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Durano, Rossel Andrei B.

April 10, 2023
CERAE: Instructional Materials
As previously stated, instructional materials are objects or vehicles through which information is
communicated - they serve as an instrument for transmitting information that supplements rather
than replaces the act of teaching and the role of a nurse as educator. This “vehicle” can be
transmitted through various media – printed, demonstrated, or even audiovisual media. These
facilitate the teacher and students in avoiding an overemphasis on recitation and rote learning,
which can easily dominate a lesson.

Over the course of our learning in our lives as student, we have been immersed to a variety of
instructional materials used by our educator that suits our learning needs. We may or may have
noticed it, but most of us often have a certain medium in which we can easily adapt to in learning.
This learning preference can be of use in such a way that we can easily comprehend such
lessons. Some may prefer printed, some may want demonstrated media, and some may be most
comfortable in learning through audiovisual media.

With the vastness of instructional materials and its wide array of purposes, I have learned that
using such materials does not only aid our level of comprehension, but it also aids our ability to
think critically. I have realized that it can be technical considering its many components and how
the lesson is delivered with the use of such. This technicality involves the variables and content to
be used, thus, choosing the best instructional material as possible is crucial if we want our
learners to gain something.

Instructional materials can be geared to the target audience's specific needs and characteristics,
such as age, gender, culture, and literacy level. Visual aids, for example, can be especially
beneficial for people with low literacy levels, whereas interactive websites can be used to target
younger learners who are more tech-savvy. Furthermore, these can help learners to understand
complex health information. They can also help to reinforce learning by providing a reference for
learners to consult after the session is over.

In conclusion, instructional materials are a valuable tool in health education because they help to
engage and inform learners, they can be customized to the target audience, they facilitate active
participation, and they promote health equity by bridging gaps in healthcare access and promoting
health equity. They can be designed to be culturally appropriate and inclusive and can be used in
a variety of settings, including schools, community centers, hospitals, and clinics. Most importantly,
this can be used to address health disparities and ensure that all students have access to
accurate and up-to-date health information.

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