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High-achieving organizations know this instinctively.

Their efforts to improve operational efficiency

result in:

More productive employees. Instead of spending time on needless administrative tasks or having
unproductive conversations, they’re focusing on higher-value work that actually drives growth.

Financial savings. Instead of wasting money to carry out unnecessary tasks, they’re redirecting resources
toward potential growth opportunities.

Better products or services. Instead of settling for processes that work some of the time, they’re
supporting more consistent, high-quality output with better processes.

All of these are reasons why everyone at ClearPoint is just a little bit obsessed with internal process
improvement, in addition to strategy execution. In fact, our own company’s Balanced Scorecard lists
“operational excellence” as a corporate-level objective; many department-level objectives include
finding ways to better organize and automate processes.

To help you get started, we’ve outlined below the essential steps for how to improve a process at work;
they are what we do in our own office for process improvement. You’ll also see how ClearPoint’s
software can be useful in identifying and implementing process changes every step of the way. (If you’re
a local government interested in process improvement, read this article to learn more about how one
city tackled the job.)

Want to see how ClearPoint can help your organization manage its process improvement efforts, as well
as your overall strategic plan? Book a time and we'll show you!

How To Improve Your Work: 7 Steps To Improve Processes

1. Select a process to improve.

There are processes associated with everything your organization does, both externally and internally.
Which one to attack first? Think about the following as you're considering your processes and evaluating
the need for improvement:

Which ones are most crucial to your business?

Which ones are exceptionally time-consuming?

Which ones are used most frequently?

Which ones seem outdated?

Which ones could be more easily delegated if improved?

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