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Before Operating Machine

- Do a Walkaround of the machine. Check for debris and damage.

Power On:
1. Flip Large Switch on Back of Cabinet
2. Enter Windows Password: 12Felixcat
3. Wait for CNC Startup (min)
4. “Machine Backup?” > No/Cancel
5. Reset Emergency Stops and Power on Machine (Green Button)
6. StopResetClear and Check Error Messages
7. Ensure Safe Operation and Press “Start” Button
a. If error codes PLC 9010 and PLC 9443 appear press the pedestal button.
8. Once Global Homing Operation is complete, Press F2 or select the worklist
9. Ensure the Main Router Switch on Head is in the “UNLOCK” Position. (Pointing

To Load a Worklist and Programs

1. Open Shared Folder (Start > My Computer > cnc-prog (Z:) > “1greatday”)
2. Select Desired Folder or Program > Copy to (Desktop/CNC prog)
3. On “Worklist” window go to (File > Open)
4. Select Previous Worklist or Create New by Entering the new name in the bottom
left text box and pressing “OK”/Checkmark.
5. On “Worklist” window go to (File > Program)
6. Select Desired Folder
7. Select Program and press “Enter”
8. Repeat for all needed Programs and Press “Close”/X when complete.
a. Note: Keep Programs in order. (Services > Sort > By Name)
9. On “Worklist” window press the “Save” Button.

Standard Operation Procedure

1. Release Emergency Stops and Select First Worklist Program
2. Press “Start” Button on Cabinet
3. Clean Dust Off and Inspect Spoilboard
4. Green Pedestal to Raise Locator Pins
5. Load Sheet of Material
6. Check for Correct Orientation, Cupping, Cleanliness, and Damage
7. Push Sheet Tight Against Pins (Left and Back) and Activate Vacuum
8. Push Down High Spots on the Sheet
9. Step Off Mats and Perform Final Visual Inspection (Check for Correct Orientation
of Sheet, Debris, and Tools)
10. Green Pedestal to Start Operation of Program
11. Print Label and Preload Next Sheet

Upon Completion of Program

12. Label All Parts
13. Sort and Stack Parts

GoTo Step 3.

Error Code Database

- AXS 336 > Axis at software end of range UP. (Axis Z) [Expected before homing}
- AXS 339 > Axis Not Calibrated. Homing Must Be Performed. [Expected at
Startup. Need to run Global Home Program]
- AXS 653 > Kinematic conversion error
- GMM 275 > NC in emergency. [Usually caused by a safety or emergency stop
being activated. Check all emerge
- INT 48 > Tool not found in tool change magazine. [Software wants a tool that is
not in carousel or Software is asking for wrong tool.]
- INT 161 > Error in tool change parameters preset instruction. [Software wants a
tool that is not in carousel or Tool cannot be deposited or program is asking for
wrong tool]
- INT (*) 10124 !. Occurs on SAWKERF when the first operation is set to Y=0.
Must assign a different position, positive or negative.
- ING 398 > Different initial and final radiuses. (Program data). [Disagreement
between Biesse and Cabinet Vision circle parameters. Usually means a program
has to be redrawn in VCarve.]
- PLC 372 > HALT [Appears when BIOS settings get reset due to power loss or
battery replacement. See BIOS settings for a reset (Bottom of Guide)]
- PLC 391 > I/O configuration not set. [Appears when BIOS settings get reset due
to power loss or battery replacement. May also have other solutions. See BIOS
settings for a reset (Bottom of Guide).]
- PLC 9001 > Thermal relays KO (in #) []
- PLC 9007 > Slot reset required. [Standard Startup Error]
- PLC 9010 > Cycle Stop from RH safety area device (in 152) [Appears when you
step on the mat. Standard Clearing Procedure SRC]
- PLC 9044 > Timeout Slot Sensor Down (3). Occurred while trying to operate Saw
for the first time.
- PLC 9055 > Slot Sensor DOWN missing (3, in 33)
- PLC 9067 > The program started with the HSK Electrospindle not tooled up. Tool
it up. (1) Boi [Just a reminder that the electrospindle needs to be tooled up. Tool
selection is handled by programs and is automatic.
- PLC 9100 > System Lubrication Time Run Out
- PLC 9107 > Cone closing timeout (1, in 69) [See Error Solution below]
- PLC 9275 > Slot Guard: Cylinder 1 up is missing. [Button light to raise head
wouldn’t stop blinking. Head appeared to be raised. Restart seemed to fix it]
- PLC 9248 > To run the jigs cycle the machine must be under power [Need to
press green button to bring the machine power on, then a stop reset clear.]
- PLC 9288 > Insufficient pressure to release cone [See Error Solution below]
- PLC 9443 > If the machine remains in suspension, reset the safety mates by
pressing one of the area selection buttons or the power button. [Method to clear,
press pedestal button.]
- QUO (*) 10288 ! [Unsure, related to PLC 372/391]
- QUO (*) 10278 ! [Unsure, related to PLC 372/391]
- QUO 330 > Attempt to read work list file failed. (“Worklist Name”) [Indicates that
a previous worklist file was corrupted or lost. This occurs usually because a new
worklist is not Saved properly by the operator.]
- SYS (*) 10275 ! [Unsure, related to PLC 372/391]
- YAS 758 > 91: Overload Warning (Axis Cr) [Uncommon Error, see problem

