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Schedule: Marginal utility (MU) In

Total utility (TU) of
50 In
50 40 TH
90 30
120 25
4 145 10
6 160
7 160 -2
8 158

Diagram: C


O Units


Units X

In the given diagram and schedule, The relation between TUand MU is presented .The TUcurve slopes
upward from left to right whereas the MU curve slopes downwards from left to right. When TU is maximum
MU becomes zero(0)
Atlast, when TU declines, MU becomes negative.
The horizontal axis (ox-axis) represents about the units of commodity and on vertical axis (oy-axis) units of
total and marginal utility are represented.

Consumer equilibrium:
It is a situation where a consumer secures maximum
satisfaction with minimum budget. It is called as a
point ofbalance as the consumer doesn't want to change the level ofsatisfaction.
Hence, it can be derived as the quantity of output at which the
consumer maximizes its satisfaction with
his/her given level of income.
There are 3types of consumer equilibrium:
1. Incase of onecommodity.
2. In case of2 or more commodities.
3. In case of only 2 commodities.

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