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Impelementation of CI/CD project Jenkins (Master-Slave Concepts through SSH using

label and node )

Setup Process==>

1) Create four instances (Master, Dev, QA, Prod)

2) In master server setup the jenkins setup (install pulgin deploy a container for
webapp in tomcat server)
3) In Dev server setup java (dependecy)
4) In QA server setup java (dependecy)
5)In Prod server setup java (dependecy)
6) Setup the node using Agent-setup in jenkins dashboard using labels dev, test,
7) Run a job using git repo mentioning label (slaves) with needed
dependencies(git,mvn,java-1.8.0-openjdk -y)
8) once build get success and the jar file will be created
9) install the tomcat in the slave servers start the tomact by using ./
in the bin file 10)/root/apache-tomcat-9.8.72/webapps/manager/META-INF inside this
path change the context.xml delete 2 lines
add the tomcat creds in tomcatusers.xml file.
10) now integrate the tomcat with jenkins
11) add the tomcat credentials to jenkins job as deploy a war container in the post
build action.
12) Now we can see our webapp in the tomcat server.

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