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Section A-Reading 1 A Read the ae carefully and answer the given questio: P e i ns. What are those little green lights on the Brass and flying in the yard? flying lights? Are they monsters? Are they No, they aren’t Monsters or flyi Some fireflies glow to warn ot! Frogs, bats and birds do not |i keep fireflies safe. Sometimes we call fi her animals that they don’t taste good. ke to eat animals that glow. The glow helps reflies glow-worms, You can catch fireflies in a jar. But don’t forget to let them go again. 1. Tick (VW) the correct answers. (3) a. What are the flying lights? i. monsters ii. fireflies | iii. candles b. Which colour light does the firefly glow with? i. green ii, yellow ili. red c. What are fireflies? _ i. birds ii. fish iii, insects ~ (3) 2. Fill in the blanks. a. If you touch a firefly, you won’t chun ya b. Fireflies with cool, green light. c. We can catch fireflies in a ae _. 3. Give one-word answers. a. What is the other name for fireflies? b. How does the crocodile grin? i i i t glow wi a one, it won’t burn you, Slow with a cool, green light. If you touch | | 5 Scanned with CamScanner oo a ES GS GED Sa, (2) 4. Answer this question briefly. 2 a. Why do fireflies glow? tow Je wan other omeralt tho thok Wo Some fnefles yy ( dlonit laste good i law Fabs a Gy cole A. Look at the picture carefully and answer the given questions. 1. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. 2 a. This is a picture of a desert. i. desert = AJ ii. foresee §=— (_] iti. garden O b. They are many Ovetrnols in the picture. i. books = [_] ii, animals. [7] ili. clouds OJ 2. Fillin the blanks. Use words from the box. (3) ( sand . camels eta - cactus ) a. A desert has a lot of _gamed- b. Plants like CO ti can survive in the desert. c. Animals like _ coved can store water in their bodies. > Scanned with CamScanner ite a story based on it. Use the words (5) a lion was sleeping—a mouse disturbed the lion—lion caught the mouse—mouse promised to help—lion laughed, but let the mouse go— lion caught in a net—mouse cut the net—freed the lion Scanned with CamScanner aL TT oe a Gy ou Section c—Grammar (S) A. Choose the correct homophones. i m me. 1. Tanu borrowed Gome)/ sum rice fro 2. Do you no / (now) where Suman is? 3. Wricd/ Witch is your bag? 4. The school team one /@od) the competition. 5. The wind blue /Glewaway the balloons. B. Fill in the blanks with and, but or or. (5) 1. Would you like to have some tea or __ coffee? 2. Jiya bought some apples vane bananas from the market. 3. Gita worked hard, but could not win the competition. 4. Rakesh Gav _ Sumita are going to the library. 5. You can sit here__9% __in the last row. C. Circle the correct prepositions. ( 1. Please put the book (ny on / between the shelf. 2. The cat is sleeping among / in / Gide the sofa. 3. The kite is stuck under / between ((in)the tree 4, Rajat is standing! of? among / on Payal 5. The mouse hid between-/ inside / ; a J the curtain. Fill in ch i i the blanks with correct contractions of the words given in brackets: 5) . Please ——— ©pen the curtains. y eas dom’ | ins. (do not) 2. Disha and Ria __ N comii r the class today. (are no ° hi id Ri Osun E Ooming for the cl "f ss 'y ) m, ( — eat before washing your hands. (should oT y +1 Scanned with CamScanner not) 1. Maya isnt 5, We didn’ — My sister. (is not) attend the function, (did not) Section D—Literature a.Tick (7) the correct answers, . (4) 1, Which of these words does the poet use to describe the crocodile? a. naughty b. huge [} c. litle (V} 2. Which river is mentioned in the poem ‘Crocodile’? a. Nile [4] b. Hindon c. Brahmaputra Y3. Name the animal the poet would be if he were to rinse himself in the bath. a. dolphin _J b. elephant c. ostrich LJ 4. Where does the poet enjoy a day in the end according to the poem 4| Wish...’? _ _ a. forest [__J b. z00 [J c. jungle i B. Match the words to their meanings. (2) Words Meanings wi 4 a. small pieces 2. shivering b. laughetighth= / 3_-gigel -c—awomarrwhe-practises magic eS, 888} 2. d. shaking with cold 4. scraps a (2) C. Make sentences using the given mer a_ soft quik . _ 1. quill Tt howe nous May fohon. Wasa maustache. 2. moustache Scanned with CamScanner (2) bp. Write T for true and F for fals el MAI had many friends in the jungle vo srand stele sven . a a E 2, Emperor Akbar ordered the poor ™ d cloud in the sky- . Muznal spotted a dog-shape a hes he soldiers right away: 4. The villagers gave thelr food to t E. Who said these words? 1. ‘Let us knock on the first door.’ Yep sou dae cBucds Agro Aon Apose int 2. ‘ma whale too...’ F, Fill in the blanks. 1. Fish need gills — to breathe underwater. 2. Ali did not know how to breathe . 3. Birbal stopped coming to the roused for some days. 4, The villagers feared strangers, SO they hid their G. Give one-word answers. . ( +. Where did the villagers hide their bread? The yall 5 rid ’ ) villagers Jud hot baeods in the Aay: v2, What did Ali open in the end? oo Scanned with CamScanner

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