Problem Database
- 02/2021 ISSUE: During standard tool change heard air leaking for an extended
period of time at lower pressure than normal. Machine stopped functioning.
Code: YAS 758 > 91: Overload Warning (Axis Cr)
- StopResetClear clears the error code.
- Initial visual inspection looks normal. Moving head out and down to get a better
- Nothing on the Carousel looks wrong, used air nozzle to blow it off.
- Successful Manual Movement of Carousel. No detectable problem.
- Cycled the Carousel Tool Test button with no issue.
- Running program, first tool change no error. Second tool change no error. Third
Tool change noticed that the router head pushed the Carousel down. NOT
GOOD. Will Investigate.
- Upon Test I discovered that the Main Router Spindle and the Carousel Pos. 2 are
misaligned when tool changing! Going to move MORT bit to another position to
try to fix.
- Removed KEYHOLE bit for Pos. 1 and replaced with MORT. Initial tool change
cycle seems okay. Second Run.
- Tool Change Test Program: Run Tool Changes back to back in this order:
QUART (4) > MORT (1) > HSSHALF (5): Speed 100%
- Pos. 1 May also be slightly misaligned.
- QUART Pos. 4 just had a crash.
- MORT Pos. 1 Crash
- Rerunning Global Homing.
- Cone Closing Timeout on HSSHALF Pos. 5
- Cone Closing Timeout on QUART Pos. 4
- Cone Closing Timeout on HSSHALF Pos. 5
- Setting Speed to 80%
- Cone Closing Timeout on QUART Pos. 4
- Setting Speed to 40%
- Cone Closing Timeout on QUART Pos. 4
- Reset Speed
- Dusted Off Machine
- Cone Closing Timeout on QUART Pos. 4
- Running Regular Program, MORT Change was good.
- Will Continue Monitoring. No obvious solution yet.

- 10/2020 ISSUE: On Startup after 20 min computer didn’t get past “Waiting for
Connection..”; NC1000 Network Connection > Properties > Packets Sent: 202
Received: 0
- Power Down Computer, then Main Power, Wait 10 Seconds, Power System Back
On. (w/Windows Firewall Disabled)
- Tried Disabling and Enabling Connection
- Tried Windows Repair Tool
- Tried Disabling Windows Firewall
- Tried CMD > “Ping”, Appeared to have a good connection
- Possible Causes: Unknown
- 12/2021: It happened again. Restart had no effect.
- Tried Previous Solutions + Restart to no effect.
- Calling it in. (Case No 02008694)
- Received Troubleshooting Documentation from Biesse (Added as an addendum
to this document.)
- Opened front right door of CNC cabinet (To right of Monitor) and attached
monitor to it.
- On screen there is a BIOS Menu. Error “Floppy disk(s) fail (40) Listed, asking for
user input “F1 to continue”. [Caused by reset of BIOS Settings, see Guide at
- When “F1” is pressed the NC1000 “Properties” dialog box shows packets being
- First Startup seems to have proceeded normally. Although CNC showed some
odd error messages. Restarting
- Error messages list:
- SYS (*) 10275 !
- PLC 391 > I/O configuration not set. (ffffffff)
- PLC 372 > HALT
- QUO (*) 10288 !
- QUO (*) 10278 ! [This error persists after clearing the errors]
- SOLUTION FOUND: After talking with the Biesse tech he was convinced it was a
connection issue between the Front End PC and the NC1000. It was and we
found the solution. The problem possibly started with a power surge. It caused
the CMOS/BIOS settings on the NC1000 to be lost. After finding and correcting
the settings the machine is back up to working status. See the guide at the end of
this document.

