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Your Step-by-Step Guide

to Using English in Town

1 read for fun

Go to page 12 of the book and read the text, 1.1 Once upon a Time in America.

maximize your word power
Go to page 1 of the Word Bank (PDF) and check out the words listed under
1.1 Once upon a Time in America.

3 get regular practice of language & vocabulary

Go to page 12 of the book and do exercise 1.1.
Record your answers on page 1 of the Answer Sheet (PDF).

4 check the work you’ve done in step #3

Go to page 190 of the book to check your answers.

5 boost your listening skills

Listen to recording 1.1 (mp3). You can choose to listen before, while, and/or
after reading.

6 search & discover with google

Go to page 160 of the book and Google the answers to the questions listed
under 1.1 Once upon a Time in America.

7 check the work you’ve done in step #6

Go to page 1 of the Key to Ask Google! (PDF) and check your answers.

8 ask any questions you may have

Join our closed Facebook Group, English in Town Reader’s Team to ask a
question or leave a comment.

Copyright © 2016 English in Town

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