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Let's start this discussion by
talking about why we need the
energy of the orbitals to be the
same to overlap properly.

Let's look at the bonds in

Methane, CH4

The Carbon in methane has the

electron configuration of
1s22s22p2. According to Valence
Bond Theory, the electrons found
in the outermost (valence) shell
are the ones we will use for
bonding overlaps. This will be the
2s and 2p electrons for carbon.

As you know, p electrons are of

higher energy than s electrons.
This means that the two p
electrons will make shorter,
stronger bonds than the two s
right? But this is not what we
see. We see a methane with four
equal length and strength bonds.
So how do we explain this?
Simple: Hybridization

One of the s orbital electrons is

promoted to the open p orbital
slot in the carbon electron
configuration and then all four of
the orbitals become "hybridized"
to a uniform energy level as 1s +
3p = 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals.
Hybridization in
Figuring out what the
hybridization is in a molecule
seems like it would be a difficult
process but in actuality is quite
simple. Because hybridiztion is
used to make atomic overlaps,
knowledge of the number and
types of overlaps an atom makes
allows us to determine the
degree of hybridization it has. In
other words, you only have to
count the number of bonds or
lone pairs of electrons around a
central atom to determine its
The following rules give the
hybridization of the central
1 bond to another atom or lone
pair  = s (not really hybridized)
2 bonds to another atom or lone
pairs = sp
3 bonds to another atom or lone
pairs = sp2
4 bonds to another atom or lone
pairs = sp3
5 bonds to another atom or lone
pairs = sp3d
6 bonds to another atom or lone
pairs = sp3d2

This Video Explains it further:

Practice Example:

What are the hybridizations for

each of the central atoms in the
following molecule?
See Answer

As you can see from the

example above, assigning the
hybridization to each central
atom is easy as long as you can
count to 6. What is really cool
about the hybridization is that
each hybridization corresponds
to an electron pair geometry. So
if you know the hybridization of
an atom you automatically know
its EPG.

Hybridization and
Electron Pair Geometry
For s and sp hybridized central
atoms the only possible
molecular geometry is linear,
correspondingly the only possible
shape is also linear:
For sp2 hybridized central atoms
the only possible molecular
geometry is trigonal
planar.  If all the bonds are in
place the shape is also trigonal
planar.  If there are only two
bonds and one lone pair of
electrons holding the place
where a bond would be then the
shape becomes bent.

Sp2, Trigonal Planar, Trigonal

Sp2, Trigonal Planar, Bent

For sp3 hybridized central atoms

the only possible molecular
geometry is tetrahedral.  If all the
bonds are in place
the shape is also tetrahedral.  If
there are only three bonds and
one lone pair of electrons holding
the place where a bond would be
then the shape becomes trigonal
pyramidal, 2 bonds and 2 lone
pairs the shape is bent.

Sp3, Tetrahedral,

Sp3, Tetrahedral, Trigonal

pyramidal l
Sp3d,Trigonal bipyramidal,
trigonal bypyramidal

Sp3d,Trigonal bipyramidal,

For sp3d2 hybridized central
atoms the only possible
molecular geometry is
Octahedral.  If all the bonds are
in place the shape is also
Octahedral.  If there are only five
bonds and one lone pair of
electrons holding the place
where a bond would be then the
shape becomes Square pyramid,
4 bonds and 2 lone pairs the
shape is square planar, 3 bonds
and 3 lone pairs the shape is T-
shaped. Any fewer bonds the
shape is then linear:

Sp3d2,Octahedral, Octahedral
Sp3d2,Octahedral, Square
Sp3d2,Octahedral, Square

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