- 10/2020 ISSUE: Carousel Doesn't Retract; Termination on “PLC 9288 >

Insufficient pressure to release cone”. E-Stop Pressed, On StopResetClear
Throws Error “PLC 9151 > Command given for Revolver Piston to Rest pos., but
it does not move (1 in 113) . Manual Movement still Accepted
- Predicated with “Reset Failed” Error
- Tried a Manual Reset of the Piston (Worried it might have made it worse)
- Upon Inspection, Tool was not released from Main Spindle and Carousel was still
- Moving the Z Axis Moved both together
- SOLUTION TEMP: Grabbed the Carousel and pulled it away from the Main
- Once the Carousel was clear of the tool, the Main Spindle pulled up, suggesting
that the spindle and carousel were pulling up and away causing it to not function
- Could cause possible damage to the horizontal alignment of the carousel. Also
possible damage to the tool and the main spindle locking mechanism. But
Operations Resumed as Normal
- Probable Cause: is activation of an E-Stop while Error “PLC 9288 > Insufficient
Pressure..” is Active

- 10/2020 ISSUE: Error Code: “PLC 9161 > Attempt to Load from empty Revolver
tool holder (5)” When Trying to load “MORT” into Main Spindle
- Traded MORT(5) with QUART(2). Loaded Successfully! Current Setup is
MORT(2), QUART(5).
- Quart Loaded with no known problem
- Possible Causes: Original Crash of Main Spindle and Carousel; Issue Above
- 4/2020 Update: Problem has not been occurring with QUART in Pos. 4. Moving it
back to Pos. 2 to attempt to resolve the error below.

- 4/2020 ISSUE: Error Code: “PLC 9107 > Cone closing timeout (1, in 69)
Intermittent Problem Causing a Machine Halt when changing tools. QUART tool
is the primary tool that causes the problem. When the problem happens the
spindle stays open and dumps a large amount of air. It will continue to lose air
pressure until both the Stop and Reset buttons are pressed.
- Can be temporarily resolved by restarting the program. If the operator is
properly trained to modify code then all code preceding the tool change to
QUART can be removed. This will speed up the process.
- QUART tool in Pos. 4 in Carousel.
- Attempt to fix by moving QUART tool to Pos. 2 (See issue above)
- Removed QUART bit and inspected. Noticed some spots on collar that meets the
spindle. Not sure what it is. Cleaned off with thinner.
- Rerun Program with Changes: Success...Failed Loading MORT from Pos. 1
- Inspecting MORT Bit...Similar buildup on Collar...Cleaning….Less buildup than
- When changing tools position it may have changed the weight and balance of the
carousel. Previous Setup (MORT (1), empty(2), MITER45 (3), QUART (4),
- New Setup: (MORT (1), QUART(2), MITER45 (3), empty (4), HSSHALF (5),
- Rerun Program with Changes: Success...Failed
- Changing Position of MORT Bit to Pos. 4
- New Setup: (empty (1), QUART(2), MITER45 (3), MORT (4), HSSHALF (5),
- Rerun Program with Changes: Success...Failed
- Add counterweight to the empty slot.
- New Setup: (KEYHOLE (1), QUART(2), MITER45 (3), MORT (4), HSSHALF (5),
- Rerun Program with Changes: Success...Failed
- Swapping MORT (4) with HSSHALF (5)
- New Setup: (KEYHOLE (1), QUART(2), MITER45 (3), HSSHALF (4), MORT (5),
- Rerun Program with Changes: Failed…
- Error Code: “PLC 9161 > Attempt to Load from empty Revolver tool holder (5)”
- Going to reset machine and try swapping MORT (5) with MITER45 (3)
- New Setup: (KEYHOLE (1), QUART(2), MORT (3), HSSHALF (4), MITER45 (5),
- Rerun Program with Changes: Success...Failed
- I'm getting tired of trying to fix this, I'm going to reset to the last known working
state with a temporary system and revisit this problem at a later date. Temporary
Fix is working so no need to keep on. Probably need a technician.
- FORGOT to change the software tools back. VERY BAD, damages spoilboard.
- UPDATE: Switched some tools around and greased the clamping cone (to be
done every 3 years)
- New tool positions: (MORT (1), empty(2), QUART (3), MITER45 (4), HSSHALF
(5), THREEEI (6)) Going okay...
- Probable Cause: Mis-alignment or mis-calibration of carousel. Need a technician
to work on it. Affected Slots: 2,4,5,

