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1. Objetivo

Apresentar as variáveis mais utilizadas na plataforma do FK-C32 e suas respectivas OID’s.

2. Descrição

2.1. Informações do Sistema:

Name OID Access Syntax Descr
Fkc32ModelName . Read-only Display string Get the Model Name system.
fkc32BIOSVersion . Read-only Display string Get the BIOS version of the system.
fkc32FirmwareVersion . Read-only Display string Get the firmware version of the system.
fkc32HardwareMechanicalVersion . Read-only Display string Get the hardware Mechanical Version System
fkc32SeriesNumber . Read-only Display string Get the Series Number System
fkc32HostMACAddress . Read-only MACAddress Get the MAC address of the system.
fkc32ConsoleBaudrate . Read-only Display string Get the Console Baudrate.
fkc32RAMSize . Read-only Display string Get the RAM size of the system.
fkc32FlashSize . Read-only Display string Get the flash size of the system.
fkc32BridgeFBDSize . Read-only Display string Get the brigde FBD size system
fkc32TransmitQueue . Read-only Display string Get the transmit Queue system
fkc32MaximumFrameSize . Read-only Display string Get the Maximum Frame size system
fkc32CPULoad . Read-only Display string Get the CPU Load system
fkc32ChassisIDRackID . Read-only Display string Get the ChassisIDRackID of the system.
fkc32Temperature . Read-only Display string Get the temperature of the system.
fkc32Fan1RPM . Read-only Display string Get the Fan1RPM of the system.
fkc32Fan2RPM . Read-only Display string Get the Fan2RPM of the system.
fkc32Fan3RPM . Read-only Display string Get the Fan3RPM of the system.
fkc32Voltage . Read-only Display string Get the Voltage of the
fkc32PowerAType . Read-only Display string Get the PowerAType of the system.
fkc32PowerBType . Read-only Display string Get the PowerBType of the system.
fkc32PowerAState . Read-only Display string Get the PowerAState of the system.
fkc32PowerBState . Read-only Display string Get the PowerBState of the system.

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

2.2. Configurar/Consultar Syslog

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32ServerMode . Read-write Integer (0, 1) default:0 // 0:disable // 1:enable
fkc32ServerAddress1 . Read-write IpAddress Server Addres #1
fkc32ServerAddress2 . Read-write IpAddress Server Addres #2
fkc32SyslogLevel . Read-write Integer (0..7) default:6 (Info) / 0:Emergency / 1:Alert /
2:Critical ; 3:Error / 4:Warning / 5:Notice /
6:Info / 7:Debug
fkc32SyslogDetailedInfoClear . Read-write Integer (0, 1) default:0 / 0 :None (read only) / 1 :Clear
fkc32SyslogDoUpload . Read-write Integer (0, 1) Upload log file / 1:Do upload
fkc32SyslogAutoUpload . Read-write Integer (0, 1) Auto Upload log file / 0:Disable / 1:Enable
fkc32SyslogDetailedInfoLevel.N . Read-only Octetstring Get the Syslog Detailed Info Level
fkc32SyslogDetailedInfoTime.N . Read-only Octetstring Get the Syslog Detailed Info Time
fkc32SyslogDetailedInfoMessage.N . Read-only Octetstring Get the Syslog Detailed Info Message
N representa o index do log

2.3. Provisionamento

2.3.1. Verificar se a ONU está On line ( Registered)

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32OnuStatusPort1Link.S.MAC . Read-only Integer ( -1..1) Get the port 1 link state of the Onu. -1:No
Module / No response / 0 :link Down / 1 :link Up
S= Slot 1 a 16
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >
*A coleta é feita através da porta metálica pois, se a porta metálica retornar 0 ou 1 é que a ONU esta online recebendo potência otica, se retornar -1 é que a
ONU esta offline não esta recebendo potência otica

