Outline 1 How To 2

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Table of Contents 
Outline 1 

How to 2 
Overview of the Cinemas and Sessions 2 
Cinemas and Sessions Screens 4 
Using the Device Location 10 
Create a Cordova Plugin 19 
Test the Dialogs Plugin the OMSDb Mobile App 31 

In this exercise, we will add Cinemas and Sessions to the OSMDb Mobile application. The 
application will have two new Screens: Cinemas and Sessions. In the Cinemas Screen we will list 
all the Cinemas that are airing a particular movie. In the Sessions Screen, we will list all the 
sessions for a movie, in a particular cinema. 

These Screens are only accessible by Registered or OSMDbAdmin users and when the app is 
online. The OSMDb_Core_Mobile module already has the Cinema and the Session Entities 
defined, as well as the logic to Bootstrap the data.  

The list of Cinemas will be displayed sorted by the distance between the device and the actual 
cinema. To accomplish that, we will use two Forge components: the ​LocationPlugin t​ o get the 
location of the device and the ​DistanceFromCoordinate ​to calculate the distance between the 
device and another location. 

We will also implement a Cordova Plugin: DialogsPlugin. This Plugin will be used to implement 
confirmation messages and alerts that will appear to the end-user when saving the information 
about a movie.  


At the end of the exercise, we need to generate the native package again and try out the 
application in the device. 

How to 
In this section, we’ll describe, step by step, the exercise ​6.2 - Mobile Plugins​. 

Overview of the Cinemas and Sessions 

Let’s start by doing an overview of the Cinema and Session.  

The Cinema Entity has the Name, the City where the Cinema is located, the latitude and the 
longitude. The Session Entity has a relationship with the Cinema and the Movie, as well as the 
day and the starting and ending times of the session. 

The information about the Cinemas is bootstrapped from an Excel file. 


The final piece of the Bootstrap logic is to Bootstrap the Sessions. That logic does not use an 
Excel. For the purpose of the exercise, we create static sessions, always starting and ending at 
the same times. 


Cinemas and Sessions Screens 

Let’s start the exercise by creating some UI to display the Cinemas, in the OSMDb_Mobile 
module. The Cinemas Screen will list all the cinemas that have a certain movie in session. The 
Screen can only be accessible by the MovieDetail Screen, whenever the app is online. The list of 
Cinemas should display the Name and the City for now.  

Then, create the Sessions Screen, which will display the Sessions for a movie in a particular 
Cinema. It can only be accessible via the Cinemas Screen. 

1. Open the OSMDb_Mobile module and reference the ​Cinema a

​ nd ​Session E
​ ntities. 

2. Create a new Screen, C

​ inemas​, accessible by Registered users and OSMDbAdmins. The 
Screen should have an Input Parameter, MovieId, which will be used to filter the cinemas 
that have sessions airing the movie. The Screen should have an Aggregate to fetch the 
cinemas matching the criteria. On the Screen, we should have a List to display the name 
and city of the cinema. 

a. Create a new ​Empty ​Screen called C

​ inemas​. Keep the Roles section with the 
Registered and OSMDbAdmin Roles selected. 

b. Define the Title in the UI to be C

​ inemas 

c. Add a new I​ nput Parameter​ to the Screen called ​MovieId​, with D

​ ata Type​ set to 
Movie Identifier​. 


d. Create a ​Database Aggregate​ with the Cinema and Session Entities as Sources. 

e. Change the Join to ​Only With​. 

f. Add a new Filter to guarantee that only the cinemas that have the movie, that 
matches the MovieId Input Parameter, in session will be fetched. 

Session.MovieId = MovieId 

g. Since we just want to display the cinemas, but the Aggregate has a Join with the 
Sessions, we have repeated cinema information being fetched. 

