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In the name of Allah SWT, I want to thanks to Madam Rusnah Ismail because she had been

all out to give us some knowledge about this subject and teaching us in subject CSM452 –

Customer Service Principal for this semester. She had a good experience in teaching and

that make me easier to understand about this subject. She also showed us how to make this

assignment very good so we can use the right technique. The tittle for this assignment is

article review “The Role Of Customer Service Manual On Workplace Emotional Burden In

Nationwide Cross Sectional Study”. May Allah bless her in her life and ease everything for



Content Pages

Acknowledgement 2

Table of Content 3

Summary of The Article 4

Introduction of The Article 5

Finding and Discussion 6-8

Conclusion 9

Reference 10

Appendices 11

The experience you provide must increase the lifetime value of existing customer while

acquiring new ones is so difficult. Most criteria for providing a positive customer experience

centre on being a decent person and establishing human connections. The trick is to not

take for granted the fact that this is the case with co-workers and to properly train them to

behave so as to retain contentment.

The most sought-after value in the business sector today appears to be customer happiness.
Increasingly more businesses, large and small, are emphasising and assigning more
personnel to the customer service department. According to data from the World Bank from
2015, the service sector made up 68.9% of global GDP, which is an increase of more than
10% from 20 years ago. In Asian nations, where recent economic progress has placed a
strong emphasis on customer happiness, this trend is especially pronounced. For instance,
China's share of the GDP devoted to the service sector increased by 17% during the
previous 20 years, the Philippines' share increased by 13% over the same time period, and
Korea's share increased by 5%.

Simply described, emotional labour is the state of expressing or concealing particular

emotions needed for a work. For instance, even when they are terribly miserable, staff may
need to greet clients with an abnormally upbeat demeanour. In other situations, employers
could expect employees to suppress their animosity against clients, even if those clients are
unreasonable in their demands. Therefore, although being an essential part of practically
every profession, emotional labour can result in absenteeism, anxiety at work, and generally
poor work performances. Burnout syndrome, which is defined as a combined state of
emotional weariness and depersonalization, can also occur in workers who are subjected to
emotional strain on a regular basis. Excessive emotional demand can frequently lead to
major psychological issues like depression.

The precise process by which emotional labour causes mental health to deteriorate has not
yet been extensively analysed. The idea of emotional dissonance is one of the potential
explanations. This is referring to differences between the expressed and felt emotions. This
discrepancy is considered to be a particular kind of role conflict, which is a clear sign of
depersonalization and emotional weariness. Emotional burnout can result from ongoing
emotional weariness, which can then induce mental illness and, frequently, suicidal ideation.


A. Purpose of The Article

The purpose of this article is to discuss the overall effect of customer service manual (CSM)

on service industry workers using Korean Working Condition Survey.

B. Method Used in The Article

The current study included 11,946 employees of customer service out of a total of 50,007

survey respondents (5613 men, 6333 women). Survey responses were used to define the

use of CSM, emotional load, emotional dissonance, engaging angry customers, and other

factors. Emotional burden can result from a depressive episode or from a stressful

circumstance. The odds ratio (OR) of suffering emotional load was calculated using the

logistic regression model with a 95% confidence interval (CI). It was also estimated how

CSM and engaging an angry customer affected emotional strain.

C. The Research Methodology

Data for this study were attained from the fourth Korean Working Condition Survey (KWCS)

(2014). The check, directed by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, is

analogous to European Working Condition Survey with some variations in check questions

to stylish fit Korean population. The KWCS includes an aggregate of,007 acceded working

individualities over the age of 15 times whom are named aimlessly to represent the factual

Korean working population. The following criteria were applied to distinguish a sample that

stylish serve the study 1) only paid worker, 2) answered all applicable check questions, 3)

age lower than 65 times, and 4) engage in client service work. Following these criteria,

overdue workers (n = ,767) were barred to only account for paid workers. Those who didn't

answer all the study-applicable questions were also barred (n = 9782). People over the age

of 65 times (n = 1090) were also barred to stylish pretend pre-retirement population. To

distinguish those engaging in client service work, a question “Does your job include directly

dealing with individualities who aren't business, guests, passengers, scholars, or cases? ”

was considered. The possible answer choices for the question were ‘always’, ‘nearly

always’, ‘3/4 of working hours’, ‘half of working hours’, ‘1/4 of working hours’, ‘nearly no way’,

and ‘no way’. People were considered not to share in client service work and therefore

barred from the study if they responded ‘no way’ or didn't give an answer (n = 5422). After

the selection process, an aggregate of,946 subjects (5613 men and 6333 women) were

included in the final analysis.