2.3.2. Autorizar/Desautorizar

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddSlot . Read-write Integer (1..16) Slot 1 a 16
fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddOltPort . Read-write Integer (1..2) 1:Epon-1, 2:Epon-2.
This is link mac address (0x” XX” ..
fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddOnuMac . Read-write MacAddress Hint: 1x
0x “XX”)
fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddLinkNumber . Read-write Integer (1..8) Number logical link 1 .. 8
fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddProfile . Read-write Display string Add the profile file for onu.
fkc32OnuAuthorizationAddDo . Read-write Integer (0, 1) 0:do nothing , 1:add one authorization.
0:UnAuthorize , 1:Authorize , -1:do
fkc32OnuAutorize.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (-1.. 1)

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

0 - do nothing , 1 - del this

fkc32OnuAuthDelete.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
authorization onu
Slot= 1 a 16 P= Port EPON (0 ou 1) - Para placa OLT20/2 é necessário utilizar slot e porta, para a placa OLT20 somente slot.
MAC= mac ONU Hint 1x Ex: 0x00 0x40 0xc7 0x46 0x06 0x40
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >

2.3.3. Consultar Autorizarização

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32OnuAuthorizationStatus.S.P.MAC . Read-only Display string Registered or No
fkc32OnuAuthorizations.S.P.MAC . Read-only Display string Yes or No
Slot= 1 a 16 P= Port EPON (0 ou 1) - Para placa OLT20/2 é necessário utilizar slot e porta, para a placa OLT20 somente slot.
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >

2.3.4. Configurar modo brigde

Para a OLT20/2 (Nova) é necessário deletar o modo brigde primeiro para depois adicionar o novo modo. Para a placa OLT 20 (antiga) não precisa deletar, é
somente adicionar o novo modo brigde.

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32LinkDelBridgeSlot . Read-write Integer (1..16) Slot 1 a 16
fkc32LinkDelBridgeOltPort . Read-write Integer (1, 2) 1:Epon-1, 2:Epon-2.
This is link mac address (0x” XX” .. 0x
fkc32LinkDelBridgeLinkMacAddress . Read-write MacAddress Hint: 1x
fkc32LinkDelBridgeMode . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
0:do nothing, 1:del. If OLT chip ID is 3721,it
fkc32D0DelLinkBridgeMode . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
will be set to simple bridge
fkc32LinkAddBridgeSlot . Read-write Integer (1..16) the slot that link belong to
fkc32LinkAddBridgeOltPort . Read-write Integer (1..2) index 1:Epon-1, 2:Epon-2.
This is link mac address (0x” XX” .. 0x
fkc32LinkAddBridgeLinkMacAddress . Read-write MacAddress Hint: 1x
0:Simple Bridged, 1:Dedicated Single VLAN,
2:Dedicated Double VLAN, 3:Shared VLAN,
4:Transparent VLAN, 6:Cross-Connect,
7:Prioritized VLAN, 8:Priority Remapping
Single VLAN, 9:Priority Remapping Double
VLAN, 4:Transparent VLAN, 6:Cross-
Connect, 7:Prioritized VLAN, 8:Priority
fkc32LinkAddBridgeMode . Read-write Integer (0..15)
Remapping Single VLAN, 9:Priority
Remapping Double VLAN, 10:Priority
Remapping Shared VLAN, 11:Priority Shared
VLAN, 13:Transparent Priority Shared
VLAN, 14:Transparent Shared VLAN with
Broadcast, 15:Double Tagged Shared VLAN.
OLT 3723:-1:not set
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Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

fkc32LinkAddBridgeDestNNI . Read-write Integer (1, 2) 1:NNI-1, 2:NNI-2.

