local justice/ U.S supreme court see 100 cases in a year, Indian consti bench 100 cases within a
week/ govt part of many cases/ usa 97 cases settle instead of trial and vice versa in India/ S.c can’t be
final words on everything/ Skewed legal practioners, legal professionals not luxurious all through the
tier/how to look forward all lawyers/Strong defense and prosecution department in every country/
stronger legal aid funding/legal aid willing to offer more services/language gap in Indian legal system/
Mallimath commission, an accused should know its rights and dutes/Innvoate and develop, can’t change
the system suddenly, the litigant should be comfortable to come to court/no hesistancy to approach
court because of language/extertion strain on legal system is a good sign people are realizing their
rights(women, marginalized)/ Lack of judges, and improve system of filling up vacancies/ judiciary hasn’t
shyed away from traditional Indian traditions/ ancient temple showcases of women in power in ancient
times/affirmative action/ some social thought proceded legislation and vice versa/ not competitive but
collabrative effort between legislation and judiciary/ consti is not just a lawyer document, but a vehicle
of spirit and it should be always used……/contradicyion between tradition and modern needs to be

 Rijiju

Time for change, amrit ka Mahotsav/Indian judicial system, Indian ancient judicial system/modern sytem
based on accountability, transparency still common people still find it difficult/pendency mounting to
4.8 cr/strike a balance between judge workforce and access to common citizens/judiciary feels they are
overburdened and govt should take concrete steps/ independence of judiciary should remain, certain
limitation of govt in a democracy/believe in teamwork, of legislative, executice, judiciary/colonial laws
to rule, we don believe in ruling, we belive in running and managing the country affair, more to regulate
and not rule, but to follow rule of law/ talking as law minister and not bjp member/ scrapped 1500 laws
colonial, more 25000 compliances rules/charging 100 rs for attestation, self attestation
introduced/removal of presence of govt in common people life, and let them freely PM said/ making
india a better destination/decriminalization of making people languish/ coming winter session promises
scrap more laws and ammendments, 40+ appropriation laws/practical aspect of law, if any law is beyond
the understanding of common man, what is the point, simple language in law, legistaltive department to
use simple languages/complicated provisions/must be simple and straightforward/ some lawyers in sc
have dominating and influential presence, sc should remain accessible, don’t like a gang of people
controlling it/ some advocates in 1-2 days some takes months/ vernacular language should be put in
use, people don’t understand exchanges between judge and people/the instant provision of translation,
use technical aid/ no indianisation of legal sytem without Indian languages/stuck in procedure, process
needs to be made fit/ conventioal approach will stack up more pendency/ we need to look beyond/ ADR
system should reflect Indian system/ arbitration will only work when awards are upheld and courts are
not involve/meditation process should be more simple/ Arbitration council to be made/ intl aribration
centre being updraded in Delhi/ creating new avenues for common citizens to get justice/naya bandhu
legal aid, tele consultation, that is free now/ no need to visit court/ putting forward the idea of
probono/court is an institution to give justice, but we can also give justice going to courts/

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