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Global Media Cultures

Assessment 1

Instruction: Fill in the table by analyzing how media drive various forms of global

No How this media facilitates global integration? Discuss and cite

Type of Media
. specific instances.

Digital media firstly facilitates global integration by enabling

unrestricted information flow. People used to have to rely on local
newspapers and periodicals to stay up to date on current affairs, but
today they can easily click a link to read about what's occurring in a
different corner of the world. The fostering of ties between many
nations and cultures is another benefit of this type of international
1. Digital media
communication. Communication with individuals from other nations
who speak other languages is another example of how digital media
aids global integration. We can communicate with people who speak
languages other than our own thanks to the internet. Websites and
translation tools like Google Translate are both available for use in
conducting business.

Radio and television make it easier for people to integrate

internationally by providing them with knowledge. Radio and television
also help increase cross-cultural understanding among nations and
races. Due to the possibilities for corporate communication provided
2. Audio and television by radio and television, it has a significant impact on business. As a
result of the ability to communicate, radio and television also help
businesses be more competitive.

The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, making

global integration easier. As technology advances and becomes more
integrated, people can communicate with one another over long
distances, regardless of the physical distance between them. For
Electric media example, if you are in New York City and want to make a Skype call
with someone who lives in London, you simply log into your Skype
account and select the person you wish to contact. You will be
connected to their Skype account automatically and can begin talking
with them immediately.

Assessment 2

Instruction: Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production. Support
your discussion with existing literatures. Use APA 7 th Edition for your referencing. Do
not forget to include the reference list at the last part. You will be graded based on the
rubric below.

Local emphasizes difference, while globalization tends to emphasize

commonalities. Individuals and groups have a dynamic relationship since they both rely
on and interact with one another. The cultural setting in which this takes place is what
makes cultures different from one another. The desire to preserve roots, traditional
structure, autonomy, local authority, and the faith in a unified value system is a retreat
from the intense, irreversible impact of the global. Individual lives and local communities
are impacted by global economic and cultural forces through the process of
globalization. In essence, it is the process by which the entire world merges into one.
The vision of the world as a function or outcome of how local communities are affected
by globalization processes is known as globalism.

According to Valley 2016, the local and the global have nearly always been
portrayed as being in opposition to and at odds with one another, whether globalization
is harmful or favorable. The local and the global actually depend on one another and
cannot exist separately. The local must always be in connection to (someone or
something else). There can be no knowledge of the local without the other; otherwise,
everything would be identical. Without the other, there is no chance of (re)cognition of
the global because the existence of the global is made possible by a multiplicity of the
local(s). Consequently, the local and the global need one another. In essence, that
which is devoid of Local population diversity is just provincial in nature; it is not global.

According to Duke University Press 1996, This ground-breaking collection

focuses on what, for cultural studies, is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of current
globalization: how the postnational restructuring of the world in an era of transnational
capitalism has changed how we must think about cultural production. It does this by
mapping a "new world space" that is both more globalized and more localized than
before. Analyze the relationship between the free flow of people, ideas, and technology
across national borders and the tendency for the world to fracture into increasingly
tense pockets of diversity, ethnicity, and resistance.

According to Firat 2016, Due to globalization's pervasiveness nowadays, the

conflicts between the local and the global have received more attention. Our ability to
gain insights that might be obtained by realizing that the local and the global are
interdependent and cannot exist apart has been clouded by this emphasis. This essay
examines the initial learnings from such recognition in terms of regional identities,

cultural development, and the limitations of contemporary marketing as a development
tool. The preliminary findings are presented, along with recommendations for how a
new conceptualization of marketing may contribute to the improvement of meaningful
and significant human lives by constructing new definitions of development and
marketing based on these insights.

In conclusion for the global, dynamics is what static is for the local. Despite the
fact that they ought to be at odds, the two support one another's efforts to open up to
new cultures and accept foreign ideas. Therefore, the crucial dynamic is the
establishment of avenues for opportunity, venues for information transmission, and
customs that support inclusion and expansion. Cultures have always emerged as a
result of the interaction between regional changes and outside influences. Warriors,
traders, and explorers, for instance, introduced their cultures to the world but also
absorbed influences from the people and cultures they met. Cultures have always
emerged as a result of the interaction between regional changes and outside influences.
Warriors, traders, and explorers, for instance, introduced their cultures to the world but
also absorbed influences from the people and cultures they met.


DigitalCommons@URI | University of Rhode Island Research. (n.d.). Retrieved

December 1, 2022, from

“Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary.” Duke

University Press, 1996,

Cultural Interaction - EOLSS.


Indicators 25 - Expert 20 - Accomplished 15 - Capable 10 - Beginner
- Piece was written in an
- Piece was written in an interesting - Piece had little style or voice. - Piece had no style or voice.
extraordinary style and voice.
Quality of Writing style and voice. - Gives some information but poorly - Gives no new information and
- Very informative and well
- Somewhat informative and organized. organized. very poorly organized.
- So many spelling, punctuations
Grammar, Usage - Almost no spelling, punctuation - Few spelling and errors, minor - Several number of spelling,
and grammatical errors that it
and Mechanics or grammatical error. grammatical errors. punctuation or grammatical errors.
interferes with meaning.

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