This is the link mac table entry limit.
fkc32LinkAddEntryLimit . Read-write Integer (1..3072)
default :64 , range :0 - 3072.
This is link vlan tag to be added. If
fkc32LinkAddVlan . Read-write Integer (1..4094) transparent vlan, it means min vlan to be
added. If others, it means vlan tag.
t is used in transparent vlan. If transparent
fkc32LinkAddMaxVlan . Read-write Integer (1..4094)
vlan, It means max vlan to be added.
fkc32LinkAddUpstreamCoS . Read-write Integer (0..7) This is upstream cos.
It is used for priority vlan, priority shared
fkc32LinkAddMaxToSCoS . Read-write Integer (0..7)
vlan, transparent priority shared vlan.
It is used for priority vlan, priority shared
fkc32LinkAddMinToSCoS . Read-write Integer (0..7)
vlan, transparent priority shared vlan.
fkc32LinkAddUsingCosTos . Read-write Integer (0, 1) priority selector, 0:CoS, 1:ToS.
1:non ip header frame, 0:has ip header
fkc32LinkAddNonIP . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
0:COS, 1:IP-TOS. This is for OLT Chip ID
fkc32AddLinkPriorityMode . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkDefaultPriority . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is default. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority0 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 0. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority1 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 1. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority2 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 2. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority3 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 3. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority4 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 4. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority5 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 5. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority6 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 6. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value
fkc32AddLinkPriority7 . Read-write Integer (0..7)
is 7. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
fkc32DoLinkAddBridgeMode . Read-write Integer (0, 1) 0:do nothing, 1:add
MAC= mac ONU Hint 1x Ex: 0x00 0x40 0xc7 0x46 0x06 0x40

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

2.3.5. Consultar Vlan Cadastrada

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

0:Simple Bridged, 1:Dedicated Single VLAN,
2:Dedicated Double VLAN, 3:Shared VLAN,
4:Transparent VLAN, 6:Cross-Connect,
7:Prioritized VLAN, 8:Priority Remapping Single
fkc32LinkBridgeMode.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (-1..15) VLAN, 9:Priority Remapping Double VLAN,
10:Priority Remapping Shared VLAN, 11:Priority
Shared VLAN, 13:Transparent Priority Shared
VLAN, 14:Transparent Shared VLAN with
Broadcast, 15:Double Tagged Shared VLAN
fkc32LinkBridgeDestNNI.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (1, 2) 1:NNI-1, 2:NNI-2.
fkc32LinkEntryLimit.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (0..999)
fkc32LinkVlan.S.P.MAC . Read-only Display String range :1 - 4094.
fkc32LinkUpstreamCoS.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (0..7) range :-1-7. This is upstream cos. -1:not exist
This is max cos(or tos). It is used for priority
fkc32LinkMaxToSCoS.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (-1..7) vlan, priority shared vlan, transparent priority
shared vlan. range :-1-7. -1:not exist
This is min cos(or tos). It is used for priority vlan,
fkc32LinkMinToSCoS.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (-1..7) priority shared vlan, transparent priority shared
vlan. range :-1-7. -1:not exist
fkc32LinkUsingCosTos.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (-1, 0, 1) priority selector, 0:CoS, 1:ToS. -1:not exist
1:non ip header frame, 0:has ip header frame,
fkc32LinkNonIP.S.P.MAC . Read-only Integer (-1, 0, 1)
-1:not exist
fkc32LinkPriorityMode.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0, 1) 0:COS, 1:IP-TOS. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is
fkc32LinkDefaultPriority.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
default. This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 0.
fkc32LinkPriority0.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 1.
fkc32LinkPriority1.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 2.
fkc32LinkPriority2.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 3.
fkc32LinkPriority3.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 4.
fkc32LinkPriority4.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 5.
fkc32LinkPriority5.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Output COS value when input Priority value is 6.
fkc32LinkPriority6.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

Output COS value when input Priority value is 7.

fkc32LinkPriority7.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7)
This is for OLT Chip ID 3723.
Slot= 1 a 16 P= Port EPON (0 ou 1) - Para placa OLT20/2 é necessário utilizar slot e porta, para a placa OLT20 somente slot.
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >

2.3.6. Configurar banda de Upstream e Downstream

OLT20/2 – Nova

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

0:disable, 1:enable.
Set min shaper
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperEnable.S.P.MAC . Read-write enable before you
(0, 1)
want to set min
bandwisth, min burst
Integer range :256 -
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMaxShaperMaxBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write
(256..1000000) 1000000.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMaxShaperMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..256) range :1 - 256.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMaxShaperSchedulerLevel.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7) range :0 - 7.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMaxShaperSchedulerWeight.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (2..32) range :2 - 32.
Integer range :256 - 1000000
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperMinBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write
(0, 256..1000000) or 0.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer(1..256) range :1 - 256.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperSchedulerLevel.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer(0..7) range :0 - 7.
fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperSchedulerWeight.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (2..32) range :2 - 32.
Integer range :256 -
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMinShaperEnable.S.P.MAC . Read-write
(256..1000000) 1000000.
Integer range :256 -
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMaxShaperMaxBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write
(256..1000000) 1000000.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMaxShaperMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..256) range :1 - 256.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMaxShaperSchedulerLevel.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7) range :0 - 7.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMaxShaperSchedulerWeight.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (2..32) range :2 - 32.
Integer range :256 - 1000000
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMinShaperMinBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write
(0, 256..1000000) or 0.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMinShaperMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..256) range :1 - 256.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMinShaperSchedulerLevel.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..7) range :0 - 7.
fkc32LinkDnQSLAMinShaperSchedulerWeight.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (2..32) range :2 - 32.

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

OLT 20 – Antiga

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

Enable/Disable dynamic
bandwidth for a logical
fkc32Olt3721LinkSLAEnable.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0, 1) link. 0- disable , 1- enable.
When ONU authorized,
fkc16LinkSLA could be set.
Get/Set upstream maximum
dynamic bandwidth for a
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamMaxBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write logical link. Unit:KBps.
Max Bw :1000~1000000
(default=100000 upstream).
Get/Set upstream minmum
dynamic bandwidth for
a logical link. Min Bw
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamMinBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write :0~1000000 (default=100000
upstream).The mimimum
non-zero value for [Min BW]
is 256. Unit:KBps
Get/Set upstream maximum
burst size for a logical
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..255)
link. Max Burst :1~256
upstream delay tolerance.
0 - Tolerant, 1 - Sensitive
(It can be set 1 when
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamMode.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0,1)
equal to
This is upstream DBA
(dynamic bandwidth
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamDBAToken.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..255)
allocation) token. DBA
Tokens :0~255 (default=4).
Scheduler Min-token :0~511
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamSchedulerMinToken.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..511)
Scheduler Max-token :0~511
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamSchedulerMaxToken.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0..511)
0 - don’t force report 1 - force
fkc32Olt3721LinkUpstreamForceReport.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0, 1)

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

Get/Set downstream
maximum dynamic bandwidth
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamMaxBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write for a logical link. Max Bw
:1000~1000000 (default =
1000000 down)
Get/Set downstream
minmum dynamic bandwidth
for a logical link. Min Bw :0
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamMinBw.S.P.MAC . Read-write ~ 1000000 (default=1000000
dow).The mimimum non-zero
value for [Min BW] is 256.
Get/Set downstream
maximum burst size for
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamMaxBurst.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..255)
a logical link. Max Burst
:1~256 (default=100).
downstream delay tolerance.
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamMode.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (0, 1)
0 - Tolerant, 1 - Sensitive
Scheduler Min-token :0~511
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamSchedulerMinToken.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..511)
Scheduler Max-token :0~511
fkc32Olt3721LinkDownstreamSchedulerMaxToken.S.P.MAC . Read-write Integer (1..511)
Slot= 1 a 16 P= Port EPON (0 ou 1) - Para placa OLT20/2 é necessário utilizar slot e porta, para a placa OLT20 somente slot.
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >
*Para que seja possível alterar as configurações de banda é preciso primeiro alterar o valor da variável “ fkc32Olt3723LinkSLAMinShaperEnable “.

2.3.7. Configurar Alias Name na ONU

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32OnuAddSlot . Read-write Integer(1..16) This is olt slot.
fkc32OnuAddUserName . Read-write Display String THis is onu alias name.
fkc32OnuSubscriberAddMacAddress . Read-write MacAddress Hint: 1x This is onu mac address.
fkc32OnuAddLocation . Read-write Display String This is the site onu located.
fkc32OnuAddContact . Read-write Display String This is contacted person
fkc32OnuAddPhoneNumber . Read-write Display String This is contacted telephone number
fkc32OnuAddDescription . Read-write Display String This is an onu discription.
fkc32OnuSubscriberNewAdd . Read-write Integer(0, 1) 0:do nothing, 1:add.
MAC= mac ONU Hint 1x Ex: 0x00 0x40 0xc7 0x46 0x06 0x40