To avoid repetition, G
​ roup By​ the Id, Name, City, Lat and Long attributes of the 
Cinema Entity. 


h. Back on the Cinemas Screen, drag a L

​ ist a
​ nd drop it on the Screen. Set the 
Source o
​ f the List to ​GetCinemas​. 

i. Expand the GetCinemas Aggregate. Drag the ​Name o

​ f the Cinema and drop it on 
the List. Set the Expression to be ​Bold​ and with 1
​ 6px​ ​Size​. 

j. Drag the ​City a

​ nd drop it below the Name in the List. 

k. Publish the module to save the latest changes. 

3. Link the MovieDetail Screen to the Cinemas Screen and from the Cinemas Screen back to 
the MovieDetail Screen. 

a. Drag a ​Container a
​ nd drop it below the List. Set a ​Margin Top​ of ​20px​. 


b. Still on the Cinemas Screen, add a ​Link ​below the List, with the text ​Back to Movie​, 
with ​Destination ​set to the M
​ ovieDetail S
​ creen.  

c. Open the ​MovieDetail S

​ creen. Drag an ​Icon a
​ nd drop it to the top right of the 
Screen (in the HeaderRight placeholder). 

d. Choose the f​ ilm ​icon in the new dialog. 

e. Link t​ he Icon to the Cinemas Screen. Pass the ​MovieId a

​ s the value for the 
Cinemas Screen Input Parameter. 


f. Enclose the Link in an I​ f ​widget. Set the ​Condition ​to I​ sOnline​. 

g. Publish the module to save the latest changes. 

4. Create the ​Sessions S

​ creen. The Screen will display the sessions of a movie in a 
particular Cinema. The Screen will only be accessible by the Cinemas Screen. 

a. Create a new ​Empty ​Screen and set its name to S

​ essions​.  

b. Set the ​Title ​of the Screen in the UI to be S

​ essions​. 

c. Add two I​ nput Parameters​ to the Screen: M

​ ovieId (​ Movie Identifier) and ​CinemaId 
(Cinema Identifier). 

d. Add a new Aggregate with the ​Session ​Entity as Source. Create two Filters by 
MovieId and CinemaId. Make sure the name of the Aggregate is set to 


e. Drag a List and drop it on the Screen. Set its S

​ ource ​to be 

f. Expand the GetSessionsByCinemaId Aggregate and the Session Entity within it. 
Drag the ​Day a
​ ttribute and drop it on the List. 

g. Do the same for the S

​ tartTime ​and ​EndTime​. 

h. Add a ​Margin top​ of ​5 px t​ o the StartTIme and EndTime Expressions. 

i. Drag a new ​Container a

​ nd drop it below the List. Set the ​Margin top​ to 20px. 

j. Create a ​Link w
​ ith the Text​ Back to Cinema​, to go back to the ​Cinemas S
​ creen. 


k. In the Cinemas Screen, select the L

​ istItem t​ hat represents a Cinema in the List. 
Set the ​On Click​ Event to the S
​ essions S
​ creen, passing the respective value for the 
MovieId ​and C
​ inemaId ​parameters. 

l. Publish the module to save the latest changes. 

m. Test the application on the device. Do not forget that the Cinemas Screen is only 
available when online. 

Using the Device Location 

On the Cinemas Screen, we want to sort the cinemas by their distance to the device’s location. 
To do that, we need two Forge components: L
​ ocationPlugin, ​to use the location of the device, 
and the ​DistanceFromCoordinate ​to calculate distances from latitude and longitude. 

When accessing the Cinemas Screen, the location of the device needs to be calculated. Then, 
the Distance attribute of the Cinema Screen can be used to hold in memory the distance from 
the device to the cinemas, which will then be used to sort the List in the UI.  

