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Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Greenville Dance Club


 Open the file IL_PPT16_5b_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as IL_PPT16_5b_FirstLastName_2.pptx by changing the “1”

to a “2”.

o If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do
not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 With the file IL_PPT16_5b_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that

your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.

o If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and
download a new copy from the SAM website.

1. The Greenville Dance Club connects community members with dance
instructors to spark interest in joyful movement. For an upcoming Greenville
City Council meeting, you are modifying a presentation that summarizes
activities provided by the club.

On Slide 1 (“Greenville Dance Club”), format the picture of the circles:

a. Apply the Bevel Rectangle picture style.

b. Apply the Tight Reflection: Touching picture effect. [Mac Hint – Tight
Reflection, Touching.]

c. Change the Depth color to Dark Green, Background 2 (3rd column, 1st
row of the Theme Colors palette) in the 3-D Format section of the Bevel
effects options to complement the background colors.

d. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting of the circle shape to the
three star shapes.

2. On Slide 2 (“What We Do”), insert and format connectors between the

explanatory text as follows:

a. Insert a Curved Arrow Connector starting with the middle of the last
“E” in “PEOPLE”. End the connector at the middle of the “T” in “TO” as
shown in Figure 1 on the next page. (Hint: Depending on your version of
Office, the Connector may be named Connector: Curved Arrow
Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Figure 1: Position and Formatting for Connectors on Slide 2

b. Apply the Intense Line – Accent 6 shape style to the connector line.

c. Change the weight of the connector line to 3 pt.

d. Apply the Intense Line – Accent 6 shape style to the connector line
between “MOVEMENT” and “DANCE” also as shown in Figure 1.

e. Change the weight of the connector line to 3 pt.

3. Open Slide Master view to make global changes to the presentation as follows:

a. On the Title and Content Layout master slide, change the color of the
bullets to Gold, Accent 6 (10th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors

b. Change the size to 108% of text.

c. Show the ruler and drawing guides, and then drag the vertical guide to
1.00" on the right side of the horizontal ruler as shown in Figure 2 on the
next page.

Close Slide Master view.

Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Figure 2: Set the Vertical Guide in Slide Master View

4. On Slide 3 (“How We Do It”), add the following comment: Do we have some

photos we can add to this slide?

5. On Slide 4 (“Brand New Dance Hall”), align the pictures as follows:

a. Drag the middle picture up and to the left so the three pictures are
distributed vertically as shown in Figure 3 on the next page.
Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Figure 3: Distribute Pictures Vertically on Slide 4

b. Drag the vertical guide to 2.00” on the right side of the horizontal ruler.

c. Drag each picture to the right so its left edge aligns with the vertical guide
as shown in Figure 4 on the next page, then hide the ruler and guides.
(Hint: If your drawing guide is not positioned at 2.00”, drag the guide to
that position before dragging the pictures.)
Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Figure 4: Align Pictures to the Vertical Guide on Slide 4

6. On Slide 5 (“Dance Styles”), adjust the spacing of text objects so they better
balance the page as follows:

a. Change the left margin of the content placeholder under the title text box
to 0.4”.

b. Change the line spacing of the content placeholder to 1.5”.

7. With Slide 5 still displaying, show the Animation Pane and then adjust the
animation as follows:

a. Apply the Swivel Entrance animation to the picture of the musical notes.
[Mac Hint – Swivel Exciting animation.]

b. Use the Animation Painter to apply the animation used with the picture
of the ballet shoes (Picture 9) to the picture of the tap shoes (Picture 10).

c. Change the Start setting of the tap shoes picture to Start With

8. On Slide 6 (“Upcoming Events”), animate the picture as follows:

a. Apply the Shape Entrance animation. [Mac Hint – Shape Basic


b. Apply the Out Effect Option.

c. Change the Duration of the animation to 01.30 seconds.

In Slide Sorter view, your presentation should look like the Final Figure on the next
page. Save your changes, close the presentation, and exit PowerPoint. Follow the
directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.
Illustrated PowerPoint 2016 | Module 5: SAM Project 1b

Final Figure

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