D. The Results or Findings From The Article

Out of 11,946 subjects, a total of 3279 (27.4%) have experienced emotional burden. There

were 5613 (47.0%) man workers with 1562 (27.8%) employees who were classified to have

felt emotional burden. For 6333, woman workers, comprising 53.0% of total population, 1717

(27.0%) of them have experienced emotional burden.

The association between the use of customer service manual and the presence of

stress, depressive event or emotional burden, which is a combination of stress and

depressive event. The ORs were adjusted for covariates such as age, monthly household

income, education level, weekly working hours, job satisfaction, job schedule, job class, and

occupational classification. Both man and woman workers showed increased risk of

emotional burden when using customer service manual with man employees showing a

higher risk (OR 1.40; 95% CI 1.19–1.64 for men and OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.09–1.44 for

women). Only woman workers displayed a statistically significant increase in risk of

depressive event in the presence of customer service manual (OR 2.22; 95% CI 1.42–3.48).

In the case of stress, both man and woman workers presented an increase in risk with

higher risk for man employees (OR 1.41; 95% CI 1.20–1.66 and OR 1.21; 95% CI 1.05–1.39

for women).

E. My Impression of The Usefulness of The Article

Based on my study and review for this article, I think this article has a lot of usefulness in our

daily life. It is because the author’s objective for this article is to discuss the overall effect of

customer service manual (CSM) on service industry workers using Korean Working

Condition Survey.

They make a good survey to find the answer about the effect of customer services

manual and got the results. A total of 3279 people, or 27.4%, have been emotionally

burdened. Men had an OR (95% CI) of 1.40 (1.19–1.64), while women had an OR of 1.25

(1.09–1.44). The interaction effect between the utilization of CSM and the engagement of

irate customers was gender-specific. In men, OR (95% CI) was 3.16 (1.38-7.23) with added

substance impact while continuously captivating furious clients with CSM contrasted with

seldom captivating without CSM, while in ladies, OR (95% CI) was 8.85 (3.96-19.75) with a

synergistic impact. The result’s show that Customer Service Manual does not provide

complete satisfaction to customers because of the use of human energy and intellect only to

help customers. Not only that, customer service employees also experience negative

impacts as listed in the results of the survey conducted by the author.

Employees who receive poor customer service may experience high levels of stress,

which may have an effect on their performance at work and ultimately result in financial

losses for the business (such as missed deadlines or errors made due to fatigue).In addition,

employees who are constantly frustrated may become dissatisfied and leave their jobs in

search of better opportunities, which would be extremely costly for the business in terms of

recruitment and training expenses alone.


The study clearly shows that a customer service manual can be quite emotionally taxing on

employees even though it may assist customers. The handbook restricts the freedom of

expression, which causes emotional conflict in the workforce. Both sexes are susceptible to

psychological issues, however female employees appear to be more seriously impacted by

CSM. This may be a result of the current societal structure, which places women in

occupations with minimal levels of work control. Although some could counter that CSM has

only been used to reduce emotional stress where it is severe. Potentially if such were the

case, the interaction effect demonstrates that CSM is ineffective in reducing emotional

burden and may even make it worse. Therefore our current study push researchers and

managers to review purpose of CSM again and recommend changes in CSM is necessary to

protect workers, especially woman employees, from the danger of emotional burnout.


1. Yun, Sehyun, et al. “The Role of Customer Service Manual on Workplace Emotional
Burden in Nationwide Cross Sectional Study - Annals of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine.” BioMed Central, 12 Feb. 2019,

2. 5 worst consequences of poor customer service and how to avoid them (2022)
Quality Gurus. Available at:
poor-customer-service-and-how-to-avoid-them/ (Accessed: November 13, 2022).

3. 5 worst consequences of poor customer service and how to avoid them (2022)
Quality Gurus. Available at:
poor-customer-service-and-how-to-avoid-them/ (Accessed: November 13, 2022).



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