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DTI Webinar: Google Ads: Wider Reach, Boost your Feeds!

The webinar last 26th day of October is about “How to Run Google Ads and Increase Online Sales”
and it was hosted by DTI Philippines collaborated with appiGo Philippines. The DTI Philippines have a
guest speaker to further discuss the webinar, who was Mr. Lorenzo Capa, an e-commerce specialist. There
were 4 agenda discussed during the webinar, which were the (1) Why should you use Google Ads? (2)
Introduction of Google Ads (3) Types of Google Ads and (4) Step-by-step guide on how to launch your first
Google Ads Campaign for your Business.

The first topic was why we should use Google Ads. Mr. Capa said that using a Google Ads can reach
the prospective customer of the business if they will use a keyword that is connected to a service or product
that you offer. Also, there is a big tendency that many people will see your business using the Google Ads
because each search offers opportunities for the brand to be known and people click the Google Ads more
than the other advertisement networks. Furthermore, more than 80% of global businesses trust Google Ads
for marketing campaigns. If many global businesses trust the marketing in Google Ads, then it also means
that it will be helpful for our business too.

Basically, the Google Ads are the paid advertisement results from the search engine if ever a person
searches on a term that is connected to your business. There are types of Google Ads that businesses can use
such as search campaign, display campaign, shopping campaign, video campaign, and app campaign. The
first type is search campaign which means the ads appear as a text ad on the results page for the relevant
keyword. Next one is the display campaign, which means there are website partners to promote the ad on
different sites all over the Internet like Facebook, YouTube, and Gmail. In addition, these ads can be a GIF,
text, a video or image. Then the shopping campaign shows the products in a much more visual way like
when you are looking for a laptop, then images will appear on the search results page. The video campaign
is the ads that appear in the YouTube videos whether before the video plays or while the video is playing.
The app campaign can be included in display campaign, but, the ad will be furnished and it will pop-up
based on the algorithm of a person’s gadget.

The speaker discussed also on how to set up Google Ads. There are steps to consider be launching a
Google Ads, these are the following:
1. Learn a few basic terms – be familiarized on the keywords you will use.
2. Organize your account – pick a main keyword to use for your campaign.
3. Set your budget – use a small budget first for the keywords that you will use.
4. Pick your keywords – choose a main keyword that you think people will search when they
are looking online.
5. Set your keyword match types – broad match, broad match modifier, phase match, exact
match and negative match.
6. Set your landing pages – where will the potential customers arrive after clicking the ad.
7. Decide which devices to show up on – know what will be the compatible Google Ads in your
8. Write your ads – this will be the structure of the Google Ad like headline and body.
9. Connect your account to Google Analytics – to know how the people interact with the ads
and sites.
10. Hit go and check back in – it is important to check the results to know if there is a progress.

In my point of view, using Google Ads can help promote a business since their products or services
will be advertised through different websites specially the social media. Also, using Google Ads for your
business will allow the algorithm of one’s search engine because if they use the keyword that is related to
the product that a business offers, then the ads that will pop in their websites are almost connected to what
your business offers. In addition, using Google Ads will filter the target customers of a business because the
advertisement will focus on the type of customers that you want and filter out those customers you dislike.
However, I think there is a negative effect of using Google Ads, and this is when businesses offer the same
products or services and uses same keywords. There is a tendency that you can get a few customers like
what happens to physical stores that have same products or services that offer.
The webinar entitled “How to Run Google Ads and Increase Online Sales” by AppiGo Philippines with
partnership of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) focusses on 4 main agendas. Below are the
 Why Should We Use Google Ads
 Introduction Of Google Ads
 Types Of Google Ads
 Step By Step Guide on How to Launch Your First Google Ad Campaign for Your Business
Google Chrome, google search and more google products became our best friend since the world adapted
the technology in our daily lives. By this webinar, it delivers to us young entrepreneurs and start-up
businesses out there who were watching with us maximize the potential of technology and put in into action.
As of today, being a start-up business is challenging part of life but with the help of google ads, it makes
easier to keep with those establish one with the right usage, teaching, mentoring, developing and adapting.
First, the webinar discussed about why there’s a need to use google ads. Mr. Capa stated lots of reasons why
we need it, examples are 3.5 billion time a day people use google to search and more than 80% of global
businesses trust the google ads for marketing purpose. How come start-up business can’t believe and rely in
google ads when those big and successful companies do, right? These reasons will more likely trigger to try
and subscribe.
Google ads the tool to achieve an increase store visits, get more phone calls and drive website visits, simply
to acquire more customers to buy or use our service. We might get annoyed when we see ads on our daily
browsing on internet but it helps a lot.
There are three ways on how google ads work or trigger. First, is the cost per click. For me it is the safest
way to have more engagement without losing too much money because google will only charge the business
once an individual clicks for a specific link that connect to the business. Second, is the cost per mile. Cost
per mile will charge the business when it reaches certain limits of visit. And lastly, is the cost per
engagement. It may safest way also to have more engagement without paying too much.
Moving forward, there are types of google ads to choose from and the webinar taught which is the best one
for a certain industry.
 Search Campaigns
 Display campaigns
 Video campaigns
 App campaigns
 Shopping campaign
List above are the campaigns we can choose from to use for the business. It may sound all the listed
campaigns will help the business to grow but for me it’s best to choose one. At the end of the day, it will still
depend on how the business maximize and use the campaign to achieve its goal.
By having this webinar, it added something to our knowledge that would help us someday in pursuing our
dreams. Specially, we were having a business. Technology keeps on evolving and it was been a great news
that we Filipino were coping up with the technology and modernization other countries have.
These flatforms not only seeking for money but they want to help so every Filipino would have the
opportunity to showcase their talents and expertise.
Sales Generating Google Ads for MSMEs