1. Reference the C
​ heckLocationPlugin ​and the G
​ etLocation ​Client Actions from the 
LocationPlugin. Also, reference the C
​ ountDistance ​Server Action from the 

2. Use the ​On Initialize​ Event of the Cinemas Screen to calculate the current device 
location. Use two Local Variables to save the device latitude and longitude. 


a. On the Cinemas Screen, add two L

​ ocal Variables​: C
​ urLat ​and ​CurLong​. Set their 
Data Types​ to D
​ ecimal​. 

b. Select the Cinemas Screen, set the ​On Initialize​ Event to a new Client Action. 

c. Drag a ​Run Client Action​ node and drop it in the new On Initialize Action flow. 


d. Select the ​CheckLocationPlugin ​Action from the LocationPlugin. 

e. Drag an ​If n
​ ode and drop it below the CheckLocationPlugin Action. Set its 
Condition ​to ​CheckLocationPlugin.IsAvailable 

NOTE:​ This verification is crucial before using any plugin. This guarantees that 
older versions of the app, without the Location Plugin included in the native app 
package, will continue to work properly. 

f. Right-click on the If and ​Swap the Connectors​. 

g. Drag a ​Message n
​ ode and drop it to the right of the If. Set the ​Message p
​ roperty 
to ​“Current location unavailable” ​and the T
​ ype ​to W
​ arning. ​Connect the If with the 



h. Drag an ​End n
​ ode and drop it to the right of the Message. Connect the two 

i. Drag a​ Run Client Action​ and drop it below the If. Set the Action to the 
GetLocation ​Action from the Location Plugin. 

NOTE:​ This calculates the latitude and longitude of the current location of the 
device. It also creates a warning in Service Studio, since the Screen Events should 
be used with care, to avoid slowing the Screen down. However, this calculation is 
necessary to know the device location and it is not inefficient. 

j. Drag an ​Assign n
​ ode and drop it after the GetLocation Action. Set the following 

CurLat = GetLocation.Location.Latitude 

CurLong = GetLocation.Location.Longitude 

3. Now that we know the device current location, we need to sort the List accordingly. The 
distance of all cinemas should be calculated after the cinemas are fetched, which could 
lead to use of the​ On After Fetch​ Event. Despite that being a possibility, the 
CountDistance ​Action is a Server Action. So, when doing that, we would get a warning 
for having multiple calls to a server being made (one calculation per cinema). So, we can 
use a D
​ ata Action​ instead, place the Aggregate inside it and do the distance calculations 
before sorting the List. For now, let’s create the Data Action, place the Aggregate inside it 
and create a Structure that will hold the Cinema and the distance to each cinema, to help 
us do the necessary calculations. 


a. Add a ​Data Action​ on the Screen and set its N

​ ame t​ o ​GetCinemasWithDistance​.   

b. Under the Data tab, create a new S

​ tructure ​and call it C
​ inemaWithDistance​. 

c. Add a new Structure attribute, set its ​Name a

​ nd​ Data Type​ to C
​ inema​. 

d. Add another attribute and set its ​Name t​ o ​Distance ​and its​ Data Type​ to ​Decimal 

e. Go back to the Cinemas Screen and set the​ Output Parameter​ of the 
GetCinemasWithDistance Data Action to be called C
​ inemas​, with ​Data Type​ set to 
CinemaWithDistance List​. 


f. Drag the ​GetCinemas A

​ ggregate to the Data Action flow and delete the 
Aggregate from the Screen. This should cause several errors, since the List widget 
uses the Aggregate that we just deleted as Source. 

g. Drag a new Assign node and drop it after the GetCinemas Aggregate. Set the 
Assignment to be: 

Cinemas = GetCinemas.List 

Automatically, the platform does a mapping of the Cinema Entity attributes to the 
ones in the CinemaWithDistance Structure, except for the Distance, which will be 
calculated later. 


h. On the Cinemas Screen, select the ​List w

​ idget and set its ​Source t​ o be 
GetCinemasWithDistance.Cinemas​. The output of the Data Action. 

i. Select the Expression with the ​Name o

​ f the Cinema and adjust its ​Value ​to 
GetCinemasWithDistance.Cinemas.Current.Cinema.Name. D
​ o the same for the 
Expression with the C
​ ity​, adjusting its ​Value t​ o be 

j. There’s only one more error to go. Select the ListItem widget and set the value 
passed as parameter to the Sessions Screen to be: 

