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Тематичний контроль № 1 (комбінований тест)

з навчальної дисципліни "Іноземна мова і переклад"

(4-й курс, 8-й семестр)
здобувача вищої освіти 1-го (бакалаврського рівня) рівня групи УК-41
Скупенко Єлизавета Дмитрівна
Перевірив: Тимченко Олеся Володимирівна


1. Read the text below and fill in the right modal verb (can, might, must (x3), have to, can not) in
the correct tense and form with the main verbs in the brackets. (7 points)

I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of
which I had a touch. I read all I came to read and then I began to study diseases, generally, turning the
leaves idly.

I came to typhoid fever, read the symptoms and discovered I (1) might be having (have) it for months
without knowing it. Cholera I had with severe complications and diphtheria I (2) have to be (be) born
with. I was relieved to find that Bright’s disease I had only in a modified form and, so far as that was
concerned, I (3) can live (live) for years. The only disease I (4) must conclude (conclude) I had not got
was housemaid’s knee.

I sat and pondered. I thought what an interesting case I (5) must be (be) from a medical point of view. I
was hospital in myself. All students need do would be to walk round me and after that take their

I tried to feel my heart. I (6) can not feel (not feel) my heart. I think now that it must have been there all
the time, and must have been beating, but cannot account for it. But the work was waiting for me and at
3 p.m. I (7) must met (meet) my colleague in the hospital despite the fact I felt not well.

I had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man, I crawled out a decrepit wreck.
(After "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome)

2. Underline the correct word in italics in these sentences (10 points).

1. Many of our students have quite a long travel / journey to college each morning.
2. Among Sandra’s many interests, she lists foreign journeys / travel and hiking.
3. Are you all prepared for your forthcoming trip / travel to Greece?
4. Welcome to the New Paradise Hotel. I hope you had a pleasant travel / journey.
5. Mom came back from her shopping trip / journey with lots of new clothes.
6. Do you know the way / journey to the historical museum?
7. It was a long, dangerous trip / journey to the South Pole.
8. My colleagues always stop for coffee at a café on their journey / way to work.
9. Each of the crocodiles spent weeks exploring its new location before setting out on its homeward
10. The train operates the 2,400-mile round journey/trip once a week.
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of modal verbs (can, may, must, be able to, have to, be to)
and the verbs in the brackets. (6 points)

1. Ask you father about your problem. He can helps (help) you.
2. One day we will be able to live (live) without wars.
3. She looks miserable. She may lose (lose) her job last month.
4. I have to get up (get up) early tomorrow, I've got a lot of work to do.
5. We are to meet (meet) at six today.
6. He’s so small. He must be (be) no more than four years old.

4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions of time "in , on , at". (12 points)

1. Benjamin feels very tired on Fridays. He has a French course after school.
2. What does Hannah like doing in her free time?
3. I think people will travel by flying cars in the 22nd century.
4. On 20 August 2009 Ellie and Finley got married.
5. It is dangerous to go out here at night because there are wild animals.
6. Some people wake up at sunrise and go jogging.
7. People play practical jokes on each other on April Fools' Day.
8. People in this village pick mushrooms in spring after a lot of rain.
9. World Environment Day is on June 5.
10. The football match is at 8 o'clock. Shall we watch it together?
11. I get up early in the morning and have a big breakfast.
12. He plans to propose to her, but he wasn't sure it would be a good idea to do so at Christmas or to
wait until spring.


5. Use the words and phrases from the list below to complete the text (10 points).

Required special, minor variations, qualified for, black populations, adult citizens, property or income,
convicted criminals, extended, means of ensuring, privileged groups.

The history of the suffrage, or franchise, is one of gradual extension from limited (1) privileged groups
in society to the entire adult population. Nearly all modern governments have provided for universal
adult suffrage. It is regarded as more than a privilege (2) extended by the state to its citizenry. In democ-
racies it is the primary (3) means of ensuring that government are responsible to be governed. The basic
qualifications of suffrage are similar everywhere, although there are (4) minor variations from country
to country. Usually only the (5) adult citizens of a country are eligible to vote there. The insane, certain
classes of (6) convicted criminals, and those punished for certain electoral offences are generally barred
from the suffrage.
Before the evolution of universal suffrage, most countries (7) required special qualifications of their
voters. In the 18th-19th century Britain, for instance, there was a (8) property or income qualification. At
one time, only men (9) qualified for the suffrage. Thus, for example, South Africa, at one time, and the
Old South of the United States did not permit their (10) black populations to vote.

6. Match the following definitions with the active phrases or active verbs (15 points).

The franchise, democracy, supreme authority, recall, the electorate, constituent, to entitle, fulfillment,
city-state, legislator, to embody, national election, liberty, to govern, descent.

1. An event usually held at regular intervals in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies
of a nation or state = national election
2. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically
through elected representatives = democracy
3. to conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people) with authority
=supreme authority
4. the right to vote in public elections = to entitle
5. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way
of life, behaviour, or political views = liberty
6. the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality = descent
7. be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling) = to embody
8. a person who makes laws; a member of a legislative body = legislator
9. a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state = city-state
10. to give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something = the franchise
11. a component part of something = constituent
12. officially order (someone) to return to a place =recall
13. someone with the power to settle matters = to govern
14. all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election = the electorate
15. the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted = fulfillment

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