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Consumer equlibrinminesentone eommuity

In case ofsingle eommoditytheeneeie in eilibiust tlejntity ef niteat hieh the mainal il/
ofgood xis equal the priee of good x
In other wonds, the manginal utility ofnney expenditure mutleeat wih the maruinal uibyo mney
This can be presented using NNption, a helute nttngm
> Assumptionst
" Aconsumer must be arational one.
. The Marginal utility of mney must be enatant
. The consumer must be continuous ineonsunption,
The budget orincome ofaconsumer nmst remain uneclhanged.
PN -MÜm Where, Px -Marginal utility of noneyexpenditureongool'
Mum-Marginal utility ofmoney
" MUN =Px
Value ofmarginal utility ofgood'x'must be equal to one.

" Schedule:
Units MUN Px
20 5.
slopes 2 17
3 15
4 12 5
its of
7 2 5 Units

In the given schedule the consumer prefers to consume more and more units of commoadityif marinal utility
as a
ofgood'w' is more than the priceofgood'x. The proces ofconsumption will ygo on umtil the marginal utility of
good 'x' or the marginal utility of money expenditure must be cqual with the price (and within the given budget
of the consumer), i.e. fulfilled at the fifth unit of this schedule. In the given diagram the consumer is in
cquilibrium at point E, in which the marginalutility of good'x'is cqual with the price of pood '* (gcting the
same amount of satisfactionin return).
The marginal utilitiy curve slopes downward from left to right in straight line. The 'ox-axis' repreents the units
ofgood'w'and y-axis'represents marginal utiliy ofgood'w'respectively.

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