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Story 2: The Ghost in the Library

Sophie had always loved the library. She would spend hours there, lost in the stacks
of books, searching for knowledge and adventure. But one day, she noticed
something strange.

As she was browsing the shelves, a book suddenly fell from the top shelf and landed
at her feet. She looked up, but there was no one there.

Thinking it was just a coincidence, Sophie picked up the book and continued her
search. But then another book fell, and then another. And each time, there was no
one to be seen.

Sophie was starting to feel spooked, but she didn't want to leave the library. She
decided to investigate.

She wandered through the aisles, listening for any sounds or signs of movement.
And that's when she heard it – a faint whisper, coming from one of the dark corners
of the library.

Sophie followed the sound and found herself in a small reading room, filled with old
books and dusty furniture. In the center of the room was a ghostly figure, hovering
just above the floor.

Sophie froze, unsure of what to do. But then the ghost spoke.

"Hello, Sophie," it said, its voice soft and ethereal. "I'm the ghost of the library. I've
been watching you, and I think you have the potential to be a great reader."

Sophie was amazed. She had never believed in ghosts before, but here was one,
speaking to her in the flesh.

"Thank you," she said, feeling a surge of pride. "But how can I be a great reader?"

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