2.4. Consultar Estatisticas das ONUs:

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Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

fkc32OnuPortStatisticsOctetTransfer.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Byte Count
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsTotalFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Packet Count
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsUnicastFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of Unicast packet.
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsMulticastFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of Multicast packet.
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsBroadcastFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of Broadcast packet
fkc32OnuPortStatistics64OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of 64 bytes packet
fkc32OnuPortStatistics65to127OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of 65 to 127 bytes packet.
fkc32OnuPortStatistics128to255OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of 128 to 255 bytes packet
fkc32OnuPortStatistics256to511OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of 256 to 511 bytes packet
Number of 512 to 1023 bytes
fkc32OnuPortStatistics512to1023OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of 1024 to 1518 bytes
fkc32OnuPortStatistics1024to1518OctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of packet that is greater
fkc32OnuPortStatistics1519upOctetFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
than 1518 bytes
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsUndersizeFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of runt frames
Number of frames with bad CRC-
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsFCSError.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of packets with a CRC8
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsCRC8Error.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsLineCodeError.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of Line code errors
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsBytesDropped.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Bytes Dropped
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsFramesDropped.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Frames Dropped
Number of bytes that have been
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsBytesDelayed.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 in the FIFO longer than the
provisioned delay threshold
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsMaxDelay.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of bytes that have been
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsDelayThreshold.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 in the FIFO longer than the
provisioned delay threshold
Number of frames with correctable
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsErroredFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsUnusedBytes.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of packet with the frame
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsOversizedFrame.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
size greater than allowed.
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsPauseFrames.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64 Number of received Pause Frame

Este documento pode estar desatualizado. Baixe sempre a versão atual no site da Furukawa.
Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

Layer 2 length does not match the

fkc32OnuPortStatisticsLengthErrors.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
frame length.
Number of frames with an
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsAligmentErrors.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
alignment error
Number of Frames that have a
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsCRC32Error.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
CRC-32 error
Number of packets with one
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsSingleCollision.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of packets with more than
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsMultipleCollision.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
one but less than 16 collisions.
Number of packets with late
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsLateCollision.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
Number of packets with excessive
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsExcessiveCollision.S.MAC.N . Read-only Counter64
fkc32OnuPortStatisticsBytesGranted.S.MAC.N .
fkc32OnuStatisticsClear.S.MAC.N . Read-write Clear statistics
(0, 1)
Slot= 1 a 16
MAC= mac ONU em decimal Ex: b8-26-d4-00-26-80 - >
N representa número do index:
1 - Upstream EPON port
2 - Downstream EPON port
3 - Upstream UNI port 1
4 - Downstream UNI port 1
5 - Upstream UNI port 2
6 - Downstream UNI port 2

3. Salvando as Configurações

Name OID Access Syntax Descr

Fkc32SaveStart . Read-write Integer (0, 1) default:0 / 0:none / 1:yes

4. Conclusão

Esta nota é para descrever as variáveis mais utilizadas na plataforma do FK-C32 e suas respectivas OID’s. O comportamento do sistema pode ser instável quando
são usadas ONUs de fabricantes diferentes e que as características descritas só podem ser garantidas quando as ONUs são Furukawa.

5. Observações

Caso deseje utilizar alguma outra variável que não foi descrita neste documento é possível consultar através de qualquer programa que permita explorar a
MIB. Normalmente esses programas são chamados “MIB Browser”. O arquivo MIB da ultima versão de firmware está disponivel em nosso site http://suporte. por firmware).

Este documento pode estar desatualizado. Baixe sempre a versão atual no site da Furukawa.
Argentina 0800 800 9701 | Brasil 0800 41 2100 | Bolivia 800 10 2222 5445 | Chile 123 00209395 CENTRAL DE SERVIÇO AO CLIENTE
Colombia 01800 518 1160 | Perú 0800 54089 | Uruguay 0004 019 0337 | Venezuela 08001008511 CENTRAL DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE

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