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Writing Notices

Activity 01
Read the notice and underline the important words related to date, time, venue, purpose and convener.

Mr. C.I. Henry ,the PHI of Homagama, will be invited to inform the
villagers about Covid – 19. All the villagers are requested to be present on 7th
August at 10.30 a.m., in the community hall of Mullegama.
Health society

Activity 02
Read the Read the following sentences and match with the words given within brackets.
( date, time, venue, purpose, convener)
(i) The parent teachers meeting is in the main hall. ………………………
(ii) It is held at 3.30 p.m. ………………………
(iii) It is held on 17th September 2020 ………………………
(iv) It is to handover the progress report cards. ………………………
(v) Secretary ………………………

Activity 03
Read the following sample notices and fill in the grid.


There will be a meeting on 11th The Writers Club of Matale Central
September, 2020 at 10.30 a.m. in the main College is going to conduct "The Best
auditorium to organize the annual health Writer competition”, on 21st of September,
camp. All grade eleven students are at 2.30 p.m. in the college main hall.
invited. Secretary
Secretary Writers Club
Health Society.


We have organized a shramadana The grade 11 students of Vijitha
campaign to eradicate the dengue menace. Vidyalaya have organized a farewell
Date – 13th August 2020 ceremony on 14th October 2020 at 1.30
Time – from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. p.m. in the Main hall.
Venue – School Premises The purpose is to felicitate Mrs.
Please bring the tools. E.P. Nugawela, the former sectional Head.
Secretary All grade 11 students are invited.
Nature Club Sectional Head
Grade 11


Learner Guide-Work Sheet-2
Date Time Venue Purpose Convener

1 11th Sept. 2020 10.30 a.m. Main To organize Secretary

Auditorium the annual
health camp.

Activity 04
The following sentences, found in notices are jumbled. Reorder them and write meaningful sentences.
(i) is / meeting / there / a
(ii) chief-guest / is / the / principal / former / the
(iii) held / in / is / it / main hall / the
(iv) students / all / grade 11 / invited / are
(v) meet / secretary / please / the / information / further / for
Activity 05

(i) Underline the errors.

(ii) Write the corrected sentences on the dotted line.

(1) They will be a meeting.

There will be a meeting.

(2) It will be hold at 2.30 p.m.

(3) It will be held on the main hall.
(4) It will be held at 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
(5) All the grade eleven students are request to participate.
(6) All are invite.
(7) The purpose is for enroll the new members.


Learner Guide-Work Sheet-2
(8) All grade 10 & 11 students can participate for the competition.
(9) You can meet the secretary to further information.
(10) It will be held on 11.30 a.m.
Activity 07
Underline the correct words and complete the notice.

The Drama Club (1) (to/of) Hillary College will stage "Oliver Twist" (2) (to/on) 15th
November 2020, (3) (in/at) 3.30 p.m., (4) (to/in) the school theatre. Tickets will be available
(5) (of/at) the counter.

Activity 08
Underline the correct word of the following notice.

The meeting (1) (in/of) the Eco-Club has been postponed due (2) (for/to) COVID-19
pandemic. The new date will be (3) (informing / informed) (4) (at / by) the secretary. All
members (5) (is / are) requested (6) (to / of) email the project proposals (7) (to / for) the
undersigned, (8) (to / before) 4th September 2020.

Activity 09
This notice is written by Dilki to the WhatsApp group of the grade 10 students. Fill in the blanks by using
the words given.

English, link, students, school, writing, to, 22nd

August 2020


A lesson on “(1)…………………… Notices” will be conducted by Mrs. Perera, the teacher-in-charge

of (2)…………………… of our (3)………………… . It will be on
(4)……………………………………………… from 6.30 a.m. (5)………… 8.30 a.m. The zoom app
(6)………………… will be sent to you by 6.00 a.m. All grade 10 (7)……………………… are invited.
Group leader


Learner Guide-Work Sheet-2
Activity 10
Imagine that you are the secretary of the ICT Club of your school. You have invited Mr. P. Samarathunge , a
lecturer of Colombo University, to deliver a speech about "ICT and Our future". Write a notice, inviting all
the grade 10 & 11 students.
Include – Date, time, venue, purpose, speaker.


You are the secretary of the "Nature Club" of your school. You have organized an exhibition on
"Sustainable Development and Our Responsibilities" to celebrate the 10thanniversary of the Nature club.
Invite the teachers, pupils and parents to the exhibition. (Use 40-50 words)
Include- The date, time, venue and the chief- guest, purpose.

Activity 12
You lost your school bag in the playground after sports practices. Write a notice to display in the school
notice board .(Use 40-50 words).
Include the following details,
-a description of the bag -the date it was lost - the contents
-where it should be returned to if found

Learner Guide-Work Sheet-2

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