Further Ideas From Topic Focus Group: How Does This Relate To My Focus Group?

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When doing my focus

group on what to see to

research further, the After my focus group
things we talked about that I used to gain some
gave me ideas on what more ideas of what to
to do for my production. research, it also helped
How does this me to get some ideas of
relate to my focus some things I wanted to
This is so important as add to my production.
it allowed me to gather
the parts of my Child Struggling In
narrative that had the I want to showcase the
School I have been struggling struggles they have in
holes in and gave me
ideas of parts to fill trying to come up with school when they
them in with. another idea that experience a divorce. I
allows my ideas I have want to show them not
now to be joint up. I had paying attention, they
Further Ideas a storyline with holes in behaviour changes and
the middle but I think they are just not the
I will use quick From Topic this really helps me same person they were
cutaways that allow me
Focus Group going it together. before the divorce
to bounce back and between their parents.
fourth between times,
events and feelings.
Having quick flashbacks I had the idea that I
will resemble what the wanted to make my
character is feeling. For production in the form
example, we see him of the characters mind.
The use of narration I
struggling in school, This allows me to jump Use Of Flashbacks
believe is really key
then have quick cut between shots as they
here as it will show that
aways to him drowning will resemble whatever
Use Of Narration we are inside the
in water; resembling the character is feeling
characters head and the
him drowning in his at that time.
narration resembles his
sadness. We can then
inner dialogue.
cut away to flashbacks
of his past that show
when times were

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