Scenario 13 Bread and Circuses

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Bread and Circuses

Election day looms, and the young dominus Hostilius is standing as a candidate for the plebeian aediles. Hostilius has gained and
cemented great support from the plebeian electorate by forcibly seizing control of bakeries and giving away bread to the masses.
Now Hostilius has his sights on the next bakery. Said to be the best in the Subura, this bakery is run by the famous freedman Eurysaces.
Hostilius, therefore, dispatches his lieutenant Vermio to seize the bakery.
Hostilius’ plans, however, have been unearthed by a rival gang. Vermio’s sister, Bruttia, hates her brother with a violent passion, and—
caring not for bread or politics—she determines she will ambush Vermio at the bakery and finish him off once and all.
These two gangs converge on the bakery at sunrise, just as a host of the Subura’s hungry citizens gather, enticed by the smell of Eurysaces’
famous bread…

Player A • Three mobs, placed within six gradus of
deployment zone either cart as desired and by mutual consent.
• One Incola, Eurysaces the Baker.
• A 3x3’ table is recommended for this scenario.
The bakery included in this set should be
placed at the centre of the table. The two
gangs should be placed in their respective
deployment zones as per the usual rules of
deployment (see page 12 of your Gangs of
Rome rulebook).
• Further buildings and obstacles can be added
to the table to taste, but this is not essential.

Player B
deployment zone

Player A’s gang is composed of the fighters Vermio, Valeria Hungry yet cautious, mobs will creep 4G toward the nearest
and Durio. fighter who carries a bread token during each Tactics Phase. A
mob which comes into base-to-base contact with a fighter carrying
Player B’s gang includes Bruttia, Drusilla and Prisca.
a bread token will attack the fighter as per the rules on Rage. A
Eurysaces the Baker and a pool of nine bread tokens should be fighter wounded by a mob will lose any breads tokens. Any bread
placed beside the bakery. tokens stolen by a Mob will be consumed by that Mob and lost
from the game. Mobs otherwise act and react as normal.
Fighters may steal a bread token whilst adjacent to the bakery
at the cost of one action.


As a denizen of Rome, Eurysaces has an Incola card and adheres to special rules detailed thereon. He moves about the board and attacks
the nearest fighters carrying bread tokens within 6 Gradus as detailed on his Incola card. Fighters will not attack the famously volatile
Eurysaces, even at range.


A new patron god not featured in the basic rules, those who successfully pray to Orcus will heal
one Flesh at the expense of another fighter on the table. Remove one Flesh from any other fighter,
including one of your own gang members.

The scenario ends when either one entire gang has been Retired From Play, or when all nine bread
tokens have been stolen by either fighters or the Mob. The player with the most bread tokens will then
be declared the winner.

If you enjoy playing this scenario, why not enjoy a further game by adding another 50 coins a side?

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