- 8/2021 ISSUE: Set Tool Rotation Speed lower than the prgrams commanded
speed. Error: GMM 269 > Tool rotation speed out of permitted range. (Spindle
TP1 Configuration 1)
- Stop, Reset, Clear and Restart of computer have no effect. Error Code persists.
- Changing rotation speeds back to acceptable setting has no effect.
- Cannot get machine to Global Home given issue
- Opened help Document. Reads “Check that the tool rotation speed falls within
the minimum and maximum speed range associated to is. Check also that this
speed does not exceed the range defined for the spindle and/or subspindle on
which the tool is mounted.”
- Spindle Max Rotation speed is 20000 RPM. I set RPM for MORT Max at 22000
and Quart standard at 22000. Changing back.
- Error cleared!

- 11/2021 ISSUE: While attempting to operate the SAWKERF program after its
repair, I ran into a sensor issue. Error Codes PLC 9044 and PLC 9055. Appears
that the Saw is not dropping properly.
- Tried Switching Movement Mode to Move the Tool, Unsuccessful, got a new error
code. (Options > Movement Mode > Tool > X,Y,Z (TP3) +- with no change) AXS
653 > Kinematic conversion error
- Called Tech Support
- SOLUTION: Saw was Jammed up due to lack of use. Used a screw driver to pry
it down. IT dropped and is now working. Also Learned how to drop the TP3 Saw
- To Drop Saw Blade or any tool other than electro spindle, Activate manual mode.
Click on the set spindles button, and click where it reads “Spindles”.

- 11/2021 ISSUE: After modifying a program and pressing “Start” Button, an

unrecognized error code appeared. INT (*) 10124 !.
- Going to throw an E-Stop to see if that helps: Error Persists
- Adjusted Program (SAWKERF Line 1) to make sure all operations were on the
part. Error Disappears.
- SOLUTION: The SAWKERF Line 1 program cannot be Started at 0 on the Y
axis. But it can be started on any other number positive or negative. That is odd
but it appears to work.

Connection Failed to NC1000 Troubleshooting Guide (from Biesse)

How to troubleshoot the NC – PC connection on the NC1000 control If after turning on the power
on the machine the NC1000 windows do not appear and you have the message “trying to connect to
CNC” on the screen, there is a problem with the connection between the NC1000 and the Windows PC.
The problem can be with either one of the following:
A. Windows PC side (network configuration/network card or PC itself)
B. NC1000 side (network configuration/network card or NC1000 itself)
C. Cabling between the two units
D. Failure to Boot the NC1000

To determine which part is faulty use the following steps.

1. On the Windows PC try to ping the local address (
2. If you get reply the TCP/IP protocol is correctly configured on the Windows PC, move to point 4
3. If you do not get a reply, the problem is on the Windows PC side.
3.1. Check the network configuration and make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is correctly
installed and configured
3.2. Check that the network card on the Windows PC is correctly installed and configured
3.3. If all the settings are correct replace the network card on the Windows PC 4. Ping the
remote NC1000 address ( from the Windows PC
5. If you get a reply the communication is working properly and you should not have the problem.
Make sure that you powered down the machine completely and not only the Windows PC. If you shut
down only the PC, when the PC boots back up it will not connect to the NC1000 until you shut down
completely the main power.
6. If you don’t get a reply the problem can be in the NC1000 side or in the cabling.
7. It is easier and recommended to try to check the cabling first and make sure that it is working.
There are two types of cabling on the NC1000 controllers. Service Dept. 5/14/2002 2
7.1. In the older versions the network was done through a BNC cable and two 50Ω
terminators. Power down completely the machine, try to replace the cable and the terminators,
then power back up the machine and see if the problem still persists. Try also to ping from the
windows PC again the remote address.
7.2. In the newer controllers there is only one RJ45 crossover cable between the NC1000
and the PC. Power down completely the machine, try to replace the cable, then power back up
the machine and see if the problem still persists. Try also to ping from the windows PC again the
remote address. 7.3. Make sure that, if you have more than one network card on the Windows
PC, the cable coming from the NC1000 is connected to the right card.