Generating Google Ads is an excellent way for companies to build their brands, improve website traffic, and
boost sales while keeping track of the outcomes. Also, there are many advantages of using Google for
advertising, such as the ability to reach motivated and targeted audiences. And successful techniques to
attract qualified visitors, or good-fit clients, to your company who are looking for the goods and services
you provide because digital marketing support will lead the customer directly to the website that the
customers are looking for.

This webinar is to help businesses to create a more proper way of advertising their product or services in a
clean and good practice of targeting methods to reach potential customers right when they're searching for
your products or services.

Sales Generating Google Ads for MSME’s
According to Mr. Lorenzo Capa, google search is used 3.5 billion times every day. As a result, each
search provides opportunity for you to bring your brand in front of more people. Google advertising are
trusted by more than 80% of global firms for marketing campaigns. Google Ads has a ROI of 8:1. (Return of
Investment). In other words, for every $1 invested, an advertisement receives $8.
Google receives billions of searches per second, and the majority of search results pages include
Google advertising. Google Ads, which are paid for by businesses, are an excellent way of sending relevant,
qualified traffic to your website precisely when people are searching for the types of items or services your
company provides.
Google Ads is a paid advertising platform that falls within the pay-per-click (PPC) marketing
channel, in which you (the advertiser) pay per click or impression (CPM) on an ad. Google Adverts enables
you to design and distribute well-timed ads to your target audience (through mobile and desktop). As a
result, your company will appear on the search engine results page (SERP) when your ideal customers
search for items and services similar to yours on Google Search or Google Maps. This means, you reach
your target audience at the optimal time for them to see your ad.

How Google Ads Work?

Google Ads uses a pay-per-click (PPC) model. That is, marketers target a certain keyword on
Google and place bids on it, competing with others who are also targeting the keyword. Your bids are
"maximum bids," or the most you're willing to pay for an ad. Marketers have three options for their bid:
1. Cost-per-click (CPC) - how much you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
2. Cost-per-mile (CPM) - how much you pay per thousand ad impressions.
3. Cost-per-engagement (CPE) - how much you spend when a user clicks on your ad and takes a
specified action (signs up for a list, watch a video, etc).
 Search Campaign - are text ads that appear in search results and let you to target people who are
looking for the products and services you provide on Google.
 Display Campaign - allow you to target a relevant audience with aesthetically appealing advertising
while they browse millions of websites, applications, and Google-owned properties (such as
YouTube) to meet your marketing goals.
 Shopping Campaign - assist you in promoting your products by providing people with extensive
information about what you're selling before they click your ad.
 Video Campaign - allow you to connect and interact with your target audience on YouTube and
through Google video partners
 App Campaign - allow you to market your app across Google Search, Google Play, YouTube,
Gmail, and other Display Network apps and mobile websites.
The speaker also went through how to set up Google Ads. Before establishing a Google Ads
campaign, consider the following steps:
1. Learn a few basic terms – you will create a list of keywords that you believe people will
search for if they are interested in what you have to offer.
2. Organize your account – how can you get started in your online business from the beginning?
By breaking down your products or services into categories, you can create an account that is
more organized and efficient.
3. Set your budget – you can set how much you spend using two different settings: your daily
budget and your bids.
4. Pick your keywords – when choosing keywords, it is important to choose terms that you think
will be popular when people are searching online for what you offer.
5. Set your keyword match types – this setting lets you fine-tune when your ad will show up on
6. Set your landing pages – design a landing page that prominently features the yarn on your
website instead of just sending people to your website's home page.
7. Decide which devices to show up on – As you set up your Google Ads account, consider
which types of customers you want to reach and which devices they use.
8. Write your ads – your ad is the first thing people will think of when they hear about your
business, so make sure it communicates your message effectively.
9. Connect your account to Google Analytics – how people interact with your ads and website..
10. Hit go and check back in – be sure to keep an eye on which ads and keywords are driving you
the most traffic and conversions. If you see a trend, you can adjust your ad targeting or
content to keep your site competitive.

For me, google ads are important for business, especially for business that is just starting because
google ads allows businesses to reach anyone who is using Google to search for information, products and
services online. Google Ads can be a powerful tool that can send you a large number of people who are
looking for what you have to offer.

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