Mini Pro

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This project involves building a simple claims management system.


1. Claim: This entity will contain information about the claims made by customers, including
claim number, date filed, status, and payment details.

2. Customer: This entity will contain information about the insurance company's customers,
including name, address, contact information, and policy information.

3. Policy: This entity will contain information about the policies issued by the insurance
company, including policy number, effective date, expiration date, and coverage details.

Page Configuration Files:

1. Claim Search Page: This page will allow users to search for claims by claim number, customer
name, and date filed.

2. Claim Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected claim,
including claim status, payment details, and associated policy information.

3. Customer Search Page: This page will allow users to search for customers by name, address,
and policy information.

4. Customer Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected
customer, including policy information and contact details.

5. Policy Search Page: This page will allow users to search for policies by policy number,
effective date, and expiration date.

6. Policy Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected policy,
including coverage details and premium information.

7. New Claim Page: This page will allow users to file a new claim by entering claim details and
selecting the associated policy and customer.

8. Edit Claim Page: This page will allow users to update the details of an existing claim,
including claim status and payment details.

To build this system, you will need to use Guidewire's entity modeling tool and page designer tool to
create the entities and pages described above. You will also need to define the relationships
between the entities (e.g. a claim is associated with a customer and a policy).

Once the entities and pages are created, you can use Guidewire's testing tools to ensure that the
system is functioning as expected. You may need to make adjustments to the entities and pages as
you test the application.

By completing this project, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to configure Guidewire
entities and pages for a real-world application. You will also have a working claims management
system that you can use as a portfolio piece to showcase your skills to potential employers.
Here's another mini project for the Policy Center entities and page configuration files:


1. Policy: This entity will contain information about the policies issued by the insurance
company, including policy number, effective date, expiration date, coverage details, and
premium information.

2. Policyholder: This entity will contain information about the policyholders, including name,
contact information, and policy details.

3. Insured: This entity will contain information about the individuals or entities covered by the
policy, including name, contact information, and coverage details.

Page Configuration Files:

1. Policy Search Page: This page will allow users to search for policies by policy number,
policyholder name, and insured name.

2. Policy Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected policy,
including policy information, policyholder information, and insured information.

3. Policyholder Search Page: This page will allow users to search for policyholders by name and
policy number.

4. Policyholder Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected
policyholder, including contact information and policy details.

5. Insured Search Page: This page will allow users to search for insureds by name and policy

6. Insured Details Page: This page will display detailed information about a selected insured,
including contact information and coverage details.

7. New Policy Page: This page will allow users to create a new policy by entering policy details,
policyholder information, and insured information.

8. Edit Policy Page: This page will allow users to update the details of an existing policy,
including coverage details and premium information.

To build this system, you will need to use Guidewire's entity modelling tool and page designer tool to
create the entities and pages described above. You will also need to define the relationships
between the entities (e.g. a policy is associated with a policyholder and one or more insureds).

Once the entities and pages are created, you can use Guidewire's testing tools to ensure that the
system is functioning as expected. You may need to make adjustments to the entities and pages as
you test the application.

By completing this project, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to configure Guidewire
entities and pages for a real-world policy management application. You will also have a working
policy management system that you can use as a portfolio piece to showcase your skills to potential

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