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Sara is my daughter.

She _has_ (have) two daughters; who are my

granddaughters. Sara _doesn’t have_ (not have) much free time
because she _works_ (work) in a shop. During the week, she _gets up_
(get up) very early and she _goes_ (go) to bed quite late every day. She
_loves_ (love) Sundays because she _doesn’t work_ (not work) and she
_spends_ (spend) the day with her family. On Sundays, they _don’t get
up_ (not get up) very late because they always _go out_ (go out). My
granddaughters _are_ (be) always sad on Sunday evenings because it's
the end of the weekend.
We form the present continuous with am/is/are + the -ing form of the

● I am writing a book.
● She is listening to the radio.
● They are doing their homework.
The short forms of am/is/are are: ‘m/’s/’re.

● I‘m writing a book.

● She‘s listening to the radio.
● They‘re doing their homework.

The negative short forms of am not/is not/are not are: ‘m not/isn’t/aren’t.

● I‘m not writing a book.

● She isn’t listening to the radio.
● They aren’t doing their homework.

Note that we can use short forms only in negative short answers, but not in
positive short answers.

● ‘Are you writing a book?’ ‘No, I’m not/I am not.’

● ‘Are you writing a book?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ (NOT Yes, I’m.)

Actions happening now

We use the present continuous for things happening now, at the moment of

● ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I‘m watching TV.’

Actions happening around now

We use the present continuous for temporary things that are happening
around now (=not at the moment of speaking but these days, or weeks, etc.)

● I‘m reading a very good book at the moment. (=I’m not reading it at the
moment I’m speaking, but I’m reading it these days.)

Now, these days, at the moment, etc.

We use the present continuous with time expressions that mean ‘now’ or
‘around now’: now, at the moment, at present, today, these days, this
week, etc.
Dear Kate,
I _am writing_ (write) from New York. This is my second year here. Can you
believe it? Right now I _am sitting_ (sit) in a coffee shop in Manhattan. Lots of
business people _are walking_ (walk) fast in the street, and lots of tourists
_are looking_ (look) at the amazing buildings around them.
This is a great city. Every morning, I _get up_ (get up) early and I _go_ (go) for
a run in Central Park. Then I _have_ (have) some coffee and bagels before
going to work. Now I _am having_ (have) a cappuccino and a bagel in a
Starbucks near my office. I _love_ (love) my job, and I'm happy because my
business _is expanding_ (expand) very quickly.
I hope to see you soon.
Take care,

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