4. Calculate the Distance from the device location to the cinemas in the list. 


a. Drag a​ For Each​ node and drop it below the Assign. 

b. Set the ​Record List​ to be the C

​ inemas ​Output Parameter. 

c. Drag a ​Run Server Action​ node and drop it to the right of the For Each. Select the 
CountDistance ​Action from the DistanceFromCoordinate Forge component. 

d. Set the following values 

IsMetricSystem = True 

Lat_Center = CurLat 

Lng_Center = CurLong 

Lat_Compare = Cinemas.Current.Cinema.Lat 

Lng_Compare = Cinemas.Current.Cinema.Long 


This will calculate the distance between the device and the cinema processed in 
the loop. 

e. Connect the For Each with the CountDistance Action. 

f. Drag an ​Assign a
​ nd drop it below the CountDistance Action. Set the Assignment 
to be: 

Cinemas.Current.Distance = CountDistance.Distance 

g. Connect the Assign back to the For Each to close the loop. 

h. Drag a ​Run Server Action​ and drop it below the For Each and before the End 
node. Select the ​ListSort A
​ ction. 

i. Set the ​List ​property to be the C

​ inemas l​ ist and the ​By p
​ roperty to be the D
​ istance​. 


j. Set the ​Ascending t​ o be ​True o

​ r F​ alse​, depending on the order you prefer. 

k. Publish the module to save the latest changes in the server. 

5. Add the Distance to the List of Cinemas. 

6. To finish, add the Cinemas Screen to the Menu of the application. 

7. To test the application in the device, we need to generate a new native package, to 
include the code of the LocationPlugin, except when using OutSystems Now. 

8. Make sure the Cinemas appear sorted by the distance in the List of Cinemas. 

Create a Cordova Plugin 

At this point of the exercise, we already used the Location Plugin, available on Forge. However, 
we can also create our own Cordova Plugins and use them in OutSystems. 

In this section, we will create a plugin, by referencing an existing Cordova Plugin: D

​ ialogs​. This 
plugin provides access to native dialog UI elements and it has a couple of methods available 
such as Confirm, to display a customizable confirmation dialog box, and Alert, to show a custom 
alert or dialog box.  

For that purpose, we will create a new application, with a Blank module, and define three 
Actions based on JavaScript code: C
​ heckDialogsPlugin​, to verify if the Plugin is available, A
​ lert​, to 
display an alert message to the user,​ ​and C
​ onfirm​, to ask for confirmation from the user before 
performing an operation in the app.  

This section of the exercise can only be properly tested using the native package of the app. 


1. Create a new ​Phone App​, called ​DialogsPlugin a

​ nd use the icon available in the 
Resources f​ older. Create a new ​Blank ​module. 

a. In the main Applications tab in Service Studio, create a ​New Application​ and 
choose P
​ hone App​. 

b. Set the application ​Name t​ o ​Dialogs Plugin_<your_initials>​, and fill in the 

Description​. Use the d
​ ialogs-icon.png​ icon available in the Resources folder and 
create the app. 

c. In the modules area, set the module to B

​ lank a
​ nd create it. 

2. In the new module, we will reference the public repository of the plugin in the 
Extensibility Configurations property: 
https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-dialogs.git​. This will allow the module to have 
access to the Plugin’s methods. The Extensibility Configurations property expects a JSON 


structure. We will also modify the module icon to use the same of the application, using 
the smaller icon available in the Resources. 

a. Select the ​DialogsPlugin m

​ odule in the Elements area, then double-click the 
Extensibility Configurations​ property to edit it. 

NOTE:​ To reference an existing Cordova Plugin we should create a new app with 
a Blank module. Then, use the Extensibility Configurations property to reference 
the public repository URL of the plugin, using a JSON structure. You can find the 
documentation about the Dialogs Plugin ​here​. 

b. Add the following to the Extensibility Configurations dialog and close the window 

"plugin": { 
"url": "https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-dialogs.git" 


c. Open the drop down for the Icon property of the module and choose (​ Change 
Icon…),​ then select the ​DialogsPlugin32.png​ image file from the Resources folder. 