8. Only if you have already gone through the previous points and the problem still persists,
proceed with the following directions.
8.1. Power down the machine, power it back up, disconnect the monitor and the
keyboard from the Windows PC and connect it to the NC1000 (if you have an additional monitor
and keyboard available you can use them as well).
8.2. If the NC1000 boots normally you should see a black screen and the last line should
say vdcnc:c/CN on /server rw. If you have this line it means that the flash on the NC1000 is
working properly. If there has been a surge or loss of power to the NC1000 Bios/CMOS Data or if
the battery has been replaced, you will need to update/reset the NC1000 Bios settings( see bios
setting in this guide).
8.2.1. If the flash is OK the problem can be with the network card on the NC1000.
Press CTRL + C to go to the prompt and try to ping the local NC1000 address
( you get a reply then the network card on the NC1000 is working
correctly. Double-check the cabling and the Windows PC configuration. you do not get a reply check the NIC configuration using the ezsetup
command (on the newer NC1000s only) or the configuration floppy disk. Make sure that
you have IRQ=5, I/O=240 and MEMORY ADDRESS =D8000. If all the settings are
correct, replace the card. The D-Link NE2000 card is Plug & Play so you do not need to
configure it or to check the settings; if you determine that the card is faulty you can only
replace it with a new one.
8.2.2. If the flash is not responding properly, before replacing it, make sure that: flash is connected properly to the motherboard BIOS settings on the NC1000 motherboard are correct. If you have a
Mitsubishi Trent motherboard check that in the Start Up options “Disketteless operation”,
“Displayless operation” and “Keyboardless operation” are set to Enabled Service Dept.
5/14/2002 3

8.3. If all the settings are correct, replace the flash

8.4. If, even after replacing the flash the problem still persists, you need to replace the NC1000

Update 6/6/02 (customer TS woodworks) Cannot connect to CNC Ping working OK from the windows pc
to both 151 and 150 (network part ok) When connecting monitor to the cni box getting message: Microxnc
remote keyboard server 1.1 Press scroll lock to switch to terminal “0” The console will switch to “8” after
10 seconds. The problem was with the Windows side; if you disconnect the network cable from the cni
box it boots normally showing the message vdcnc:c/CN on /server rw. In this case the problem was
resolved reloading the NC1000 on the windows PC. 8/1/02 (customer Panel Processing Indiana) Still
same error even after reloading NC1000. The problem was that Internet Explorer 4.0 was not installed in
Windows 95.

BIOS Settings for NC1000/XN600 Internal Computer

Use These if BIOS Settings are lost for any reason. Possible Solution for Connection

Related Errors: Halt on: No error

SYS (*) 10275 !
PLC 391 > I/O configuration not set. (ffffffff)
QUO (*) 10288 ! Virus Warning: Disabled
QUO (*) 10278 ! CPU internal cache: Enabled
PLC 391 > I/O configuration not set. (70e8b66) External cache: Enabled
после замены батарейки в компьютере XN600 CPU L2 cache ECC checking: Enabled
============================================== Quickpower on self-test: Enabled
= First Boot device: HDD-0
The machine in state "HALT". The problem started after Second Boot device: Floppy
replacing the battery in the unit "XN600". Third Boot device: Disabled
Boot other: Enabled
"XN600" responds to the command "Ping". Swap floppy drive: Disabled
In the window "QUOTE" shows the change of coordinates if Boot up Floppy seek: Disabled
we move axes by manual. Boot up NumLock status: On
Gate A20 option: Fast
All serial modules "POWER" and "RUN" LEDs ON. Typematic rate setting: Disabled
In "PLCDebug" displays all serial modules. Typematic rate: 6
The status of all signals "OUT" zero. Typematic delay: 250
In "PLCDebug" we can activate signals "OUT". Security option: Setup
============================================== APIC Mode : Disabled
= MPS Version Control For OS : 1.4
Connect external monitor and keyboard on the CNI BOX and OS select for DRAM> 64MB: Non OS2
check the BIOSETUP. HD S.M.A.R.T. capability: Disabled
According the data we have the motherboard equipped in Report no FDD for Win95: Yes
the CNI BOX is the FIC FR33, here following the SETUP: Video BIOS shadow: Disabled


