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Keyboarding Techniques

and Work Ergonomics

Learning Objectives
The importance Keyboard tips
01 proper keyboarding 02 familiarize proper finger
posture and positions on the keyboard

Valuing Save more time

03 value the importance of 04 Practice proper using of
computer ergonomics. keyboard with speed and
Can you still remember our lesson about the parts of the
keyboard? Label the parts of the keyboard.
2 3

The importance of

Keyboarding and computer operation efficiency is

now an essential skill for the most of occupations.

With the extensive use of computers in homes,

schools, and businesses, it is very important to
learn proper keyboarding techniques and to operate
the keys with speed and a high level of accuracy.
Learning basic keyboarding and computer terms
can aid to master typing.

The keyboard is the primary text input device and

contains standard function keys, such as arrow
keys, control keys, shift, the escape key, tab, and
letters and numbers.
Proper position
of Fingers on
the Keyboard
The middle row or home row keys are the row of
keys on the computer keyboard your fingers rest on
when not typing or preparing to type on the
The fingers on your LEFT HAND should be placed over the A,
S, D, and F keys and the fingers on your RIGHT HAND
should be placed over the J, K, L, and ; keys.

Your Thumbs should either be in the air or very

lightly touching the SPACEBAR key.
Notice on the physical keyboard, F and J keys have upraised bump.
Once the pointer fingers are placed on those keys, the other fingers line up on the next
to each other.
For the NUMBER PAD: The starting position is as follows:

Place the fingers of your RIGHT HAND on the keys 0, 4, 5, 6 and + .

After pressing a key remember to put your fingers back on to the keys mentioned
MAC Keyboard
Standard Keyboard
Proper Keyboarding
Postures and
Proper Keyboarding Posture and Techniques
o Sit up straight
o Feet flat on the floor
o Body centered in front of the computer
o Elbows naturally by side
o Fingers curved
o Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard
o Quick, snappy strokes
o Quick, down-and-in motion of the thumb
o Right little finger used for the enter key; other fingers
remain on the home row
o Use the appropriate little finger for the shift Keys




What is Workplace Ergonomics?


as the science of designing the
workplace, considering the
capabilities and limitations of the

Well-designed workplace ergonomics

contributes to a comfortable and
relaxed posture of the workers
thereby making them productive.
1. Sit properly so your head and neck are upright
and in-line with your torso, not bent down or
tilted back.

2. Face your monitor directly. Avoid viewing

your screen with your head turned or your back

3. Keep your elbows comfortably close to your

4. Use a chair that provides support for your
lower back and has a cushioned seat with a
contoured front edge.

5. Keep your mouse close to your keyboard so it

will be easier for you to use it.

6. Position your computer screen slightly below

eye level. This will allow you to view the screen
without bending your neck.

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