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Exam 3 Study Guide

NU 518 Advanced Nursing Assessment

Chapter 10 (Skin, Hair, and Nails)
Skin color p.282-283
Skin lesions p.286-291 Table 10-1 Table 10-4
Hair loss p.297-298 Table 10-8
Findings in or near the nail Table 10-9
Systemic diseases and associated skin findings Table 10-10
Pressure injuries Box 10-2 Table 10-13
Risk factors for Melanoma Box 10-3
Screening for melanomas: ABCD-EFG method p.286 Box 10-4
Chapter 18 (Breasts and Axillae)
Supernumerary nipples p.593
Nipple discharge p.596-597 p.602-603
Female breast p.598-599
Visible signs of breast cancer Table 18-2
Common breast masses Table 18-1
Axillae p.603-604
Breast cancer risk factors in women and men p.606 p.609
Clinical breast examination and breast self-examination Box 18-4
Male breast p.595 p.604
Examination after mastectomy p.604-605
Chapter 20 (Male Genitalia)
Sexually transmitted infections p.681 Table 20-1
Abnormalities of the penis, scrotum, testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord p.682-685 Table 20-2
Table 20-3 Table 20-4
Hernias p.685-687 Table 20-5
Chapter 21 (Female Genitalia)
Menarche and menses p.702-703 Box 21-1
Primary vs secondary amenorrhea p.703
Patterns of abnormal bleeding Box 21-2
Postmenopausal bleeding p.704
Examining the external genitalia p.708-709
Pap smear: palpating the cervix p.712
Lesions of the vulva Table 21-1
Bulges and swelling of the vulva, vagina, and urethra Table 21-2
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Vaginal discharge Table 21-3
Variations in the cervical surface Table 21-4
Abnormalities of the cervix Table 21-6
Adnexal masses Table 21-9
HPV infection and HPV vaccine p.716-717
Chapter 22 (Anus, Rectum, and Prostate)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms p.731 Table 22-1
Techniques for examining the anus and rectum p.732-734
Abnormalities of the anus, surrounding skin, and rectum Table 22-2
Abnormalities of the prostate Table 22-3
Prostate cancer p.737-738
Chapter 23 (Musculoskeletal System)
Patterns of pain in and around the joints Table 23-1
Cardinal feature of inflammation p.751
Systemic manifestations of musculoskeletal disorders Table 23-2
Pains in the neck Table 23-3
Low back pain Table 23-4
Temporomandibular joint p.757-759
Painful shoulders Table 23-5
Special maneuvers for examining the shoulder joint Box 23-9
Swollen or tender elbows Table 23-6
Arthritis in the hands Table 23-7
de Quervain tenosynovitis, scaphoid fracture, and carpal tunnel syndrome p.777-783
Cauda equina compression p.788
Hip pain (bursae) p.794 p.797
Special maneuvers for examining the knee Box 23-18
Chapter 25 (Children: Infancy Through Adolescence)
Newborn skin findings p.956-960 Box 25-13
Diagnostic facies in infancy and childhood Table 25-6
Breasts: Tanner stages in the adolescent girl Box 25-50
Chapter 26 (Pregnant Woman)
Anatomic changes: external abdomen, vagina, cervix, and adnexae p.1084-1087
Chapter 27 (Older Adult)
Male and female genitourinary system p.1129-1130
Elder mistreatment and abuse p.1162
Skin examination p.1144-1145

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