Time: DRAM clock: Host CLK
IDE Primary Master: PQI IDE DRAM Timing By SPD: Enabled
DiskOnModule SDRAM cycle length: 3
IDE Primary Slave: None Bank Interleave: Disabled
IDE Secondary Master: None Memory hole: Disabled
IDE Secondary Slave: None P2C/C2P Concurrency: Enabled
Drive A: None Fast R-W Turn Around: Enabled
Drive B: None System BIOS cacheable: Disabled
Floppy 3 Mode Support: Disabled Video RAM cacheable: Disabled
Video: EGA/VGA Frame Buffer Size: 2M
AGP aperture size: 64M Modem use IRQ: NA
OnChip USB: Disabled Soft-off by PWRBTN: Instant-Off
OnChip USB 2: Disabled State after power failure: ON
USB Keyboard Support: Disabled Wake up Event: Press Enter
OnChip Sound: Disable USB Resume from S3: Disabled
OnChip Modem: Disable VGA: OFF
CPU to PCI write buffer: Enabled LPT & COM: NONE
PCI dynamic bursting: Enabled HDD & FDD: OFF
PCI master 0 WS write: Enabled PCI Master: OFF
PCI delay transaction: Enabled PowerOn by PCI Card: Disabled
PCI #2 access #1 retry: Disabled Wake Up On LAN/Ring: Disabled
AGP master 1 WS write: Disabled RTC Alarm Resume: Disabled
AGP master 1 WS read: Disabled Date: 0
Memory Parity/ECC Check: Disabled Resume Time: 0:0:0
IRQs Activity Monitoring: Press Enter
OnChip IDE channel 0: Enabled
OnChip IDE channel 1: Enabled
IDE prefetch mode: Enabled - PNP/PCI CONFIGURATION
Primary master PIO: Auto PNP OS installed: No
Primary slave PIO: Auto Reset configuration data: Disabled
Secondary master PIO: Auto Resources controlled by: Manual
Secondary slave PIO: Auto IRQ Resources: Press Enter
Primary master UDMA: Auto IRQ-3: PCI/ISA PnP
Primary slave UDMA: Auto IRQ-4: PCI/ISA PnP
Secondary master UDMA: Auto IRQ-5: Legacy ISA
Secondary slave UDMA: Auto IRQ-7: PCI/ISA PnP
Init display first: PCI slot IRQ-9: PCI/ISA PnP
IDE HDD block mode: Enabled IRQ-10: Legacy ISA
Onboard Lan Device: Enabled IRQ-11: Legacy ISA
Onboard Lan Boot ROM: Disabled IRQ-12: PCI/ISA PnP
Onboard FDD controller: Enabled IRQ-14: PCI/ISA PnP
Onboard Serial Port 1: 3F8/IORQ4 IRQ-15: PCI/ISA PnP
Onboard Serial Port 2: 2F8/IORQ3 DMA Resources: Press Enter
UART 2 Mode: Standard DMA-0: PCI/ISA PnP
IR Function Duplex: Half DMA-1: PCI/ISA PnP
TX,RX inverting enable: No,Yes DMA-3: PCI/ISA PnP
Onboard Parallel Port: 378/IRQ7 DMA-5: PCI/ISA PnP
Onboard Parallel Mode: EPP DMA-6: PCI/ISA PnP
ECP Mode Use DMA: 3 DMA-7: PCI/ISA PnP
Parallel Port EPP Type: EPP1.7 PCI/VGA palette snoop: Disabled
Onboard Legacy Audio: Disabled Assign IRQ for VGA: Disabled
Sound Blaster: Disabled Assign IRQ for USB: Disabled
SB I/O Base Address: 220H
SB DMA Select: DMA 1 Auto Detect DIMM/PCI CLK: Enabled
MPU- 401: Enabled Spread Spectrum: Enabled
MPU-401 I/O Address: 300-303H CPU Host Clock (CPU/PCI) Default
Game Port (200-207H): Enabled

- POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP ==============================================

ACPI function: Disabled =
Power management: Press Enter If problem persists try to set a new I/O configuration: From
Power Management: User Define Russian Forum: “It was my first experience with PLC Debug,
HDD Power Down: Disable but I have tried to push "HALT PLC" and "STOP" buttons and
Doze Mode: Disable then to load one of the stored configuration using FILE -
Suspend Mode: Disable OPEN and FILE - LOAD ... one of that attempts were
ACPI Suspend Type: S1(POS) successful and the error message PLC 391 about missing I /
PM control by APM: No O settings disappeared.”
Video off option: Always ON ==============================================
Video off method: V/H sync+Blank =

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