3. Let’s now create the first Action of the Dialogs Plugin, the ​CheckDialogsPlugin ​Client 
Action. This Action will verify if the D
​ ialogsPlugin ​has been loaded on the device and can 
be used. We need to use JavaScript to help us define this logic. The Action should return 
if the plugin is available or not. 


a. Add a new Client Action, set its N

​ ame t​ o ​CheckDialogsPlugin ​and make it ​Public​. 

b. Open the drop down for the I​ con p

​ roperty and choose ​(Change icon…)​. Then, 
select the ​dialogs-icon32.png​ image from the R
​ esources f​ older. 

c. Add a new Output Parameter to the Action, call it I​ sAvailable a

​ nd set its D
​ ata Type 
to ​Boolean​. 


d. Drag a ​JavaScript n
​ ode and drop it in the Action flow. 

e. Open the JavaScript editor, right-click the ​Parameters​ folder and add an Output 
Parameter named I​ sAvailable​. 

f. Verify that the ​Data Type​ of the Output Parameter is set to B

​ oolean​. 


g. Add the following JavaScript code to the editor 

$parameters.IsAvailable = !!navigator.notification; 

NOTE:​ The ​$parameters.IsAvailable​ corresponds to the created Output Parameter 

defined in previous steps. The​ navigator.notification​ part is referencing the object 
used by the plugin (more h
​ ere​). 

h. Click ​Done t​ o close the JavaScript editor. 

i. Drag an ​Assign​ node and drop it between the JavaScript statement and the End 
and define the following assignment 

IsAvailable = JavaScript1.IsAvailable 

4. Let’s now create the ​Alert C

​ lient Action, with the purpose of displaying a native alert, with 
a customized Message and Button. This Action will expect three Input Parameters: T​ itle 
(Text, mandatory) for the title of the dialog, M
​ essage ​(Text, mandatory) for the actual 
message displayed in the dialog, and B
​ uttonName ​(Text, mandatory) for the name inside 
the Button. The Action also has two Output Parameters: S
​ uccess ​(Boolean) and 
ErrorMessage ​(Text). To help with this, we need some JavaScript code. 

a. Add a new Client Action, set its N

​ ame t​ o ​Alert a
​ nd make it ​Public​. 


b. Change the I​ con ​of the Client Action to the image file d
​ ialogs-icon32.png​, located 
in the ​Resources f​ older. 

c. Add three Input Parameters to the Action: 

● Title (Text, mandatory) 

● Message (Text, mandatory) 
● ButtonName (Text, mandatory) 

d. Add two Output Parameters to the Action: 

● Success (Boolean) 
● ErrorMessage (Text) 

e. Drag a ​JavaScript n
​ ode and drop it in the Action flow. 

f. Inside the JavaScript editor, add an Input Parameter to the JavaScript statement 
by right-clicking the ​Parameters​ folder, then set its ​Name​ to ​Title​ and D
​ ata Type 
to ​Text​. 

g. Repeat the previous step for the ​Message​ and ​ButtonName​ Input Parameters 
with the same data type. 

h. Inside the JavaScript editor, add an Output Parameter named ​Success​ with D
​ ata 
Type​ ​Boolean​. 

i. Add another Output Parameter named E

​ rrorMessage​ with D
​ ata Type​ set to ​Text​. 


