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Misamis University

Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental



Lico, Ersie L.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology IV

Guidance Center

MWF (8:00A-5:00P)

Testing Center

TTH (8:00A-5:00PM)

June 2022
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

Executive Summary

This report was created for Misamis University's Department of Maritime in order

for the guidance coach to investigate and speak with maritime student about the

problems and influences that affect the students' attendance. The results are intended

to help in the creation of possible interventions to lower absenteeism and decrease

school dropout rates.

In this instance, it was mentioned both the important conclusions and

suggestions in the study.

Key Findings

 The term "attendance" refers to whether or not a student is physically present in

an online class. It is used by individuals who are involved in the educational

system, including instructors, parents, and students.

 Some students ignore the importance of taking the online course. Additionally,

because "laziness" results in an absence report, students who are unable to join

the online class because they choose not to attend a class will choose to miss

the rest of the day's sessions.

 Students are aware of how crucially necessary it is for their parents to encourage

higher attendance. This includes actions that can seem little, such as giving them

financial help or paying attention to and showing support for their problems.
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

 Lifestyle decisions may have a negative impact on a student's motivation to

study, which may have an impact on school attendance and dropout rates. It is

important to encourage students to choose these options wisely, even when they

have interests like basketball.


During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, officials in many countries used school

closures to mitigate the virus spread. Closing schools might be a useful precautionary

action for outbreaks of the virus because students can make the infection worse even

though they do not frequently have severe symptoms after transmission themselves

(Ferguson et al., 2006). Frequently, schools are closed. implemented in part (e.g., in

Australia and the United Kingdom) with students still having the option to go to school to

(Richardson and Sellgren, 2020). There are lessons to be learned from pandemic-

related school closings, a lesson from past pandemics.

All students, for one reason or another, desire to miss a day in school at some

point. Absenteeism is the term for the overall tendency to participate in such behaviour.

Teasley (2004) defines student absenteeism as a period of time during which a student

does not attend school and has a significant and ongoing problem. Several risk factors

for student absenteeism have been identified by Teasley, including family health, low

poverty, bad school atmosphere, drug and alcohol usage, transportation issues, and

community views toward education. Students' main reasons for not attending class or
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

lectures, according to Pehlivan (2006), were boredom at school, dissatisfaction at

school and courses, encouragement from peers, and lack of motivation.

There are various significant aims in maintaining regular university attendance.

Regular attendance will boost academic performance by allowing students to complete

assignments on time, increase their test scores, increase their confidence, improve their

GPA and CGPA, improve their knowledge of learning, and improve their relationships

with professors and classmates. (Khalid & Mehmood, 2017). Adgüzel and Karadaş

(2013), for example, discovered that students with high absenteeism had negative

opinions toward school. According to Attwood and Croll (2006), students' bad attitudes

about teachers are linked to school absence. As a result, school absenteeism has a

complex character that includes personal, academic, family, school environment, and

social risk factors.

Due to the complex nature of absenteeism, the implications of high levels of

school absenteeism can be damaging to students. In other words, absence among

college students can have a number of negative consequences, including poor

academic performance and a variety of social issues. According to Epstein and Sheldon

(2002), students who have absences will miss the opportunities to absorb knowledge

that would help them to excel later in school and fall behind their classmates in

academic accomplishment.
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

Case Evaluation

A 20 year old first-year maritime student at Misamis University was sent to the

Guidance and Testing Center because of concerns with his absences from class.

Mrs. Mara Faye M. Casanos, RPm, one of the guidance coaches, asked if he

would be available for an interview which he agreed on April 8, 2022, in the counseling

room at the Guidance Testing and Center. In order to have a smooth and confidential

chat, Mrs. Casanos started the interview by asking the student whether he was well and

if he had any additional concerns. When the guidance coach asks him questions, the

student looks to be very attentive and open and always provides honest replies. In fact,

he provides an explanation for his recent absence from courses. He said he is having

trouble transitioning to online classes because he is afraid to speak up, he is also

not comfortable approaching other students when he has concerns about their subject,

and lacks self-control when playing basketball. He also talked about how his inability to

efficiently manage his time that had affected his academic performance. The following

failed subjects are ICT, English, and Deck Watch. His connectivity issue, in his

perspective, is the cause of these failures. However, it's likely that his interest of playing

basketball was the other factor in his tardiness to class.

He admits that he sometimes misses deadlines for his assignments and activities

as a consequence, leading him to get lazy and disregard it. As a result, he has a  hard

time to finish them. He never had a problem paying for his school-related expenses
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

because his mother could support him financially, but he said that the tuition at the said

institution was the reason from not being motivated. He also mentioned that he was

initially uninterested in going to school. He also said to the guidance coach that he

would chose basketball over academics if he had to.

The student's major concern and confusion regarding the potential effects of

online learning on his educational development may have an impact on both his

academic performance and his absences from class. He is having trouble adjusting to a

new learning environment because he has trouble focusing, poor time management,

and a ton of assignments and activities to complete. It is important for teachers and

academic administrators to understand and acknowledge their student's struggles

because they control his learning and, as a result, reasons from his absences.

Proposed Solutions

- Assurance that despite the online learning, the student would be able to work

hard and balance his time between basketball and academics.

- By asking suggestions and solutions, you may help the student overcome his


- The student’s self control.

The student's problem is only one of several cases of student absenteeism,

particularly in response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, where college individuals

Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

are also facing the same difficulty. Guidance centers and guidance coaches help

students resolve this matter by interacting with them on a one-on-one basis and

providing assistance to the student. Additionally, the advice provides free webinars that

tackle this kind of problem and provide advice on how to handle it. With referred

students, they also perform assessments and follow-up interviews.


Developing effective relationships between teachers and students will help to

determine some of the root causes of the absenteeism issue among maritime students.

As a result, we could be in a position to look for a clear explanation to this issue.

Additionally, the guidance coach makes an effort to guide them in the right direction.

Absence from class indicates a student is unwilling and uninterested.

Every department would want to reduce absenteeism as low as possible given

these consequences of absence and the causes. Only if students are appropriately

motivated, given enough learning resources, and get quality instruction from

instructors.. We may conclude from this case that the student is doing his best to adjust

to this new method of learning and let's admit it that online learning can be challenging

and confusing at times.

Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental


A strategy to limit absences has been made in light of the serious consequences

of absenteeism. The school, the absentee's parents, and the absentee themselves

frequently have a role in the solutions, much as the factors that contribute to absence.

 Training the student to manage their time and schedule their personal and

academic activities.

 The student is actively participating in class and addresses concerns about his

classmates' and teachers' school-related activities directly to them.

 The problem is reduced by the instructor and the student having mutual


 The student receives instructional support from guidance coaches, particularly on

stress-releasing strategies.
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental


Ahmad, N., Ul-Saufie, A. Z., Mohamed, S. A., Ahmat, H., & Zahari, M. F. (2018). The Impact of

Class Absenteeism on Student's Academic Performance Using Regression Models. AIP

Conference Proceedings. A Case Study

on Absenteeism and Academic Performance at University Level

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. (n.d.). Manitoba Education. Retrieved June 28, 2022, from


Patil. Retrieved June 28, 2022, from
Misamis University
Feliciano Street Aguada Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental

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