Lecture - 1.1.7

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Concept of Potential Difference, Voltage, Current and

Types of Elements

Learning Outcomes of Topic

To make students understand the
• Concept of Thevenin’s Theorem.
• Application of Thevenin’s Theorem to electric circuits.
• Limitation of Thevenin’s Theorem.

Video Link:-https://youtu.be/8udwPc5pCoA
Description:-Thevenin’s Theorem

In electrical circuit theory, Thevenin’s theorem for linear electrical networks states that any
combination of voltage sources, current sources and resistors with two terminals is
electrically equivalent to a single voltage source V and a single series resistor R. For single
frequency AC systems, the theorem can also be applied to general impedances, not just
resistors. Any complex network can be reduced to a Thevenin's equivalent circuit consist of a
single voltage source and series resistance connected to a load.
Figure 1: Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

VTHis the open circuit voltage between the two output terminals of a circuit.
RTHis the total resistance appearing between the two output terminals when all sources have
been replaced by their internal resistances

Explanation of Thevenin’s Theorem

The Thevenin’s statement is explained with the help of a circuit shown below:

Figure 2: Circuit1

Let us consider a simple DC circuit as shown in the figure above, where we have to find the
load current IL by the Thevenin’s theorem.

In order to find the equivalent voltage source, rL is removed from the circuit as shown in the
figure below and Voc or VTH is calculated.
Figure 3: Circuit 2


Now, to find the internal resistance of the network (Thevenin’s resistance or

equivalent resistance) in series with the open-circuit voltage VOC , also known
as Thevenin’s voltage VTH, the voltage source is removed or we can say it is
deactivated by a short circuit (as the source does not have any internal
resistance) as shown in the figure below:
Figure 4: Circuit 4



Figure: 5 Equivalent Circuit of Thevenin’s Theorem

As per Thevenin’s Statement, the load current is determined by the circuit shown above and
the equivalent Thevenin’s circuit is obtained.
The load current IL is given as:


VTH is the Thevenin’s equivalent voltage. It is an open circuit voltage across the terminal AB
known as load terminal
RTH is the Thevenin’s equivalent resistance, as seen from the load terminals where all the
sources are replaced by their internal impedance
rL is the load resistance

Steps for Solving Thevenin’s Theorem

Step 1 – First of all remove the load resistance rL of the given circuit.

Step 2 – Replace all the sources by their internal resistance.

Step 3 – If sources are ideal then short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current

Step 4 – Now find the equivalent resistance at the load terminals, known as Thevenin’s
Resistance (RTH).

Step 5 – Draw the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit by connecting the load resistance and after
that determine the desired response.

This theorem is possibly the most extensively used networks theorem. It is applicable where
it is desired to determine the current through or voltage across any one element in a network.
Thevenin’s Theorem is an easy way to solve a complicated network.
• Statement any linear circuit, which can contain several emfs and resistive
components, and simplify the circuit into one voltage source and series resistance
connected to a load.
• Limitation not applicable to non-Linear and unilateral elements.
• ApplicationThevenin’s Theorem is a way to reduce a network to an equivalent circuit
composed of a single voltage source, series resistance, and series load.


•  Thevenin's Theorem is especially useful in analyzing power systems and other

circuits where one particular resistor in the circuit (called the “load” resistor) is
subject to change, and re-calculation of the circuit is necessary with each trial
value of load resistance, to determine voltage across it and current through it.
• Source modeling and resistance measurement using the Wheatstone bridge provide
applications for Thevenin’s theorem.
• Reduce the number of components required to establish the same characteristics at the
output terminals.

Practice Problems (FAQs)

1. State and explain Thevenins Theorem.

2. Give the examples to apply and solve Thevenins Theorem.
3. Elaborate the limitations of Thevenin’s Theorem.
4. Discuss the application of Thevenin’s Theorem.

Simulation Link:-http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/thevenin.html#c1

• E-Books:-
1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
2. https://electricalanswers.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/a-textbook-of-electrical-
• Websites:-
1. https://www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/blog/use-thevenins-theorem/
2. https://circuitglobe.com/what-is-thevenins-theorem.html
 Videos:-
1. https://youtu.be/8udwPc5pCoA
References for Further Higher Learning

1. http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/vinita/pdf/ee2015/Lecture_18_Scribe.pdf
2. https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=1&brch=75&sim=313&cnt=1

Self Study Topics:

Problems based on Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem
and evaluation of open circuit current and short circuit voltge.

Mooc’s Content Courses:

1. https://www.my-mooc.com/en/mooc/solar-energy-photovoltaic-
2. https://www.my-mooc.com/en/mooc/fundamentals-of-current-
3. https://www.my-mooc.com/en/mooc/electric-and-conventional-

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