NOTE:​ JavaScript nodes act as black boxes, therefore all data that is needed 
inside the JavaScript code must be sent as Input Parameter into the JavaScript 
node. The same happens with data sent out of the JavaScript node. 

j. In the text editor area add the following JavaScript code and click ​Done​. 

if($actions.CheckDialogsPlugin()) { 
$parameters.Message, // message 
function (){ // callback 
$parameters.Success = true; 
$parameters.Title, // title 
$parameters.ButtonName // buttonName 
} else { 
$parameters.Success = false; 
$parameters.ErrorMessage = "Dialogs plugin is not available"; 


k. Select the ​JavaScript​ node and define the Input Parameters to use the 
corresponding Client Action Input Parameters. 

l. Drag an ​Assign​ node and drop it between the JavaScript and the End, then define 
the following assignments 

Success = JavaScript1.Success 

ErrorMessage = JavaScript1.ErrorMessage 

5. Create a ​Confirm C
​ lient Action to provide a confirmation process for the end-user. This 
Action will have two Input Parameters: T​ itle (​ Text, mandatory) and ​Message (​ Text, 
mandatory). It also has three Output Parameters: C
​ onfirmed ​(Boolean) that returns if the 
user confirmed the operation or not, S
​ uccess ​(Boolean) to make sure the Action was 
successful and E
​ rrorMessage (​ Text) to be displayed when an error occurs. As above, we 
need some JavaScript to help us define the logic for this Action. 

a. Add a new Client Action, set its N

​ ame t​ o ​Confirm ​and make it ​Public​. 

b. Change the Client Action I​ con​ to the ​dialogs-icon32.png​ image, located in the 
Resources​ folder. 

c. Add two new Input Parameters to the Client Action, called T​ itle a
​ nd ​Message​, with 
Text D
​ ata Type​. 


d. Add three Output Parameters to the Client Action 

● Confirmed (Boolean) 
● Success (Boolean) 
● ErrorMessage (Text) 

e. Drag a ​JavaScript​ statement, drop it on the Action flow and open it. 

f. Add the proper Input Parameters and Output Parameters, matching the ones on 
the Client Action, just like in the previous steps. 


g. In the text editor area add the following JavaScript code and click ​Done​. 

if($actions.CheckDialogsPlugin()) { 
$parameters.Message, // message 
function (buttonIndex){ // callback 
$parameters.Success = true; 
$parameters.Confirmed = (buttonIndex === 1); 
$parameters.Title, // title 
['Yes', 'No'] // buttons 
} else { 
$parameters.Success = false; 
$parameters.ErrorMessage = "Dialogs plugin is not available"; 

h. Set the ​Title​ and ​Message​ properties of the JavaScript statement to the Input 
Parameters of the Client Action. 

i. Drag an ​Assign​ and drop it between the JavaScript and End, then define the 
following assignments 

Confirmed = JavaScript1.Confirmed 
Success = JavaScript1.Success 
ErrorMessage = JavaScript1.ErrorMessage 

j. Click the ​1-Click Publish​ button and verify that the module was successfully 


Test the Dialogs Plugin the OMSDb Mobile App 

In this section of the exercise, we will reference the Dialogs Plugin in the OSMDb Mobile 

We will make sure that a confirmation dialog appears when the user tries to create or edit a 
movie in the database, in the M
​ ovieDetail ​Screen. Also, if the user confirms and the local 
storage is cleared, an A
​ lert ​message will appear informing the user of that. 

1. Reference the Actions created in the DialogsPlugin in the OSMDb Mobile, using the 
Manage Dependencies dialog. 

2. In the MovieDetail Screen, we will now add a Confirmation dialog appearing to the 
end-user, whenever the user tries to save the information about a movie. Only after the 
user confirms the operation, then the operation to save the information will proceed, 
including the form validations. Don’t forget to check if the plugin exists before using the 
Action and also to check if the Action was successful and confirmed. 

a. Open the ​SaveOnClick C

​ lient Action on the MovieDetail​ ​Screen. 


b. Drag a ​Run Client Action​ node and drop it right after the Start node. In the new 
dialog, choose the ​CheckDialogsPlugin C
​ lient Action from the D
​ ialogsPlugin 

c. Drag an ​If​ node and drop it immediately after the C

​ heckDialogsPlugin. ​Set the 
Condition to 


d. Drag a new ​Run Client Action​ node and drop it to the right of recently added If. 
Select the ​Confirm C
​ lient Action from the D
​ ialogsPlugin​. 

e. Set the ​Title​ parameter to ​“Movie Info”​, and the M

​ essage​ parameter to​ "Are you 
sure you want to add / edit the movie information?"​. 


f. Create the T
​ rue b
​ ranch connector from the If to the ​Confirm A
​ ction. 

NOTE:​ If the plugin is available, the Confirm Action for the plugin is executed. 
Now, we need to check if the message appeared successfully, which is done in 
this If. Next, we need to check if the end-user confirmed that the Action should 
proceed as expected. 

g. Drag an ​If n
​ ode and drop it to the right of the ​Confirm ​Action. Create the 
connector between both. Set the ​Condition​ property to  


h. Drag another I​ f​ node and drop it on the right of the previous one. Create the 
True b
​ ranch connector from the If created above to the new one. 

i. Set the ​Condition​ property of the new If to 



j. Create the F
​ alse ​branch connector from the C
​ onfirm.Success?​ If to the first 
validation in the Action flow. This means that the Dialogs did not work 
successfully, then the Action flow should continue as expected and planned.  

k. Create the T
​ rue b
​ ranch connector from the ​Confirm.Confirmed?​ If to the first 
form validation. This means that the user confirmed that the Action should 
proceed as planned.  


l. Drag an ​End​ and drop it on the right of the C

​ onfirm.Confirmed?​ If. Create the 
False b
​ ranch connector from the If to the End. If the user does not confirm that 
the Action is to proceed, then the logic will not be executed and the Action ends. 

NOTE:​ The logic created above is designed in such a way that in the case that the 
Dialogs Plugin is not available (e.g. the app installed in the device was not 
upgraded yet), the logic will still work without errors. 

When integrating with newly added native plugins it is important that the 
application is designed in such a way that allows for both use cases: plugin is 
available and not available. This way, we ensure that end-users have an error-free 
experience in case the plugin is not yet available in the native app they have 
installed on their device, or even if the mobile device does not support the plugin. 

3. Before the ​SaveOnClick A

​ ction ends, we want to notify the user that the information 
about the movie has been saved, using the ​Alert A
​ ction from the D
​ ialogsPlugin​. If the 
plugin is not available, the built-in Message should be used instead. 


a. Drag an ​If​ and drop it between the LocalMovieCreateOrUpdate Action and the 
Success Message. Set the C
​ ondition ​property​ ​to 


b. To save some space for the next piece of logic, drag the Success message and 
leave it below the LocalMovieCreateOrUpdate Action. 

c. Drag a ​Run Client Action​ node and drop it on the right of the If statement. 
Choose the A
​ lert C
​ lient Action from the ​DialogsPlugin​.  

d. Create the T
​ rue b
​ ranch connector from the If to the ​Alert A
​ ction. 

e. Set the ​Title​ property of the A

​ lert​ Action to ​“Movie Info”​, the ​Message​ parameter 
to ​"Movie information saved successfully!"​, and the B
​ uttonName​ to​ "Dismiss"​. 


f. Drag an ​If​ node and drop it below the A

​ lert A
​ ction. Create the connector 
between both. Set the C
​ ondition​ property of the If​ ​to  


g. Connect the ​True b

​ ranch to the M
​ ainFlow\Movies​ Destination and connect the 
False b
​ ranch to the ​Success M
​ essage. 

NOTE:​ The logic above is defined in such a way that if the DialogsPlugin is not 
available, the built-in Message will appear. The same happens if the Alert does 
not work properly. However, if the DialogsPlugin is available, then the Alert from 
the DialogsPlugin will appear.  

4. Publish the module and test the application on the device. Make sure that the dialogs 
properly appear when they are expected. Notice that a new version of the native 
package was generated, since the Plugin is now referenced on the app and needs to be 
included. This only happens when the native app was already generated (at least) once. 


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